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Pregnancy Hacks – How To Make Your Summer Pregnancy More Comfortable

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Carrying a baby, in the first place, as emotional and life-changing a journey it might be, in all reality, is a very difficult and rather an uncomfortable thing to do. Expecting mothers are known to undergo massive hormonal changes that keep their bodies heated up in general. A lot of mothers also go through this phenomenon called a “hot flush” which literally is supposed to feel like what you would feel if you entered a room on fire so hear are the some 0f the pregnancy hacks.

Needless to say, being pregnancy hacks during summers can get rather overwhelming for mothers.Mammas are always raving about how they carried us around in their stomachs for nine months and in all honesty, they really need to get more credit for this. However, let us talk today about the pregnancy hacks for an expecting mother in summers, can make your pregnancy more comfortable!

Here’s How to Make Your Summer Pregnancy a Breeze

  1. Some movement and exercise are recommended by experts for expecting mothers. Being pregnant in hot months might make you tired faster, due to which, you might overall avoid exerting yourself and might tend to stay indoors – which is not advisable at all. Indulge in some outdoor tasks every morning when the sun is not yet “all-out” and the temperature is relatively cooler.
  2. Wear light-coloured, loosely-fitted clothes so as to avoid heat absorption through clothing.
  3. Stay hydrated. As a pregnant hacks woman, it is not just you that you have to take care of, it is your baby too. Whatever you consume is shared by two and hence, especially in summers, it is necessary to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids and perhaps, even some sports drinks as they are charged with electrolytes that help cover for lost salts.
  4. Pamper yourself with quick showers and take frequent restorative naps.
  5. Women often experience swelling during pregnancy which can be extremely uncomfortable, let alone during summers. Also called edema, this swelling occurs because when a woman is pregnant, the body produces more blood and fluid to be able to fulfil the additional needs of the baby. Besides, this also accounts for the weight gain that occurs during the pregnancy, Swelling can occur in any part of the body but hands, legs, and feet are always more vulnerable as that is where most of the physical labour comes from. Hence, always elevate your feet when lying so as to avoid swelling.
  6. Reduce the salt intake as too much sodium can force your body to retain water and cause additional bloating.
  7. Apart from the general bodily issues, women can also suffer some abnormal skin issues during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the melanin in the skin responds actively to hormonal changes. Besides, the skin is factually more delicate during pregnancy due to the increased hormone levels, which makes mothers more vulnerable to sun damage.

Here’s How to Save Your Summer Pregnancy Skin from Damage

  1. Keep your face and upper chest safe from tanning by using SPF and covering your exposed body parts with a cloth. Make hats, SPF, and protective clothing an obsession.
  2. Pregnancy stretches the mother’s skin and in already dry weather, the stretched skin can become rather itchy, cracked, and irritating in general. Moisturize your skin with lotions, and soothing gels multiple times a day, especially after showers. Soaking a warm bath towel in oatmeal and using it on itchy skin can also help alleviate irritation.
  3. Prickly heat rashes are also common amongst pregnant mothers. Such rashes can particularly occur in areas where skin surfaces rub, like beneath the breasts and between the thighs. Such painful rashes can be avoided by wearing lighter fabrics that fit loosely, and by immediately drying such surfaces after showers or after sweating.
    All said and done, pregnancy remains the most life-changing, life-altering, and emotional experience of a mother’s life. Having said that, there no reason why a mother should not feel anything less than fabulous during pregnancy. 

Bonus: Style Survive A Summer Pregnancy Hacks

Clothing: During your summer pregnancy hacks, lightweight, empire-wasted tops can make a huge statement icon while offering all the comfort. They also emphasize your cleavage more than your waist, for added brownie points. Instead of jeans and tights, try switching to breezy, flowy skirts and tunics to avoid feeling suffocated and uneasy. For dinner dates, look for dresses that are stretchable to accommodate the extra weight around the belly without feeling cramped up as in non-stretch dresses. Research and invest in monochrome clothing as prints and too many colours can make you look broader than you even are.

Accessorize: Add some colour pop to your otherwise suggested monochrome clothing with accessories like bags, watches, belts, and jewellery. Keep your feet free by investing in comfortable and cute flip flops that will also help combat the infamous pregnancy swelling as discussed before.

Final Thoughts-

There is a lot of content on the internet for pregnant mothers to read, watch, and take advice from. While most of this content works for most mothers and is written in the best interest of pregnant mamas, one needs to remember lie is not one-size-fits-all. Each woman has a different body type and each woman’s hormones work differently. While some women suffer from enormous period cramps, for some, the feeling of a cramp remains a mystery. While some women might wake up with morning sickness throughout pregnancy, some might not throw up even once. While some women might love to show off the baby bump, some might want it to be less obvious and they may resort to pregnancy styling hacks like that of using a broad belt.
Pregnancy is a very intimate and personal experience and each woman is allowed to feel it how they want and tackle it in the manner that suits them the best. Whatever you read, watch, or are advised for – research on it, take expert suggestions, and do only what feels right to you. Do not follow a tip just because it is on the internet, do what feel right to you, your body, and your incoming little bundle of joy!

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