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Your 2-Week-Old Baby – development & growth

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2-week-old baby

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The 2-week-old baby might seem to be a little bundle of joy, but they can for sure eat a lot! Find out why and what are the ways you can deal with it in the upcoming days, along with keeping your health in place with Parenthood Bliss!

Your Baby's Second Week After Birth

The 2-week old baby’s health and development will seem to perhaps spurn in this very week for the first time as they become needier and will get hungrier more often. Perhaps, make sure you are ready beforehand and have a good supply of milk as the little one is completely dependent on you. Therefore, consume healthy and nutritious food, just in case you feel that the 2-weeks old baby isn’t fed that well, contact your pediatrician for further guidance.

Adding on, Baby’s sleep is still pretty erratic at this early stage, so make sure you pace yourself too and when you can. In case you require help, do not shy away and get the helping hands on board. This is the time for work and togetherness for the betterment of both you and the baby. Read on to know what else you can expect from this second week after birth.

Your 2-Week-Old Baby's Development And Physical Growth

Let us now understand what happens with the little one in their second week after birth in terms of their physical development in the second week after birth.

1. Your baby's weight:

  • As opposed to the first week, the little one in their second week will have surpassed or regained their birth weight by 10 – 14 days of life. This is due to the feeding, whether from the breast or the bottle formula feeding. Also if your baby was born at term ( at 9 months ) or before term because usually babies born at term gain weight by 2 weeks and preterm gain weight by the 3rd week.
  • It is ok if the baby may get off to a slow start in breastfeeding as it may take a little longer to put on pounds. However, until the baby’s doctor isn’t worried, you shouldn’t either. All you need to do is to make sure that the baby is well fed every two to three hours, counting from the first feed.

2. Your baby's sleep:

  • The 2-week old babies, until up to 3 or 4 months, will require about 14 to 17 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. And, they usually wake up for their feed every two to four hours. This is because they are still developing themselves and the body, perhaps, is slowly getting used to the schedule outside the protected and warm belly. Also, do not forget to catch your sleep too along with the baby when possible.

3. Your baby's diet:

  • Newborn babies consume roughly around 16 to 24 ounces of breast milk or formula in a 24 hour period.
  • An easy rule is to feed your baby once every 2 hours typically for 20 minutes and gradually build up the duration.

Your Newborn And 2-Week-Old Baby's Reflexes

The 2-week old baby might seem to not be doing way too much as you’d have expected them to. Their cycle would generally involve eating-sleeping-pooping. However:

  • The two weeks old baby is using their baby brain plenty, cycling between intently watching the surroundings and spending time in the drowsy phase. This phase could be the little one either about to fall asleep or just waking up.
  • Though in the first year, the infant might seem like a helpless newborn, they are making lots of developmental strides, including them being able to focus on a face, in their second week after birth. 
  • Fun fact, you may not be able to decipher between the baby’s true eye color until somewhere between 6 and 9 months, and might also keep changing until as late as their third birthday.

Your Newborn And 2-Week-Old Baby's Health

There are no shots due to appointments at the doctor’s (hurray!), but there are a few things you’ll require to keep in mind regarding the baby’s health.

  • The weight of the baby

As per the American Academy Of Pediatrics, the general healthy weight gain of a newborn in their second week is between 5 pounds 11.5 oz, and 8 pounds, 5.75 oz.

  • The right way to help the baby get their much-needed sleep

It is recommended and observed that the safest place for the little one is to sleep in a baby bassinet or a  crib. Make sure to use a baby flat head pillow to place the baby’s head and keep them flat on their back to sleep, until they are 1 year old.

  • Circumcision care for a baby boy

If the newborn baby boy is circumcised, in order to treat, it would take about 7 to 10 days to heal. Therefore, parents must be very gentle and clean the area when you change the diapers a day with warm water.

  • Your baby being cross-eyed

Your baby may seem to be cross-eyed. This is because the newborns’ are born with some extra skin that folds in the inner corners of their eyes and also because they don’t have full muscle control. But, you need not worry as the newborn will outgrow it as and when they grow and the folds will add to their nose or will disappear.

  • Umbilical cord infection in the 2-week-old baby

This rare umbilical cord infection, also known as omphalitis is a case that would require immediate medical attention. The infection occurs as and when the cord is cut or a few days after birth. Don’t meddle with the cord or try to pull it off, just leave it to fall on its own.

Postpartum Baby Tips: Week 2 After Birth

As new parents, you will for sure have a lot of questions that are left unanswered in your mind regarding the baby’s second week after birth. However, you must not rethink the curiosity as it is only natural as it comes regarding the little one what you could expect beforehand, just to be sure you’re ready and prepared with the dos.

To help you through this natural curiosity and understanding of everything that goes on with your baby in the second week after birth, we’ve tried covering the most common areas of concern and doubts in the baby’s first week after birth.

The Low Milk Supply

Breastfeeding moms generally experience a low milk supply in the second week after birth due to the adequate supply being fueled by the little one’s need. Listed below are the common culprits of the mentioned

  • In case you are also feeding the baby with formula, they will by default tend to drink less breast milk leading to the breasts producing less milk
  • If the moms have infrequent feedings, the milk production will tend to reduce the milk production
  • Cutting down on the nursing period results in the hindrance in the fat of the baby, but the breasts would also get drained.
  • If the baby spends more time sucking pacifiers, or on the breast, it could result in less milk production.

Your Baby's Thumb-Sucking Business

Wondering if the 2-week old baby sucks on their thumbs more often or why is it natural for them to do so? Check the reasons mentioned below:

  • This is considered a natural reflex for babies, so if your baby has already discovered it, that green light, also indicating the infant’s awareness and alertness.
  • Sucking on their thumbs helps them to feel calmer and relaxed, perhaps the need for pacifiers. Also, it helps them fill their tummies and love nonnutritive sucking more than others.

Your Baby's Soft Spots

Have you noticed two hole-like soft spots on the baby’s head, especially in these initial weeks after birth? Know what these are or why they are present in the first place?

It’s shaped like a diamond up to 2 inches across that begins to close when the baby is 6-months-old up until 24 months. These are known as fontanelles and are there for two main reasons.

  • It helps and allows the baby’s skull to shift and mold as and when they are ready to come out from the mommy’s comfortable belly during childbirth through the birth canal
  • It enables the little one’s head to have space and allows room for the growth of their brain in the first year.
  • Those soft spots are covered with strong membranes that are responsible for safeguarding the brain.

Note – In case the fontanel is depressed, this could indicate dehydration, and a constant bulging would indicate pressure on the brain. In either case, you must make sure to contact the baby’s doctor.

The Mother's Body After Childbirth: What is Happening in Your Body in the Second Week After Giving Birth?

Abdominal or Perineal Pain?

  • While there are most women who only feel intense discomfort in the initial 7 to 10 days postpartum, there are a few women who feel the lingering effects of childbirth for rather more weeks after delivery. Where you might find it uncomfortable to sit after the vaginal delivery or bend after in the case of a C-section.
  • In the case of vaginal birth, there are chances for the entire perineal area and rectum to be swollen for about a few weeks. As per the c-section is concerned, the stitches could be sore and sensitive for a few weeks as well with itchiness and scar that is quite common.
  • The movement of the bowel might seem uncomfortable for a number of weeks. Therefore, make it a point to drink lots of fluids and consume more amounts of fiber in your diet, or also opt for a stool softener after consulting the doctor.

Conquering Postpartum Constipation

If you feel constipated or blocked up in the second week after birth, try to take care of the things as per the list below to conquer postpartum constipation:

  • Have more amounts of fiber grains, such as whole-grain cereals, bread, brown rice, flaxseed, etc
  • Consume more raisins, figs, dried apricots, and prunes as they help boost the omega-3s
  • Take more crunchy and fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Prepare and eat more legumes, like lentils, soups, salsas, or salads
  • Avoid foods that are refined like white rice and white bread
  • Stay hydrated and drink up at least eight glasses of water a day, or a cup of hot water flavored with lemon, vegetable, and fruit juices too
  • If the above mentioned do not help you with unclogging, try to have more fiber after consulting your pediatrician

To Conclude - Becoming An Alert Parent

With the first week in and you in this second week after birth is perhaps nothing less than you compelling ahead towards major milestones with regards to your health and the baby’s growth and development. You will soon enter into the month and the year with this little family member that you’d perhaps learn to grow with and become alert parents as and when the time passes.

However, even then, irrespective of the six weeks or seven, or the age, you’ll know what needs to be done and is needed right away, be it a changing table,  or a set of new diapers and wipes. Whatever it includes, you must make sure to allow yourself time and patience, perhaps even before you know you’ll be pro parents.

Your 2-week-old baby FAQs

1. What should a 2-week old baby be doing?

A 2-week old baby's development might seem to be slower but they are for sure making progress. You can also expect the baby to sleep more often, that is about 16 - 20 hours in a 24 hours cycle. The baby may also try to raise their heads slightly and allow them time on their tummy in order to help them build and develop upper body muscles.

2. How do I play with my 2 weeks old?

Here are ways to help you have a comfortable yet effective bonding session with the little one: Play soothing music and hold your baby while swaying to the tune Sing your baby a soothing lullaby Stick your tongue out, smile, and make other expressions. This will help the baby learn and imitate your expressions

3. How tall should a 2-week old baby be?

As per the American Academy Of Pediatrics, the average length of a baby at 2 weeks is 19 to 20 inches, which is about 50 cm. However, for most babies, the range is between 18 and 22 inches, which is equal to 45.7 to 60 cm.

Reviewed By-

Nimrat, Pediatrics

Nimrat, Pediatrics

Dr. Nimrat S Sidhu is a practicing pediatrician for about 5 years now and holds an MD pediatrics degree. She was the topper of her batch, has always had a keen interest in her core medical field, and is specially trained for neonatal resuscitation.

On behalf of the editorial team at Parenthoodbliss, we follow strict reporting guidelines and only use credible sources, along with peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and highly respected health organizations. To learn about how we maintain content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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