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In addition to comfy postpartum pajamas and a nighty foot massage, new parents need to have a fabulous Best umbrella stroller. With all these exciting options of the best umbrella strollers, it might be overwhelming to choose one. Yeah, you could surf the internet for the best strollers but with a baby rummaging around you, it might be tiring.
Umbrella strollers are a must for new parents as they are lightweight, smaller compared to the full-size stroller, easy to load, and keep your little one riding in style. Trendy as they are, never pick the buggy at the center of a fashion show (those ain’t practical, mums!)
Umbrella strollers are a pared-down version of traditional umbrella strollers and can weigh up to 6 pounds. A shoulder strap makes it easy to carry around and easy to fold down to the size of an umbrella. Most strollers are designed for 6 months older babies. Some of them are even perfect for infants and if you plan to put a newborn in it, you must make sure the strollers are sturdy and have seatback reclines.
But, What is An Umbrella Stroller?
An umbrella stroller typically weighs 20 pounds and less (shows how lightweight it is). It is a portable version of a stroller that is easier and smaller to pack. These are designed to make your quick travels, trips, and walks hassle-free. That said, umbrella strollers are meant for toddlers and babies who are 4 to 7 months or older (meaning they must be able to sit upright).
Excited about packing for a weekend trip, or visiting your parents with your little one? We’re here to rescue you from the hassle of choosing the best umbrella stroller. Check out the top 10 standard umbrella strollers in the market!
11 Best Umbrella Strollers in The Market in 2022: Which is Your Pick?
1. Summer Infant 3DFlip Umbrella Stroller ($139.99)
Parents who like to keep an eye on their kids even while they push them should get this stroller as soon as they can. With most umbrella strollers that face the other way that doesn’t allow parents to check on their kids, Summer Infant 3D Flip works perfectly as it has a reversible seat design that allows the baby to ride facing their parent.
– It has an aluminum frame that weighs 17 pounds.
– A carry strap that collapsed for the convenience of traveling.
– Its versatile seat reclines to 6 different positions that ensure the baby’s comfort.
– The canopy features a window to peek at and check on the baby.
– This stroller can be used with babies weighing 5 pounds to 50 pounds, making it one of the best umbrella strollers for toddlers.
– Stroller weight: 13.2 lbs
– Dimensions: 31 ✕ 25.5 ✕ 39.5 inches

Amazon Reviews:
Amazon Reviews:
2. Summer Infant 3Dlite Umbrella Stroller ($99.99)
Amongst the best lightweight umbrella strollers, Summer 3Dlite is a top pick for its reclining feature (you can almost make it flat and that makes a great nap time). Parents applaud the stroller’s padding, straps, and foam handles. It is also one of the best umbrella strollers for toddlers on the market.
– This is a stroller within the budget that weighs up to 13 pounds for babies who weigh 50 pounds to 43 inches tall.
– Summer Infant 3D lite is lightweight with a durable aluminum frame, a seat with 4 recline positions, and a 5-point safety harness.
– This stroller is also equipped with a removable canopy that has a flip-out visor for sun protection for your baby.
– The anti-shock front wheels are lockable.
– Added to this the stroller has an extra-large storage basket with a rear storage pocket to store essentials.
– Stroller weight: 13 lbs
– Dimensions: 18 ✕ 17 ✕ 43 inches

Amazon Reviews:
Amazon Reviews:
3. Babyzen YOYO2 Umbrella Stroller ($529)
Do you use strollers a lot? If yes, it’s best to invest in a high-quality one and Babyzen YOYO+ Stroller is a perfect choice. It folds into a small form tool that can be used for children from 6 months of age or those who weigh less than 33 pounds.
– Most reviewers call it their “all-time favorite” stroller for its compact, lightweight, compact form, and comfortable padding.
– The fold and unfold can be done using one hand with a 5-point safety harness and extendable leg rest with a reclining feature attached.
– Stroller weight: 13.6 lbs
– Dimensions: 20.5 ✕ 17.3 ✕ 7.1 inches

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Amazon Reviews:
4. gb Pockit Air All Terrain Umbrella Stroller ($159)
Whether you have to shove your stroller into a corner or have a tight space in your car trunk, gb Pockit umbrella strollers are the ones that parents are seeking. They are the most compatible and travel-friendly umbrella strollers with a unique two-step folding system.
– It weighs 9.5 pounds and is ideal for children older than 6 months.
– It weighs less than 55 pounds.
– The Gb Pockit stroller folds into an 11.8 x 7 x 13.8 inches form that makes it easy to bring along in a car or airplane.
– The stroller is equipped with a secure safety belt and comfortable pads set at different heights for growing kids.
– They also feature lockable front swivel wheels with an overhead canopy and padded handlebars.
– Stroller weight: 9.5 lbs
– Dimensions: 28 ✕ 18 ✕ 39.8 inches

5. Maclaren Mark II Lightweight Umbrella Stroller ($229)
Do you prefer the best lightweight umbrella stroller ever? Then this is what you need! It weighs 7.4 pounds designed for children over 6 months that weigh 55 pounds with a variety of thoughtful features.
– It has a unique hexagonal frame design that makes it durable.
– The ergonomic linked cable brake system ensures safety.
– It also has an oversized UV + waterproof sun canopy with a built-in reclining seat and wind-resistant rain cover.
– If you want, you can choose to remove its single-position seat and put it for washing in the machine.
– Stroller weight: 15 pounds
– Dimensions: 30 ✕ 19 ✕ 43 inches

6. BABY JOY Lightweight Travel Umbrella Stroller ($115.99)
Are you planning for a trip and need a stroller for the same? Baby Joy is what you are looking for! It is a lightweight compact stroller with a collapsible design.
– It works best for babies older than 6 months that weigh less than 50 pounds.
– Baby Joy weighs 12 pounds with a 5-point safety harness, 360-swivel front wheels, and a large storage basket.
– It also has a UV-resistant canopy that is adjustable.
– Stroller weight: 12 pounds
– Dimensions: 26 ✕ 20 ✕ 43.5 inches

Amazon Reviews:
Great & sturdy and easy to maneuver. Loved that the wheels turned 360 easily. We took it out of the country and it was perfect for traveling. We checked it at the gate with no problems.
My son was comfortable and the lay back feature came in handy as he was able to take a nap with no problems.
Overall great buy!
– SR
7. Kolcraft Cloud Umbrella Stroller ($49.99)
These reclining strollers are popular amongst parents as recliners help the baby sleep better, accommodating children up to 40 pounds. It fits the categories of affordability, durability, a lightweight dress, and simple design.
– It is collapsible offering a 3-point safety restraint system (not shoulder restraints).
– The stroller can be folded using one hand.
– It also comes with an extended sun canopy that protects your child from the heat.
– A small storage pocket can hold all your essentials like bottles and snacks.
– Stroller weight: 9.5 lbs
– Dimension: 38.31 ✕ 9.41 ✕ 9 inches

Amazon Reviews:
8. Kolcraft Cloud Plus Travel Stroller ($79.99)
Keeping your munchkin protected from the hot sun is important when you are out for that quick walk in the park. Kolcraft Cloud Plus is the ultimate companion for those summer strolls.
– This umbrella stroller is lightweight.
– It has an extended canopy to protect your little one from the sun.
– A peek-a-boo window helps you glance down to see what your human is up to.
– The seat can recline and you can position it the way you like.
– Its 5-point harness system is pretty cool.
– Children up to 50 pounds can travel in this umbrella stroller.
– You can store all your essentials in the storage basket.
– It has front suspension and all-terrain wheels to give your baby a smooth ride.
– Stroller weight: 11.8 lbs
– Dimensions: 31.25 ✕ 18 ✕ 39 inches

Amazon Reviews:
9. Graco Breaze Umbrella Stroller ($179,97)
This lightweight travel system can multi-position and recline its seat. Its front swivel wheels ensure that your baby has no bumpy rides in your travels together.
– This is specially designed for infants with a lower weight limit and can hold children up to 50 pounds (the best umbrella stroller for toddlers!).
– It is incredibly easy to fold which makes it great to use daily featuring a convertible 3- or 5-point harness as the kid grows.
– It comes with an extra-large canopy with UV-50 protection, a removable parent cup holder, and a large storage basket with a multi-position recline to help lay flat!
– Stroller weight: 17.56 pounds
– Dimensions: 27.5 ✕ 20 ✕ 40 inches

Amazon Reviews:
10. Delta Children LX Side by Side Tandem Umbrella Stroller ($99.99)
Have two kids and need a stroller to help you transport them at once? We’ve got you! The Delta Children LX Side by Side Tandem is the best double umbrella stroller for travel. It has been rated top amongst parents due to its lightweight, easy folding, and affordable price.
– It accommodates two children at a time up to 35 pounds.
– The stroller has 360-degree shock-absorbing wheels with 5-point harnesses and soft shoulder pads.
– It fits perfectly through a 30-inch door and has a canopy to shield the younger ones on hot days.
– Stroller weight: 18.3 lbs
– Dimensions: 29.9 ✕ 37 ✕ 23.4 inches

Amazon Reviews:
11. OXO Tot Cubby Plus Umbrella Stroller ($205.91)
Tired of hunching? Parents, we’ve got you! This is a stroller for tall parents that features an adjustable handlebar.
– It is on the heavier side at 18 pounds with a high-quality design resulting in extra weight.
– The stroller has a 5-point harness with a feature of a pull cinching that makes it easier to open and close with just one hand.
– It stands upright when folded with fabric easy to clean, making it breathable, and water-resistant.
– Stroller weight: 28 lbs
– Dimensions: 20 ✕ 28 ✕ 11 inches

What should one Look in an Umbrella Stroller ?
– The Size: As umbrella strollers are smaller by nature compared to the full-size ones, they still vary in size and weight. Also, don’t forget to consider the usage of the stroller to how often you’ll be folding and carrying it. Keep in mind the size of the child with strollers that accommodate different weights.
– The Price: These umbrella strollers come at variant prices so you must be aware of the usage, daily or occasionally. If daily, you may want to invest in a full-size stroller, or if just to travel, consider an easy to maneuver stroller.
– Its Features: What would you like a stroller to have apart from the seat and wheels? Is it the cup holders and storage for snacks, or the diaper bag space? If you only care about a lightweight option to use occasionally, then a basic version should be a good choice!
Final Takeaway-
Having the best umbrella stroller is a must for parents looking forward to carrying their kids to places or even to travel. These travel strollers are lightweight, easy to fold, and customized in various forms to comfort the parents as per their needs. Therefore, parents now must hunt down their perfect stroller that works according to the size of the baby. We hope our list of the 10 best umbrella strollers helped you find yours!