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Baby bottles are a must-have in your typical baby essentials list. Once your baby has taken to a baby bottle, you may stick to that. But how do you find the right one? With scores of options out there, it’s okay to get lost in the baby bottles aisle. They come in thousands of textures, sizes, and shapes and until you select one and use it, you won’t get the perfect one.
So how do you choose a baby bottle for the first time? Here’s a breakdown of the different types of baby bottles based on design so that you can identify them when you see one:
5 Types of Baby Bottles
1. Standard bottles: These baby bottles come in traditional design and are made of stainless steel, glass, or plastic.
2. Angle-neck bottles: These baby bottles have bent necks that prevent air from filling up the nipple. This makes babies feed easily while not having a gas build up in their tummies. However, the angled shapes of the neck might make it difficult for you to clean them.
3. Disposable liner bottles: In these bottles, a hard shell (typically made of plastic) holds a pouch of milk. The bag will collapse when the baby drinks the milk (this technique ensures your baby doesn’t get gas). You can just throw it away after one use. Even though it sounds convenient, it may not be eco-friendly because of the plastic hard shell.
4. Wide-neck bottles: These bottles have a wide opening, widener nipples, and a short design. Babies transitioning from breast to bottle will find these ideals to feed. Wide necks are easy to clean.
5. Vented bottles: These have a built-in tube that prevents air pockets inside the nipple or bottle. Vents mean no gas for your baby but it also means it’s harder to clean.
6 Types of Nipples
There are also different types of nipples that you can purchase separately so that if the one on the bottle doesn’t suit your baby you can offer them another one. Special feeding needs are something you shouldn’t look over so you may have to try a few different types and sizes before your baby selects one. Here are the types:
- Traditional nipples: These are designed with latex and have a bell shape. These are also the ones that you typically see on a baby bottle.
- Orthodontic nipples: These are designed to protect your baby’s palate. They have a flatter base and a bulbous top.
- Flat-topped nipples: These have a flatter base and a bigger base bulb to resemble a real breast.
- Anti-vacuum nipples: These are designed to prevent gassiness and colic in babies by limiting the amount of air your baby inhales while feeding.
- Multi-flow nipples: These nipples have multiple flow stages. You can adjust the stages by positioning the nipple.
- Disposable nipples: These nipples are individually wrapped sterilized ones that are super easy to clean and may be tossed after a single use.
We’ve compiled a list of the top-rated best bottles for breastfed babies that are high-performing, high-quality, and easy to use. To test the high performance of these bottles, we conducted an experiment in which we tested all 14 of the most popular baby milk bottles.
We filled them, shook them, turned them upside down, froze them, and even boiled them to test their dependability and quality. Finally, we narrowed it down to a few top-rated bottles that are BPA-free, made of glass, or made of BPA-free plastic.
A newborn baby is fed eight to twelve times per day. We need to ensure that a bottle that is used for such a long period is free of harmful chemicals and gases. There is no risk of endangering the health of the child when we can make better choices to keep them safe, healthy, and smiling all the time by understanding and knowing the best baby bottles. So, just for you, parents and guardians, we’ve compiled a list of the best top 14 baby milk bottles!
Here are the best baby bottles of 2024!
14 Best baby bottles:
1. Comotomo Natural Feel Bottles ($47.59): Best Baby Bottles Mimicking a Real Breast
Comotomo baby bottles are a bit more pricey than most of the other options on the list but the price of this bottle is worth the money. Here are its unique features:
- The design of the bottle is very wide (about 3″), and because the nipple is broader, it has a more natural appearance. The board nipple allows the baby to suck and chew anything out of it. The vacuum seal on the nipple feels much like a real breast.
- The Silicon of the bottle is very flexible and soft which makes the grip of the bottle very firm.
- The venting mechanisms work well and the babies could easily feed out of it without facing any gas issues.
- It comes in two variants one is a 250ml version and the other is a 150ml version.
In the bottles reviewed on this list, there are no phthalates, BPA, lead, or latex in this bottle. Overall, we thought this bottle to be extremely realistic and of good quality.

Amazon Reviews
Dani – I am a new first time mom. I have struggled with breast milk supply issues for 5 months and I am about to stop pumping all together. My son is 5 mos and he has been bottle fed formula and breast milk. He has no preference for bottle size, nipple, milk type etc. I got so lucky with a big happy eater.
HOWEVER, this mommy needs a break! I struggle with germaphobia. All the cleaning pump parts and bottle parts and sterilizing and drying has me so stressed. COMOTOMO bottles saved my sanity. They are so easy to clean and dry. Cuts my cleaning in HALF. This is progress you guys. I consolidated the old bottles and I’m taking them to storage because I will not buy another brand for the next 2 years!
Kesh – These bottles are great. My son took to them no problem. Easy to clean and dissemble. However if I’m not careful and think I’ve closed the lid I’ve spilled milk a little cuz it’s not capped correctly. I wish it screwed in better. When I’m trying to make a bottle in the middle of the night or early morning and I’m rushing, sometimes I try to screw on that top quickly but it doesn’t catch the bottle and I ended up spilling milk or the top goes flying (as I’m “screwing” it closed). That’s why I say I just have to be mindful when I’m closing it.
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2. Philips AVENT Natural Baby Bottles ($23.99): Best Bottle for Breastfed Baby
Without any doubt, the AVENT series of Philips has exceptionally functional best bottles for breastfed babies in the market. Here’s why this baby bottle is on this elite list:
- Philips AVENT baby bottles come in two sizes: one is 4oz and the other is 9oz.
- This also comes in two product variants: one is the plastic version and the other is the glass version.
- The nipple base is slightly narrower in comparison to the previous product but the quality and the texture are soft and chewy. It also prevents gas and colic from coming through the vacuum as the venting mechanisms are very good. The wide nipple base gives an illusion of real breastfeeding.
- It has a twin-valve venting system.
- The shape of the bottle has a wide neck which enables proper cleaning of the bottle.
This bottle is also free from harmful chemicals and BPA. Though the bottle is a bit heavier than usual, the quality is top-notch. We highly recommend this for your little one.

3. Dr. Brown's Original Baby Bottles ($14.99): Best Baby Bottles By a Pediatrician
Dr. Brown has been making Comotomo bottles since 1996. These extremely functional bottles come in around $4 to $5 per bottle. The unique venting system was designed by the doctor himself. A pediatrician who designed the bottle himself would know the best ways of designing it according to the child’s mechanisms.
- These bottles are made originally with anti-colic, anti-gas, and anti-fuss bottles.
- Originally it used to come in a glass version but the company started to phase out that and then switched to high-quality plastic bottles. This makes the bottle light weighted and it is very feasible to carry around.
In our testing, we found out there was minimal leakage and that too happened when it was shaken vigorously apart from that this bottle is a good buy.

4. TommeeTippee Closer to Nature Baby Bottles ($5.95): Best Baby Bottle for Newborns
TommeTippee costs about $6 per bottle and comes in 5oz or 9oz sizes. These best bottles for newborns come from one of the best brands in this product line.
- They have a wide body and nice curves for grip.
- The bottles are wider and shorter in figure which makes the bottle easier to clean.
- Though the nipple here is not as wide as it should be which makes the venting mechanism of the bottle a bit tricky.

5. MAM Anti-Colic Baby Bottles ($8.62): Best Anti-colic Baby Bottle
These are about $6 per bottle, but if you buy a 4-pack it’s cheaper, like $4 per bottle. As the name suggests it’s anti-colic bottles. And we are very happy to tell you that it stands by its name.
- These Comotomo bottles come in three sizes: 5 ounces, and 9 ounces, and the last variant is the biggest out of all 11 ounces.
- Slow level (for o months), Medium level 2 (2+ months), and Fast level 3 (4+ months) are among the nipple flow systems available.
- These bottles are free from BPA and BPS.
- The uniqueness of these bottles is that they have a slight texture on their nipples that doesn’t slip out of the baby’s mouth and make it stay in.

Amazon Reviews
6. PopYum Mixing Baby Bottles ($35.99): Best Baby Bottles for Newborn
This one is among the simplest formula-mixing feeding baby bottles on the list. We struggled with whether to incorporate these baby bottles on this list or to form a completely new list of the simplest formula-mixing baby bottles.
- This best baby bottle has two isolated chambers for storing formula and breastmilk or water. You may combine the ingredients when you’re able to feed.
- These include the awesome Mixie, PopYum, TwistShake, and b.box options. All of those options allow you to organize the best bottles for newborns that are ready for mixing, making them an excellent option for babysitters, daycare, or grandparents.
- Basically, there are 5 parts:
- Silicone nipple and the collar
- BPA-free plastic bottle
- Travel cover/cap
- Formula sealing cap
- Funnel for pouring formula
- The nipple comes in four different flow rates.
In our experience, it is the best choice on the marketplace for formula-mixing bottles, given its simple use, quality, natural nipple shape, and anti-colic valve. Overall, we are impressed with these new baby bottles and that they provide an awesome option for folks looking to make formula mixing more convenient and consistent while also maintaining the functionality of the best baby bottle!

Amazon Reviews
I bought this a few months ago, and now to update that I will always purchase this with every baby!
I traveled with my baby girl on the plane a few months back and whenever she was ready for a bottle it would be super quick. Just press on the button and a bottle of milk is done!
Highly highly recommend! Don’t wait just get it!
Please if you are a mom or know a mom get this! Even if it’s just one it helps on late nights or quick trips!
Again THANK YOU for this product my late night lack of sleep self is very thankful to not have to scoop and measure anymore!
7. Joovy BOOB PPSU or Glass Baby Bottles ($24.99): Best Bottle for a Breastfed Baby
These are a recent addition to our greatest baby bottles list and created a superb impression throughout our active reviews. These Comotomo bottles are offered in 3 varieties: Glass, PPSU, and PP.
- These are also the best glass baby bottles on this list. The glass is extremely robust, and the bottle is comfortable to hold, which is accompanied by silicone polymer grippers (and impact absorbers if dropped!) that you simply pull on and off.
- The PPSU is slightly grey-tinted, not terribly at risk of staining, cracking, or discoloration, and has a bent to not absorb colors or odors in the utmost quantity as different plastic sorts.
- Finally, the PP is very nearly just like the PPSU, however not as air-tight to the absorption of colors and odors.
- The soft silicone polymer nipples were extremely quite sensible and were nice for preventing nipple confusion.
- The shape of the nipples is very nearly just like the Avent nipples.
- We tend to find them simple to clean (including the vent ring).
- They are dishwasher-safe and safe to sterilize.
These bottles are barely expensive, returning in at around $13 every glass, $10 every for PPSU, and $6 every PP.

Amazon Reviews
I had used Dr Browns for a long time, but all my bottles started leaking and I got frustrated. I went to the store and purchased $100 worth of different bottles to try out to find the best one. This one was the winner for sure.
Since switching 2 weeks ago, her reflux and gassiness is much better. She latches fine, doesn’t scream at feeding time, and has way less gas. The flow is pretty slow on the lv1 nipple, which is what we wanted. There isn’t an extreme shoulder on the bottle for milk to get trapped on, which matters for reflux babies which are typically fed sitting upright with a horizontal bottle. The materials feel high quality and there are fewer parts to wash than the dr browns bottles we replaced. There has been no leaking yet, not even if the parts are wet. As a bonus, the bottles are wide but still fit in my dr brown bottle warmer (which I love).
There are only two downsides that I’ve found…
1. They’re not cheap for baby bottles… none of the parts are cheap.
2. There is a weird pressure thing where if you heat the bottle and then put a cold nipple on it, milk will shoot out in a stream under pressure for a second after you tip the bottle. You have to remember to do this before you try to feed your baby… which you should be doing anyway to check for temperature.
8. Nuk Simply Natural Baby Bottles ($23.33): Best Baby Bottles With The Best Nipple Design
About $5 per bottle, this bottle is available in 5oz or 9oz sizes like most bottles. Nuk bottles use one of the foremost innovative nipple styles out there on the market. The orthodontic nipple has many distinctive features that benefit preterm infants:
- nipple angulate prime to assist get the correct tongue positioning on it
- feeding holes (from three to nine of them counting on nipple flow rate) that unleash milk upward toward the roof of the mouth
- a sandglass form to assist teeth to develop and lips to shut properly around the nipple
- an anti-colic vent system that’s positioned at the bottom of the nipple
It has fantastic anti-colic properties – the vent works rather well to alleviate pressure from within the bottle and stop swallowing air (and the gas that ensues!).

Amazon Reviews
MommaBear00 – We used the Phillips Avent for our first kiddo (these were awesome bottles!) and had gotten rid of them before kiddo 2 came along so we started the hunt again. I was drawn to the price of the Nuk Simply Natural bottle and seemed to have a lot of the same features as the Avent ones we had loved before that I was now unwilling to pay the price for.
These bottles have a great shape and are easy to hold. I love that unlike a lot of bottle brands the smaller size actually holds 5 marked ounces (although it can accommodate up to 6oz total if you’re pouring into it) rather than the standard 4oz. This is especially helpful if you’re making a 4oz formula bottle since you actually have room to shake and mix it all up.
I have never had a problem with the bottle leaking from the air valve or the collar. It’s an easy bottle to clean and assemble/disassemble. I have not experienced any loss in quality due to putting them in the dishwasher. I do hand wash them about every 4th trip through the dishwasher.
Finally found NUK bottles… they hit the mark for EVERY one of the above must haves. The best part of these bottles is the nipple- all the little holes simulate an actual breast nipple, instead of one single hole for the milk to come out like all other competitors. Not to mention, this is the sturdiest plastic bottle I have ever held!!! I’ve tried silicone, other plastic, glass bottles, etc. and these ones come out of the dishwasher looking brand new every time.
The bottle has no chance of tipping over when measuring scoops of formula into it. The ounce lines are easy to read in the middle of the night. They are affordable, have multiple flow options for nipples. And the NUK pacifiers are a godsend, now they’re the only ones my 1 month old infant will take.
Do yourself a favor and stop wasting your money trying other bottles that are expensive or require cleaning thousands of parts and buy these NUK bottles. I’m not even one to usually leave a review, but hoped I can help another frazzled parent in their desperate bottle search.
9. Munchkin Latch Baby Bottles ($13.98): Best Baby Bottle
About $6 per bottle, these latch bottles are relatively new in the best baby bottle brands, and they have some great innovative features:
- The unique anti-colic valve is found on the rock bottom of the bottle, which reduces the complexity of the washing process (the lesser air is ingested the lesser your kid will burp and have colic). The valve does an excellent job of reducing colic and gas.
- But we also thought that the design made it harder to wash and that we were never really confident that we got the valve entirely clean during washing.
- Latching is when the baby sucks the nipple back to its taste bud. Munchkin was inspired by the latch process and created a nipple that mimics the texture, let-down, and movement of a mom’s breast.
- The bottle’s nipple stretches when the baby sucks to permit the nipple to take care of an honest latch.
- It also has dynamic milk flow: when the baby pushes more against the nipple, the flow increases.

Amazon Reviews
Very happy with this bottle. This is the only bottle that our baby would take after months of trying. It is easy for baby to latch and hardly any gas or spit ups after. Only thing is I have found it hard to find more size 2 nipples. Wish there was a pack available of only size 2. If you are on the m fence just get it!
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10. Baby Brezza Baby Bottles ($179.99): Best Baby Bottle With The Best Formula-making Machine
Baby Brezza bottles come with a formula-making machine. The brand makes a good range of feeding supplies and appliances – including bottles, formula makers, sterilizer systems, and baby food makers. Their baby food maker has appeared within the top 10 of our greatest baby food makers for several years!
- First, the bottle itself is lightweight BPA-free polypropylene (PP) plastic that’s easy to carry, stands nicely on its own, and features a nice modern sleek look thereto (it’s available in several nice colors).
- Second, the nipple shape is awesome – very similar to a real nipple with a base and width of real breast make these the best newborn baby bottles. It is an excellent option for breastfeeding moms who want to avoid nipple confusion.
- Third, they have an open venting mechanism built into the nipple base, implying that they make a great anti-colic baby bottle. It also means they are easy to clean because it only has two components (the nipple and nipple collar are integrated, and screwed right onto the bottle itself).
So, these bottles have tons of positives!. A mention-worthy con, however, is you must know the ways to sterilize them. It cannot be sterilized within the microwave or they get misshapen, they ought to be sterilized in boiling water or a steam sterilizer system.

Amazon Reviews
Loved these bottles with both my kids. My babies were not colic-y so I didn’t have any need for a fancy bottle with numerous pieces and these bottles meet my need for simple, quick, and easy use. The nipple is attached to the lid’s rim, so it’s easy to clean- basically no assembly required you just screw the lid on (not sure why all bottles aren’t like this). The tiny air pressure hole is maybe a little big because I did have some drip out when the bottle was shaken, but not a significant issue and not a problem if you’re shaking the bottle with the cover on. Nipple is soft and firm: probably similar to Avent or Tomme tippee, almost as soft as comotomo, not rock firm like MAM or nanobebe. It is plastic so I only used it with room temperature water/formula. One of my favorite plastic bottles, only second to Comotomo.
Definitely don’t put the nipple in the microwave.
I sanitize them by boiling them like any other bottle. And when the child is drinking make sure the vent hole is upward towards their nose that way the nipple doesn’t get sucked in while the child is feeding.
But I freaking love these bottles
So i ok haven’t officially tried them yet but I love them so far.
On a lot of the reviews I read said they had melted in the microwave which I was a little worried about but I see now why they ruined them
It’s all over the box and on the products to BOT STERILIZE IN THE MICROWAVE
I love that they aren’t long like the agent bottles they stay somewhat almost the same size as the comotomo which is what I was looking forward to
After a few tries I’ll come back and post an update
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11. Evenflo Feeding Balance+ Wide Neck Glass Bottles ($26.99): Best Baby Bottles With The Best Slow Flow Nipple
About $25, for three 6-ounce bottles, the Evenflo glass bottle is designed to assist healthy bottle-feeding while still allowing you to continue breastfeeding.
- The naturally sloped nipple encourages a healthy broad latch for your baby by offering a good resting area for their lips, decreasing mouth fatigue.
- With no unnecessary pieces to clean or lose, the efficient 1-piece integrated vent helps reduce colic, gas, and fussiness.
- The accompanying Slow Flow Nipple has a reduced flow rate to avoid chugging and allows for a calm, gulp-free feeding at the baby’s speed.
- The Balance + Wide Glass Bottle includes measurement markings in both ounces and milliliters to make measuring liquid volume simple and accurate.

Amazon Reviews
The flow is incredibly slow. Had to make hole larger with a needle because it was taking forever and she was falling asleep before finishing
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12. Comotomo Silicone Baby Bottle ($12.99): Best East to Clean Baby Bottle
About $24 for two 5-ounce bottles, the cleverly constructed Comotomo has an earned following, even among breastfed babies, making it one of the finest baby bottles available in the market.
- This baby bottle has dual anti-colic vents to reduce air intake.
- A soft, skin-like nipple to make switching from breast to bottle easier for your baby.
- This bottle is also very easy to clean, with only three pieces—the body, the ring, and the nipple—and a super-wide neck design.

Amazon Reviews
I have absolutely zero complaints about these bottles. I did a ton of research on bottles when I had my firstborn and decided on these. I have no regrets. They are dishwasher, boil, and microwave safe. The anticolic vents work well and ythe bottle itself is flexible silicone so if the vents are blocked the bottle decompresses to prevent negative pressure build up associated with bellyaches. The nipple shape is highly recommended for all babies and mimics the actual breast for babies that nurse as well. Additionally, there are all kids of accessories you can buy to use your bottles even longer (I.e. flat covers in place of for snack storage, nipple flow varieties of slow, medium, and fast, sippy cup nipples, and straws). I’ve used the same set for two babies, and they still look brand new.
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13. Nanobebe Breast Milk Bottle ($18.99): Best Bottle for Breastfed Babies
About $23 for a pack of three 5-ounce bottles, it is an all-in-one bottle feeding solution, for newborn breastfed infants. A single baby bottle may be used to pump, store, reheat, and feed! Traditional infant bottles don’t heat uniformly, resulting in nutrient-damaging hot patches.
- The unique design of the Nanobébé Breastmilk Bottle provides rapid, equal chilling and warming, protecting the important nutrients in breast milk.
- The bottle’s distinctive shape helps to conserve nutrients and provides an experience that is second only to breastfeeding your baby.

Amazon Reviews
we’ve tried countless brands, shapes, styles, etc. and none of them amounted to this bottle. baby will eat from this bottle with zero fuss, no matter who feeds her. I swear by this if your LO is adamant about holding your breast while feeding, it gives that same security of having mom right there.
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14. Playtex Baby Bottle With Disposable Liners ($144.99): Best Baby Bottles For Travel
This is the best way to maintain cleanliness while traveling. When your child is finished taking care of it, basically discard the liner. You don’t have to worry about the bottle getting dirty or smelling bad in your diaper bag. Playtex has simplified a super liner framework:
- Simply insert the liner into the bottle, and you’re ready to go.
- The jugs have a unique lip at the top to get onto the jug, so you don’t need to stress over it descending or moving.
- The bottle can then be prepared by simply filling it up and screwing it on the nipple lid.
- At the point when you’re finished, you should simply eliminate the liner and discard it.
- The liners and the bottle are made of plastic that does not contain phthalates, BPA, or PVC.
- The liners have even been pre-disinfected so you can open them up and add them to the jug without additional means.
We are aware that many mothers are concerned about the environment, but don’t worry; the liners can be recycled.) In the plastic pack reusing canisters at supermarkets, not the ordinary reuse receptacle).
We like these because they were made for more than just making life easier; they further develop your child’s taking care involvement. This is because the flow mimics a natural breastfeeding experience. After all, the soft liner collapses as your baby feeds. Additionally, avoid mixing the milk with air bubbles.

Amazon Reviews
The liners are discontinued now. So waste of time and money to buy this set
For more product reviews visit Amazon
Closing Thoughts
All said and done, these bottles are deserving of this top-13 spot on our list, and we will still use them and see how they perform over the long term. Let us know your thoughts and if there is something else that needs to be mentioned!
That’s it, folks, these were the top picks for the best baby bottles for you to choose from! However, are you looking for baby burp cloths to wipe the dribbles and split-ups? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Click on the link to venture out on our best picks for the best baby burp clothes to choose from! Happy shopping!
FAQs: Best Baby bottles
1. How many baby bottles should a parent buy for the baby?
2. Is 8 oz bottles good for a newborn?
3. What is the right age to stop using baby bottles?
4. What is the correct way to sterilize a baby bottle?
Reviewed By:

Brandi Nicole, Lactation Consultant
Brandi Nicole is a pediatric nurse, a postpartum doula, and an international board-certified lactation consultant. She is a proud member of the International Lactation Consultant Association, the United States Lactation Consultant Association, and the Bay Area Lactation Associates.