When a baby experiences discomfort from gas, parents and other caregivers are aware of how distressing it can be. It may be tempting to try placing a gassy baby on their stomach or side to see if that helps with digestion when they have trouble sleeping due to gassiness. However, the best sleeping position for a gassy baby—and every baby—is on their back to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Fortunately, there are several effective ways to help a gassy baby feel better and reduce discomfort. The best sleeping position for a gassy baby is… uh ah, read on to find out! Because you need more details before you get that answer!
Does Lying Down Help a Gassy Baby?
Is lying down the best sleeping position for a gassy baby? Babies’ gassiness may get worse if they lie down because it let air get deeper into their digestive tract. Be that as it may, whether they are gassy, a child ought to continuously be put on their back to rest. In this position, some parents may be concerned that their child might choke on poop, but lying on their back makes it even less likely for their child to choke.
Sleeping on one’s stomach or side puts young infants at an increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related deaths. Specialists prescribe putting infants on their backs to rest until they are 1 year old.
The American Academy of Pediatrics issues new recommendations that advised parents and/or caregivers to always put a baby on a flat surface to sleep. In the past, doctors advised raising the head of a baby’s crib to facilitate digestion.
Let Your Little One Take a Nap in The Best Sleeping Position for a Gassy Baby
If a baby tends to be gassy after eating, it might be helpful to hold them upright for about 30 minutes before putting them to sleep. The upright position aids in the elimination of gas and minimizes spitting up, which is another common occurrence during feedings. Keeping the baby calm and burping them for the next half an hour may also help with digestion.
Here’s a list of the best baby bottles to prevent spit-ups!
And, if it helps the baby feel better, you can let them lie on their stomach and rub their back while they are awake. Remember the best sleeping position for a gassy baby is lying on their back.
What are The Signs of a Gassy Baby?
Baby gassiness is a painful sensation caused by gas stuck in their tiny digestive system that builds up after they eat. The gas might make them feel bloated and crampy. Since infants can’t talk, guardians and parents should depend on specific signs to decipher when a kid is gassy. A baby may experience gas or abdominal pain when they are:
- Fussy
- Pulling their legs in toward their abdomen
- Unwilling to eat
- Has a swollen stomach
- Arching their back
- Crying
- Clenching their fists
But how does gas build up in their digestive tract? During feeding, infants frequently swallow air, which can cause gas to build up in the digestive system. If a baby eats too much or doesn’t burp enough while feeding, they frequently become gassy.
As newborn children figure out how to eat without gulping air, their absorption interaction becomes smoother. The majority of parents and caregivers should notice a difference once they are 3 and 4 months old.
A gassy baby may be swallowing air:
- While breathing and crying: While they are crying, babies may also swallow air, which can make gas worse, swell the abdomen, and cause flatulence.
- Insufficient digestive system: According to some studies, a baby’s digestive system might have trouble absorbing carbohydrates, which could cause too much gas. This needs to be confirmed by more research.
- Lactose intolerance: Babies who are lactose intolerant lack the enzyme needed to break down the lactose in cow’s milk, which can lead to gas and diarrhea. A premature baby is more likely to suffer from lactose intolerance, which can manifest as symptoms as soon as 30 minutes after feeding.
- Other food-responsive qualities and sensitivities: Caffeine, nuts, chocolate, dairy products, and other foods that a mother who is breastfeeding consumes may irritate her infant. Working with a medical care supplier to wipe out issues food sources from the grown-up’s diet might help. A gassy newborn baby with an aversion to drain proteins might require a solution liberated from soy and cow’s milk.
- Just unique body systems: One possibility is that some infants may have a higher prevalence of gas-producing bacteria and lower levels of beneficial bacteria in their digestive systems.
Gas and Colic: Are They The Same?
Some people think that gas can cause colic. A baby who cries more frequently than is considered normal for newborns is said to have colic. Sometimes, caregivers and parents notice that babies with colic turn calm once they pass gas.
However, a lot of researchers think that gas is oppositely linked to colic. A baby who is already crying out of colic may be more likely to become gassy because babies take in air as they cry. There is currently no conclusive proof that intestinal gas causes colic in infants, according to studies.
You can ease a gassy baby’s discomfort with a few tricks up your sleeve. A few children might answer better to specific methods, so take a stab at testing to find what works best. Oh, here are some of the best formulas for gassy babies!
Burp The Baby
Pat the baby carefully on the back. The infant should be held upright, leaning slightly forward, and have their head supported by an adult. The stomach is gently compressed in this position, but not to the point where they are likely to vomit. Having said that, if they do spit up, it’s a good idea to use a bib or towel.
Use Soothing Movement
When an infant is at least 3 weeks old and able to hold their head up, gently rocking or placing them in an infant swing may help them pass gas. They may also be able to stop crying as a result of the motion, which reduces the amount of air they swallow.
Talk to your pediatrician about taking medication for gas. Sometimes, doctors will prescribe medication for gassy babies which makes the gas bubbles stick together, making it easier for them to pass.
While most specialists think of it as safe for children to take this gas-reducing prescription, it may not be fitting for infants with specific circumstances. It is vital to constantly talk with a pediatrician before giving any prescription to a baby.
How to Prevent Gas in Babies?
First tip: Put them down in the best sleeping position for a gassy baby. Scroll back to read more about it!
Feeding a baby in a certain way can reduce gassiness and alleviate discomfort. Trying different feeding positions and methods may help babies who frequently cry after eating swallow less air. Keep an eye on the baby to make sure they are not swallowing too much air and don’t overfeed them to reduce the likelihood that they will have an upset stomach.
Try to stay within the limits that are recommended for formula or breast milk. Specialists suggest breastfeeding infants on request whenever they demonstrate they are hungry. In any case, on the off chance that children give off an impression of being eating excessively, moms can offer only each breast in turn. When the infant no longer appears hungry, stop feeding them.
Try substituting a smaller nipple for babies who typically finish bottle feeding in under 20 minutes to encourage them to take their time. Children may likewise answer well to drinking continuous little portions of recipes on a more regular basis, rather than drinking enormous sums at the same time.
Feed in an Upright Position
Feeding the baby in an upright position may aid digestion and reduce the amount of air they swallow by feeding them less frequently. After feeding, keep the baby upright for at least 30 minutes to help it digest the food. It is smarter to hold the child upstanding, as opposed to placing them in a baby seat. If a baby starts to cry right after eating, they’re likely having trouble digesting.
Burp Frequently
While breastfeeding infants should be burped frequently while being fed to help them pass the air they swallow. When switching from breast milk to formula, most babies should burp, and formula-fed babies should burp after drinking one to two ounces. Burping a baby at the end of each feeding is also important.
Children who breastfeed by and large experience less gas. Talk to your child’s pediatrician or a lactation specialist about the best way to ease your baby’s digestion if they frequently complain of gas in their breast milk.
Try a Different Bottle
Some babies may do better with a curved bottle or one with a collapsible bag than they do with a regular bottle. There are also baby bottles with vents and a system to prevent the formation of air bubbles, but there is currently no scientific evidence that these bottles prevent gas.
Keep Away From Gassy Food
While breastfeeding, certain individuals like to keep away from food varieties with standing for causing gas, like beans, broccoli, and cabbage. These foods haven’t been shown to help babies with gas, but they might be worth a try. Consider switching to a formula that does not contain lactose or milk protein.
When to See a Doctor
Although it is normal for babies to be gassy, parents and caregivers should see a doctor if their child appears to have a lot of gas, frequently feels uneasy, or if the food comes flying out of their mouth when they spit it up.
A pediatrician should also examine infants who cry more frequently than usual for no apparent reason, particularly if they are not eating well, not gaining enough weight, or sleeping well.