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A 5-month-old baby is expected to develop its personality further this month. Parents would mostly find their little ones giggling, are able to sit, and the baby might also acquire a few cute tricks that you wouldn’t get enough of.
On the other hand, expect the little one to have a settled schedule for feeding and sleeping along with a calming bedtime routine. Adding on, as your baby gets closer to completing their first year, it’s almost time to take a step closer to the baby’s development, that is, by introducing them to soft solids and finger foods. Read on to know more.
Your 5-month-old baby milestones and growth
1. Sleeping hours and patterns
Expect babies 5 months old to sleep up to 10 to 12 hours at night, including them waking up in need of food. Adding on, naps for three to five hours spaced between two or three naps.
2. Feeding requirements
Babies who are breastfed must be fed about 24 to 36 ounces of breastmilk spread between five or six feeds a day. On the other hand, formula-fed babies must intake 24 to 36 ounces across five feeds in a day. Baby cereal is the best first baby food for breastfeeding babies as they are a good source of iron.
3. Your 5-month-old baby weight
The average weight of a 5-month-old baby girl is 15.3 pounds and 16.9 for baby boys. If more or less, make sure to consult your doctor.
4. Your baby's development
Your baby will be able to gain manual dexterity and can now pass a toy from one hand to the other with good hearing and vision. They are also babblers with good head control.
What to expect from your 5-month-old baby's doctor visit?
Although the baby isn’t necessarily in need of a doctor’s visit this month, there is a lot going on in your little one’s health. Here are a few that you can expect:
- Teething gels
As your baby is in its 5th month, teething pains are quite common. You can provide them with something to chew on, a partially frozen cloth, or a teething toy. However, avoid using benzocaine-based teething gels or the ones that are labeled to be homeopathic to numb the pain.
- Hand, foot, and mouth disease
Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) are common in babies under the age of 5 and is quite a mild infection, but is painful, bumpy, includes red rash or blisters and soles on all, hand, foot, and mouth.
- Allergies
It is completely natural for a baby to develop allergies, like pollen, mold, pet dander, and dust mites. The symptoms of these allergies in babies tend to include cold, runny noses, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and congestion.
Pro tip: In case your baby has a cold or feels congested, try installing baby humidifiers. This will help give your baby rest and clear from the congested sensation.
Taking care of your 5-month-old baby: Quick tips and tricks
The baby development rate of a 5 to 6 months old child is at a fast pace where you will find your baby learning to lift their heads in one and are able to sit in the other, along with the motor skills. Here are a few tips for the support of your child while parenting:
1. Your baby's nighttime routine
A good sleep cycle for a baby is when they are able to fall asleep unassisted and without any help. This can be done by establishing a bedtime routine and sleep training, including the cry-out method. To make it easier, parents must make sure to get the little one a night lamp, a sound machine, and a baby monitor that will help you keep an eye on them while they are asleep.
While you are in the process, you will now learn of the sleep cues ( like eye rubbing or crankiness) of your baby, perhaps make sure to get them in bed to avoid the baby getting irritated.
2. Your baby's vaccine schedule
It is extremely important for you to gather information about the baby’s vaccinations and schedule their appointments accordingly. These vaccinations are important for the well-being and also protect the children from diseases.
Remember, keeping the child’s immunizations updated is a sign of a good health care track record. The list is generally given by the baby’s pediatrician, in case you haven’t received it yet, make sure you ask for it from your doctor to help you keep a record of the shots.
3. Your little explorer
With your baby now being able to sit up, expect them to get curious about anything and everything, in and around the house. During this month, babies usually try to get to the cabinet, drawer, or shelf, therefore, it is important for parents to baby-proof their house if not done already.
Postpartum changes and pro tips
Here are a few pro tips for our new parents to follow.
1. The first feeding
As your baby now starts with soft solids, it is essential for you to also prepare baby utensils that are baby-safe and easier on tender gums. Purchase baby spoons, and baby bowls/plates to put the baby food post preparing in the food maker.
Just before you get onto the feeding process, make sure that the little one is ready and has the habit of putting on a bib while eating. This avoids the baby spoiling their clothes after every feed as they will surely spit most of it out.
2. Snacking up
- Parents must make sure to try different combinations for the 5-month-old baby to avoid boredom and them revisiting.
- Feed your baby with smart substitutions of foods. For instance, if your baby is asking for chocolate, opt for hot cocoa instead as it is much healthier in comparison to a bar of chocolate.
- While you are purchasing or preparing food for the little one, read the labels to check the serving size.
To Conclude
A 5-month-old baby is ready to sit up, hold objects using their hands, start on soft solids, and develop language or rather speaking skills while they continue to babble when you talk to them. It’s true that they grow from their birth to now infants faster than you could’ve expected.
Speaking of which, it’s time for parents to now get back to work while the caregiver takes on the responsibility. Perhaps, the best way to decide on the babysitter’s pay is to ask around and conclude what’s reasonable.
Otherwise, try to round off the minimum wage of your state and remember not to stray too below but offer competitive wages. Or, try to surf babysitting websites, you may find an 18- or 19-year-old as they are college students and could be flexible for the babysitting hours.