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10 Most Dangerous Medicine for Pregnant Lady

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10 Most Dangerous Medicine for Pregnant Lady

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Knowing what to do when you’re ill might feel daunting because the laws governing pregnant drugs are always changing.

The benefits for a mother with a health problem, even a little headache, must often be weighed against the hazards to her unborn child.

The issue: It is unethical for scientists to test drugs on pregnant people. Just because a drug hasn’t been examined or evaluated doesn’t mean it’s completely safe for a pregnant woman.

Below mentioned are the top most dangerous medicine for pregnant lady, or ‘what medicines are unsafe during pregnancy?’ And in the end, there is a list of pregnancy safe medications. 

You may also read : Tips and Advice on How to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy

List of most Dangerous Medicine for Pregnant Lady


Antibiotic chloramphenicol is often administered intravenously. This medication has been linked to grey baby syndrome and significant blood abnormalities.


A medication called primaquine is used to treat malaria. There isn’t much information on pregnant women who have used this medicine, but research on animals indicates it may be detrimental to growing fetuses. A fetus’s blood cells may suffer harm.

3.Levofloxacin with ciprofloxacin (Cipro)

Levofloxacin and Cipro are examples of other antibiotics. These medications may affect the mother’s nerves and joints, as well as the baby’s skeletal and muscular development.

Antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones include ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin.

Aortic rips or ruptures are more likely to occur while using fluoroquinolones Reliable Source. This may cause bleeding that is fatal. People who have a history of aneurysms or other cardiac conditions may be more susceptible to negative effects.

A 2017 study found that fluoroquinolones may potentially raise the risk of miscarriage.

4.(Primsol) Trimethoprim

An instance of an antibiotic is trimethoprim (Primsol). This medication can result in malformations of the neural tube when used during pregnancy. These flaws interfere with a baby’s ability to grow their brain.


A class of antibiotics is called sulfonamides. They also go by the name “sulfa drugs.”

Most of these medications are intended to combat bacteria and treat bacterial illnesses. They can make neonates develop jaundice. Sulfonamides may also make it more likely for a woman to miscarry.


A prescription medication called codeine is used to treat pain. In certain states, cough medication containing codeine can be obtained over the counter. The drug has the capacity to develop a dependence. In babies, it may cause withdrawal symptoms.

7. Ativan, or lorazepam

A typical medicine for anxiety or other mental health conditions is lorazepam (Ativan). It can result in birth abnormalities or even fatal withdrawal symptoms in a newborn.

8. Klonopin, or clonazepam

Use of clonazepam (Klonopin) is used to treat panic disorders and prevent seizures. It is occasionally recommended to treat panic or anxiety episodes.

Newborns who were exposed to clonazepam while pregnant may have withdrawal symptoms.

9. Coumadin (Warfarin)

Blood thinner warfarin (Coumadin) is prescribed for both treating and preventing blood clots. It could result in birth problems.

Unless the risk of a blood clot outweighs the risk of injury to the unborn child, it should be avoided during pregnancy.

10. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)

High dosages of this over-the-counter pain medicine can lead to a number of grave issues, including:

  • miscarriage
  • Jaundice
  • delayed onset of labor
  • premature closing of the fetal ductus arteriosus, an important artery
  • hemorrhaging for both mother and baby
  • oligohydramnios, or low levels of amniotic fluid
  • necrotizing enterocolitis, or damage to the lining of the intestines
  • fetal kernicterus, a type of brain damage
  • abnormal vitamin K levels

Ibuprofen is considered safe to use in modest to moderate dosages during early pregnancy, according to the majority of specialists.

However, it’s crucial to stay away from ibuprofen throughout the third trimester of pregnancy. Ibuprofen is more likely to result in cardiac abnormalities in a growing baby at this point in pregnancy.

Pregnancy safe medications

Prenatal vitamins are safe to use while pregnant and are now accessible without a prescription. Consult your doctor about the safety of taking additional supplements, herbal medicines, and vitamins while pregnant. The safety of the majority of herbal remedies and supplements during pregnancy has not been established. Unless absolutely required, you should generally avoid using any over-the-counter medications.

Most of the OTC medicines for diarrhea, cough, cold, flu, and constipation are safe to take. 

Conclusion; Avoid these alternative pregnancy medicine treatments

When taken in concentrated form (not as a seasoning in food), the following compounds may be harmful to an unborn child. Some are alleged to promote early labor and cause birth abnormalities.

Avoid these oral supplements: Arbour vitae, Beth root, Black cohosh, Blue cohosh, Cascara, Chaste tree berry, Chinese angelica (Dong Quai), Cinchona, Cotton root bark, Feverfew, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Juniper, Kava kava, Licorice, Meadow saffron, Pennyroyal, Poke root, Rue, Sage, St. John’s wort, Senna, Tansy, White peony, Wormwood, Yarrow, Yellow dock, vitamin A (large doses can cause birth defects).

Calamus, mugwort, pennyroyal, sage, wintergreen, basil, hyssop, myrrh, marjoram, and thyme are aromatherapy essential oils to stay away from.

FAQs: Most Dangerous Medicine for Pregnant Lady

1. Is taking medication when pregnant necessary?

To guarantee the proper development and growth of the mother's unborn child, it is essential. Pregnant women who already have a pre-existing medical condition—such as asthma, epilepsy, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, diabetes, or a mental health condition—must continue taking the necessary drugs.

2. When should I start taking medication when pregnant?

During your first trimester (the first 12 to 13 weeks of pregnancy), when the risk to your unborn child is greatest, avoid taking OTC medications. Together with your doctor, create a pre-pregnancy drug plan.


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