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Your 22-Week-Old Baby – development & growth

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22-Week-Old Baby

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Your baby's twenty-second week after birth

Your 22-week-old baby would have a growth spurt by this time. Most babies are constantly moving around and being more active. You might notice your baby rolling around on the tummy, scooting on the ground, or even crawling. If your little one has started crawling, be mindful about leaving stuff on the floor that could harm them. Babies tend to put everything they can get their hands on directly into their mouths.

At 22 weeks, your baby’s weight will be a lot more than before. They may move stuff with their fingers and even grab onto simple items such as feeding bottles. Your little one’s brain has progressed a lot as they are more aware of their surroundings. Your baby knows the difference between animate and inanimate things vaguely. Plus, it’s a great time to baby-proof your home. Additionally, you can expect to see your baby crying uncontrollably one moment, and giggling and smiling, the next. Talk about mood swings!

Your -week-old baby's development and physical growth

Your baby’s weight:

  • Your baby boy will weigh somewhere between 13 to 23 pounds and measure around 24 to 29 inches.
  • Whereas, your baby girl will weigh somewhere between 12 to 22 pounds and measure around 23 to 28 inches.

Your baby’s diet:

  • As weeks are passing by, your little one might become more hungry. 
  • This might tempt you to introduce more solid food into their diet. 
  • But the primary item in their diet must be breast milk. 
  • Why? Because breast milk has the right balance of nutrients that your baby needs for further development. 
  • Moreover, your baby’s digestive system is not strong enough to extract such nutrients from solid food as of yet.

Your baby’s sleep:

  • Your little one is more likely to wake up during naps which means there’s going to be more sleep interruptions. 
  • Your 22-week-old baby’s sleep hours are still the same. 
  • During this period, every time your baby wakes up, you’ll find them in a completely different position. 
  • Also, expect to wake up at ungodly hours from your baby’s cries. They’ll cry for your support to go back to sleep.
  • You can expect this sort of disruption of sleep before every major development in terms of locomotion (such as crawling, sitting, and standing). 
  • So, for the next few months, sleep regression will become a thing. 
  • During this period, you can try co-sleeping as it reduces the disruption and everyone gets some quality sleeping time.

Your 22-week-old baby's reflexes

  • At this stage, your little one will be able to move something in front of them with their fingers.
  • Your baby will be pretty grabby now but they are usually unable to feed themselves.
  • If you introduced any food to your baby, they might take a small piece of it and bring it to their mouth to eat.
  • During this week, your little one is constantly moving around and always being active.
  • Also, they might like the sound that things make. You can find them dropping, shaking, or tapping whatever they can to hear sounds.

Your 22-week-old baby's health


  • Babies will inevitably catch fevers and it can get quite scary because they’re too young to tell you what doesn’t feel good. 
  • Remember that a fever isn’t an illness. 
  • Your baby’s body is fighting off a viral or bacterial infection, sometimes vaccinations can trigger a fever. 
  • Here’s how to handle your little one’s fever:
    • First, take their temperature with a rectal thermometer. Temperatures up to 102.5 F are common for babies that are 3 months to 3 years of age. 
    • You need to keep them comfortable and hydrated. 
    • It’s safe to give your baby acetaminophen (Tylenol). 
    • Check if you’re giving the accurate dosage based on your baby’s weight. 
    • Your sick baby needs some extra snuggles.
    • Contact your pediatrician if the fever spikes higher than 104 F, if it lasts more than 24 hours, if it doesn’t come down with fever reducers or your baby isn’t taking in enough liquids or is extremely lethargic. 
    • Remember to trust your instincts and call the doctor (if something feels ‘off’).

Tests and Vaccinations:

  • In just two more weeks, your pediatrician will schedule a 6-month checkup for your little one. 
  • By this time, the vaccinations will be against hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. 
  • Also, the PCV will protect your little one against meningitis, ear infections, and pneumonia. 
  • As for stomach flu, they have been prescribed an oral rotavirus vaccine. 
  • The Hib vaccine will combat the Haemophilus influenza type b bacteria, which can cause epiglottitis or pneumonia in children. 
  • If any one of these is pending, make sure that you get them done. 
  • At this time, discuss the flu vaccination with your healthcare provider.
  • Moreover, there can be some possible side effects of vaccinations. 
  • These side effects include rashes and fever. 
  • So, the risk of not getting vaccinated outweighs the small, unimportant symptoms. 
  • If you have any queries, consult the pediatrician.

Postpartum baby tips: Week 22 after birth

Understanding object permanence

  • By now, your baby might develop object permanence. 
  • With the help of object permanence, your baby will understand that even when something disappears from their view (a stuffed animal or you), it’s not gone forever. 
  • Some fun games that you can play to help develop this new skill include hide-and-seek with toys, peek-a-boo, and guess which hand? 
  • Doing these cool tricks will improve your little one’s cognitive development. 
  • It also helps with separation anxiety.

Understanding baby bonding time

  • Although babies love to hang out with their parents, they don’t want your nonstop presence. 
  • Babies need some alone time now and then. 
  • Especially after an extended bout of dancing or singing session with you.
  • Your little one will find the constant stimulation and interaction overwhelming. 
  • Some clues that your baby needs a break include them looking away from you, bringing their hand up to their ear, arching their back, or stiffening their body. 
  • Look for these signs as they are saying it’s all too much! 
  • When this happens, you can either put your baby down for a nap or go for some mutual downtime. 
  • Your little one can relax on a baby playmat, while you catch up on whatever you want.
  • Additionally, for the times when you need some quiet time. 
  • A good bouncy seat, doorway jumper, swing, or highchair come in handy. 
  • Plus, add their favorite toy to clutch and gnaw, your little one will be safe and well entertained. No guilt required!

The mother's body after childbirth: What is happening in your body in the twenty-second week after giving birth?

Your body’s phantom kicks

  • Some new moms experience this freaky phenomenon called “phantom kicks” long after they’ve delivered. 
  • Even though you’re not pregnant, it feels like a baby is kicking inside your belly.
  • It is a muscle spasm or gas. 
  • However, since you were so accustomed to them during pregnancy, your brain interprets these sensations as baby kicks. 
  • Do not panic! This is a normal postpartum scenario. 
  • These ‘phantom kicks’ can either start right away or you can feel it here and there into your baby’s toddler years!

You need to teach your baby "no"

  • As your little one is getting closer to 9 months, they’ll develop a basic understanding of the word “No.” 
  • You can start setting some stricter limits and enforcing some rules. 
  • For instance, pry their hands from the dog’s tail and calmly say, “no pulling”. 
  • If you use the word “No” too much, it will become meaningless or even comic to your baby. 
  • So, to keep your baby out of harm’s way, opt for some other strategies

Final Thoughts

Parenthood is a wonderful experience and with each passing week, a new story unfolds. Your little one will show signs of growth and development and win over everyone’s heart. Keep in mind these developmental milestones are simply guidelines, not specific plans. These developments can happen a little early or a little late, it depends on your baby. Even though taking care of the baby can be a difficult ordeal, it is more than worth it! 

During this time, let your little one move around. However, consult a doctor if you sense something is off!

FAQs- Your 22-Week-Old Baby: Development & Growth

1. What should a 5-month-old baby do?

At 22 weeks, your little one can move their head on their own and can move their body more by reaching, wriggling, and rolling. Your baby’s hand-eye is much better too. Also, keep an eye on your baby as they can reach out for objects with one hand, grab it and will put them in their mouth, or move them from hand to hand.

2. How do I know if my baby is going through a growth spurt?

  • Increased appetite.
  • Increase in muscle and bone growth.
  • Increase in the amount of fat that’s stored in their body.
  • 3. What Colours do 5-month-olds see?

    By 22 weeks, your little one’s color perception has sharpened. Now, they can tell the difference between two shades of the same color. However, babies still prefer primary colors such as red, blue, and yellow.

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