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Baby’s Development

Here’s your guide to your baby’s development and all its major milestones, health tips, challenges and more.

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Baby's Development: Things To Keep In Mind

Initial Days Of Infancy

  • Provide various ways for the baby to move freely, see, hear, and touch you. You should see the baby’s legs and arms move in disconnected ways. Slowly the baby will be learning how to control their movements.
  • Look into the baby’s eyes and smile at them in response to their smiles. You would see the baby reacting positively to your movements, facial expressions, and gestures.
  • Talk to the baby in ‘baby talk’ and soft tones. Both the parents and other caregivers must communicate with the newborn. You would notice that they can hear and will soon be starting to memorize and copy your words.
  • Gently try changing the sound of your voice. You can make it higher/lower, slower/quicker, or quieter/louder. You will observe reactions from the baby’s body and face, and notice them interacting with you.
  • Place your baby on the baby’s tummy and shake a bell or rattle in front of it. Slowly try lifting the rattle a little bit and start encouraging the baby to lift its head and shoulders to watch the bell movie. When you do so, it helps the baby follow the rattle or bell with their eyes, and also practice lifting their shoulders and head.
  • Gently stroke, soothe and hold the child. You can see the baby comforted and happy to be cuddled and held.
  • Do skin-to-skin contact. Hearing, feeling, and smelling your presence can provide the baby with a sense of security and calm.


For 6-9 Months Baby

  • Provide different ways for the child to hear, see, feel, move freely as well as touch you. The baby will slowly start establishing trust with you.
  • Slowly you can try moving colorful things for the child to see and reach for. A homemade, simple toy, such as a rattle, may attract the baby’s interest due to the sounds it makes.
  • Smile and laugh with the child and you can soon see the baby smile in return.
  • Talk to the child and copy their sounds or gestures. You may see them slowly focus on your face and even try to imitate your gestures in return.
  • Help the child follow an object. When they see it, you can move it slowly from side to side, even up and down. You will see the child trying to follow the object with their eyes.
  • Encourage the child to reach for any safe object. You can try something like a plastic object. You will see them trying to grab or touch it.
  • Cut out simple images of familiar things, animals, and people. Try getting images that show lots of different textures, colors, faces, and scenes. You should talk about the pictures too, as the baby looks at them. You will observe how the baby listens to what you tell them and participates in their own way.
  • Play any game with the baby. Place them on their tummy and slowly walk your fingers towards them. Then gently and quickly tickle them saying something like, “here comes my finger, here they are coming, closer and slowly, they got you”. If you want to change the game, make the fingers creep slowly, or wait at different intervals of time before tickling the child. You will see them show delight by squealing or laughing.


1. What should I do to improve my baby's brain development?

These basic things can help you improve your baby's development
  • Smile and laugh with the child and you can soon see the baby smile in return.
  • Talk to the child and copy their sounds or gestures. You may see them slowly focus on your face and even try to imitate your gestures in return.
  • Help the child follow an object. When they see it, you can move it slowly from side to side, even up and down. You will see the child trying to follow the object with their eyes.

  • 2. What games can I play with my baby?

    Place them on their tummy and slowly walk your fingers towards them. Then gently and quickly tickle them saying something like, “here comes my finger, here they are coming, closer and slowly, they got you”. If you want to change the game, make the fingers creep slowly, or wait at different intervals of time before tickling the child. You will see them show delight by squealing or laughing.

    3. How can I make my baby intelligent?

    Cut out simple images of familiar things, animals, and people. Try getting images that show lots of different textures, colors, faces, and scenes. You should talk about the pictures too, as the baby looks at them. You will observe how the baby listens to what you tell them and participates in their own way.
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