Table of Contents
49-week-old baby- Some 1st birthday tips and ideas to get the prep going, how to introduce your toddler to new, adult foods, and the truth behind thin, fly-away hair along your hairline.
Your baby's forty-nine weeks after birth
Your 49 weeker’s baby development after the completion of 12 months is perhaps a step towards a new adult life, but one must not forget that they have their first birthday in just a few days/weeks! However, you can expect your baby to start babbling already if you haven’t earlier, using different words, there might be a few major physical changes, will be crawling and cruising and standing and walking with support.
On the bright side, they will have their nap time increased too! Isn’t this a dream already?
As far as the other developmental milestones of your baby are concerned, they will achieve a few now and in the coming weeks. In order to know more about your baby’s growth and development in week 49, read on!
Your 49-week-old baby's development and physical growth
Let us now understand what happens with the little one in their forty-nine-week after birth in terms of the baby’s development during this week.
Your baby's weight:
Expect your baby to weigh around 19.12 lbs to 21.04 lbs. Nonetheless, if you observe the baby grow less or more, make sure to consult the doctor for help.
Your baby's sleep:
- Expect the sleeping process for both, breastfed and formula-fed babies to be the same. However, parents now must try to transition from breastfeeding – sleep – falling asleep forms of comfort.
- The easiest way to help give your baby comfort is by using techniques such as cuddling, rocking, patting, and singing lullabies. This is important to help your baby to get used to the new sleeping routine and then gradually accept it without being fed.
- However, if the transition on the toddler is too hard like if they are not well or are teething, try again in a week or as and when the baby gets better.
Your baby's diet:
- If you are considering weaning your baby, it is best to consult your doctor first, as ideally a toddler must be bottle-fed during and before naptime. And, when they wake up, parents should give them milk to drink in a sippy cup only about 4-6 serves per day. While on the other times, the toddler must be given soft solids as they prepare to transition into a new year.
- As a part of the weaning, make sure to gradually reduce the amount of milk and also try to end the feed before they are settled in the bed. This is important as the basic difficulty is to break the connection to the baby with their bottles.
Your 49-week-old baby's health
A 49-week old baby or eleven months old is acquiring major milestones and visiting the doctor for a check-up counts as one. Here’s what you can expect from the visit to the baby’s doctor:
- Tests
Expect the doctor to check the baby’s height, weight, and head circumference in order to evaluate their growth progress. The doctor may also ask a few questions, this includes your baby’s sleep habits, sight, physical and behavioral development.
- Blood test
The baby might have to go through a blood test in order to check for any signs of lead poisoning in their blood.
- Vaccination
A baby at 49 weeks will be given a shot of Hib vaccine, Hepatitis A vaccine, Measles Mumps Rubella vaccine, and the Pneumococcal (PCV) vaccine. And, as per the doctor’s advice, a final dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine and the third dose of the Polio (IPV) vaccine.
Postpartum baby tips: Week 49 after birth
With the completion of the baby’s first year, the little one will learn to acquire most milestones this week and in the following year. Listed below are a few that you can expect the little one to go through:
- There are chances that the baby wouldn’t stop moving, which means, if they are crawling, cruising, or taking their first tentative steps, your baby just wouldn’t stop and will practice as near as 24/7.
- This can result in your 12 months old baby taking longer naps at night and that’s ok. This also makes them feel happier, improves their physical coordination, and makes the toddler be confident.
- In the first year, your baby is also likely to be able to walk while holding onto one or both of your hands and transforming into a confident walker. (Don’t forget to grab toddler shoes for your little walker).
- This is also the best time to introduce push toys, like a baby-size stroller, toy lawnmowers, and tiny shopping carts, etc. These toys will help them grab onto something for better balance, and build their incentive to start walking ( if not already).
Introducing new foods to your 49-week old baby
- A baby takes around 8-10 rounds until they finally choose to get used to a dish. Perhaps, if the 49 weekers don’t like their eggs in a particular way, there are chances that they would when served in a different way.
- Try some changes in your initial recipe in a variety of ways. For instance, pureed peas might not be a favorite, but steamed peas with pasta could do the trick. On the other hand, if your baby doesn’t find vegetables to be their favorite, you can try to twist the shapes or puree them for them to eat.
If you find it difficult to decide on, try organic baby foods to know what suits your toddler best. Once you are aware of their taste, prepare a meal and serve
The need for games for your baby in order to build motor skills
- Encourage your baby’s walking skills by taking their hands and gently pulling in a standing position. This will help them get comfortable while standing.
- Plat with a different range of toys, like colored rings, a moving along the tube, or a picture book with noise buttons. It will help the little one learn new words and sounds and improve dexterity.
- Demonstrate activities that your baby will mimic. This includes picking her toys and putting them in the basket, talking on the phone, etc.
- Allow the toddler to play and mix around with kids of their size and age. This will help them learn the skills of socializing.
The parents after childbirth of a 49-week old baby: What is happening and what to expect in their forty-nine-week after giving birth?
Here are a few tips for our parents to help them simplify their journey with their 49th-week old baby:
Understanding the care tips:
- Make sure to use a fluoridated toothpaste to clean your baby’s teeth as suggested by the baby’s pediatrician. And, use a small amount to prevent tooth decay.
- Interact with the toddler as much as possible and read to them. It will help them and learn new words to use while babbling.
- If not already, start the transition from bottles to sippy cups slowly.
- No not use baby talking in the conversation now and talk to them as you would otherwise. This will help them learn the language correctly and fluently.
- Try to include more protein in their diet. For instance, foods like poultry, eggs, beans, and vegetables. But, after consulting your doctor.
- Use baby shampoo and soap for your baby to prevent an infection or rash.
Understanding your baby's health and the urgent need of a doctor
Listed below are a few instances where parents must consult a doctor regarding their 49-week old baby during this week:
- In case your baby doesn’t respond to their name even by 12 months. They might need a hearing evaluation.
- If your baby has an itchy or uncomfortable sensation in terms of a rash, as it could be a sign of an allergy.
- In case your baby squints, tilts their head in order to have a better vision, constantly rubs their eyes. A doctor is needed to check if there is a problem with their sight.
- If there is redness, pain, tears, and crust or pinkeye.
To Conclude
A 49-week-old baby is almost ready to celebrate their first birthday and we’re sure you are too! However, make sure you are preparing a celebration just for a few hours as the baby might get tired and get cranky if kept for a longer period of time.
Nonetheless, Parenthood Bliss, wishes both, the parents and the babies a very happy birthday ( almost) and we wish to be a part of your journey. Please feel free to contact and check our website often in case of a search related to your baby. We’re always happy to help. Cheers!