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23 Signs You’re Having a Boy: Exploring Pregnancy Clues and Old Wives’ Tales

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Signs You're Having a Boy

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There are tons of old wives’ stories that predict the sex of your child. You probably will not be amazed to hear that most of them have practically no logical proof behind them. The best way to truly determine your baby’s gender is to have your 20-week ultrasound. Despite this, trying to guess your baby’s sex is still a lot of fun.

Take a look at these signs you’re having a girl before we check out some of the weirdest signs you’re having a boy!

23 Signs You’re Having a Boy!

1. Your Child's Pulse Is Lower Than 140 Beats

Myth: At one of your first prenatal appointments somewhere between 8 and 10 weeks, you will probably hear that amazing beating sound. And a lot of people think that this precious experience could also be one of your first clues about your baby’s sex: boys are said to have 140 beats per minute or slower.

Fact: This is not true as per McKenna et. al.

2. You Are Gaining Weight Only Around Your Belly

Myth: The old wives’ tale says if no one can tell you are pregnant from behind then you are carrying a baby boy. All the pregnancy weight gain shows on your belly region when you have a male embryo.

Fact: Once more this has more to do with the pregnant woman’s size and shape than it does with her gender.

3. You Are Carrying Low

Myth: If you’re carrying the baby low, even before the much-anticipated “dropping” that occurs late in the third trimester, you may be pregnant with a boy, according to another old wife’s tale.

Fact: While carrying low can prevent pregnancy heartburn, it doesn’t guarantee that your child is a male. The shape of the abdomen and uterus is primarily influenced by the position of the baby and the number of babies you’ve had.

4. Your Pregnancy Glow Is Blooming

Myth: Is your skin shining or has your pregnancy been filled with skin break out? The old (quite awful!) “Girls steal your beauty” is just a saying. Therefore, if you truly have that pregnant glow, this wives’ tale favors a boy.

Fact: Just because you may be experiencing a pregnancy glow doesn’t mean you should expect one sex to be better than the other. An increase in blood flow and volume is more likely to be related to glowing skin, which is typically associated with a baby boy.

5. You Didn't Experience Morning Sickness

Myth: Those early long stretches of pregnancy can be intense, whether or not you experience morning sickness or not. Some discomfort is typical for each pregnant individual, yet if your morning disorder is not that discerning, this tale says it’s a boy!

Fact: Research has exposed this tale, finding that 80% of pregnant individuals experience some level of vomiting and nausea during pregnancy, no matter what the child’s sex.

6. Your Feet Become Ice Cold

Myth: Another one of the old wives’ tales of boy pregnancy symptoms suggests that you may be expecting a boy if you notice that your feet are always cold now that you are pregnant.

Fact: Temperature changes are in all probability because of typical hormonal changes. At any time during pregnancy, people complain that they are too hot or cold, so it is not a reliable indicator of the baby’s sex.

7. Your Urine Is A Vivid Yellow Color

Myth: Any old wives’ tales about urine should be treated with caution because some at-home “gender prediction” tests can be extremely risky! However, this one is pretty mild; according to the myth, the color of your urine can reveal your baby’s sex. Blazing yellow? You could be carrying a baby girl, while a more blunt tint could indicate a baby boy.

Fact: Urine color, smell, and volume change throughout the day, depending on how hydrated you are and what you eat. In that capacity, there is no connection between pee and the sex of your child. It probably has to do with things like drinking fluids, having an infection, and taking vitamins.

Here are Some Other Signs You’re Having a Boy!

8. Your left breast is smaller than your right breast.

9. Your pupils dilate when look at the mirror for a minute.

10. You crave something salty or protein-rich, like cheese and meat.

11. When you hang your wedding ring over your stomach with a thread it spins in circles.

12. Your skin dries out.

13. The number you get when you add up your age and the number of months it took you to conceive is even.

14. Your hair has become luscious and glowing during pregnancy.

15. During pregnancy, the hair on your legs grew at a faster rate.

16. Headaches are more likely to occur.

17. When you sleep, your pillow faces the north.

18. When someone asks you to show your hands you put your palms down and show them.

19. You lie on your left side while napping.

20. You were more dominant during your conception sex.

21. You eat a clove of garlic and the smell leaks out of your pores.

22. Your first kid’s most memorable word was “dada”.

23. Your baby fetus might have a squared lower jaw and a sloping forehead, according to the skull theory that mums swear by.

A Final Word On The Decoding The Signs You’re Having a Boy

Relying on old wives’ tales to determine your baby’s gender can be fun but if you want accurate no-nonsense results, you must get yourself medically checked. Here are the commonly used scientific methods:

1. Ultrasound: This is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses sound waves to create images of the developing fetus. It can usually determine the baby’s gender between 18 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. However, accuracy depends on factors such as fetal position, gestational age, and the skill of the sonographer.

2. Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): NIPT involves analyzing the fetal DNA present in the mother’s blood. It can detect specific genetic markers, including those associated with sex chromosomes, to determine the baby’s gender. NIPT is usually performed after 10 weeks of pregnancy and is highly accurate.

3. Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS): These are invasive procedures that involve collecting a sample of amniotic fluid (amniocentesis) or placental tissue (CVS) and analyzing the baby’s chromosomes. These tests primarily detect genetic abnormalities but can also detect a baby’s gender with nearly 100% accuracy.

It’s important to note that determining the baby’s gender before birth is a personal choice, and medical procedures are usually conducted for medical reasons rather than solely for gender identification.

FAQs: Signs You’re Having a Boy

1. What is my chance of having a boy?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the sex ratio, or ratio of male to female births, is approximately 105 to 100. This indicates that roughly 51% of births produce boys.

2. What determines a baby boy?

The sex chromosomes are the name given to these. Each egg has an X sex chromosome; a sperm can have either an X or a Y sex chromosome. The baby is female if the sperm that fertilizes the egg has an X chromosome; The child will be a boy if it has a Y chromosome.

3. How to know a baby's gender?

The 18 and 20-week ultrasound can tell you the sex of your baby. The imaging procedure should be able to tell you the baby's sex with about 80 to 90 percent accuracy provided that your ultrasound technician has a clear view between your baby's legs.


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