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10 Weeks Pregnant – What To Expect? Symptoms, Baby Development, and Tips!

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10 Weeks Pregnant

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A baby, in its 10th week after implantation, finally turns into a fetus. Congratulations!
The baby, this week, will measure 1.2 inches and weigh .14 ounces. To put things in perspective, this would be similar to the size of a ‘Polly-pocket’. Isn’t this exciting!

10 Weeks Pregnant Is How Many Months?

Well, when you reach the 10-week mark, you’re officially in your third month of pregnancy. You’ve got about 6 more months to go before your little one arrives! If you’re curious and want to learn more about how pregnancy is divided into weeks, months, and trimesters, here’s some additional information to help you understand the breakdown: Your Pregnancy Week by Week | Symptoms and How To Takecare Of Yourself

What Is Happening To The Baby When 10 Weeks Pregnant?

1. Bighead

The head of the baby is now roughly half the length of its entire body which will become proportional later as the brain continues to develop.

2. Beating heart

The heartbeats at 10 weeks pregnant beat at least 2 to 3 times faster as compared to yours. This is to get the blood to flow.

3. Bones and cartilage

Your baby is truly starting to look more and more like a little human. They’re growing bones and cartilage, and those tiny leg dimples are turning into knees and ankles. Their arms now have elbows and can even bend – isn’t that just amazing? But hold off on buying that baseball bat for a while. While your baby’s arms are developing and gaining strength, they’re still quite small.

4. Digestive progress

The tiny stomach has started creating digestive juices, and the kidneys ramp up up the flow of urine.

5. Baby’s First Teeth

Your baby’s initial set of teeth is on the way! This week, the tooth fairy is making its debut, signaling that your baby’s tiny teeth are starting to develop beneath the gums. However, you’ll have to wait a bit longer before those sparkling white teeth make their appearance, usually around the time your baby is nearing 6 months old.

In addition to tooth development, other systems in your baby’s body are also kicking into gear. The stomach is now producing digestive enzymes, the kidneys are working to produce more urine, and if your baby is a boy, he’s already beginning to produce testosterone.

10 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms: What Is Happening To A Mother’s Body When 10 Weeks Pregnant?

This could go two ways, either you go full wing or you experience nothing much at all. In either case, it’s all normal. Here are the 10 weeks pregnant symptoms that take place in a mother’s body:

1. Nausea and vomiting

Morning sickness is the most common symptom of pregnant women. It could be anything from food aversions, the sight, smell to even the thought of certain foods make you feel sick. However, the most important thing is to keep consuming healthy food and to stay hydrated.

2. Sore or swollen boobs

At this time, the progesterone is kicking the milk ducts to high gears resulting in your breasts feeling tender and the bras tight. Don’t worry, this will calm down in the second trimester but will pick up again before birth.

3. Constipation

Constipation is common in the first trimester. To help get rid of this, consume foods containing fiber like raspberries, dried apricots, and almonds. Also, remember to drink a lot of water as fiber doesn’t have much. Prevention can prevent hemorrhoids too. Consult your doctor to switch on your prenatal vitamins as they could contribute to constipation. Do not apply too much force as it may precipitate a hernia.

4. Lower back pain

With the hormones and the uterus expanding, the back muscles may have trouble adjusting. Try to sleep on your side to give your back a break.

5. Mood swings

You might at times feel a bit crankier and then weepier. These are all results of the adjusting hormones. Try getting enough rest, have healthy food, and avoid stressful situations.

6. Visible veins

With the increase in the blood, the nutrients get to the baby. This results in dry skin for the mother especially in the chest and the belly which make the veins visible. The visibility is due to the filled volume of blood but goes back to normal after the delivery.

7. Vaginal discharge

Being 10 weeks pregnant you will face vaginal discharges. You need to know that this discharge is completely normal. However, if you are concerned, it’s better to consult a healthcare provider.

8. Cramping 10 Weeks Pregnant

Many pregnant women experience stomach pains or cramps, which is quite normal. If the discomfort is mild and eases when you change your position, take a break, have a bowel movement, or pass gas, there’s likely no need for concern. However, always trust your intuition and pay attention to your body’s signals during pregnancy.

What Does The Belly Look Like When 10 Weeks Pregnant?

10 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound Parenthoodbliss

By this time, you might have gained around 1 to 4 pounds by the end of the first trimester. In the second trimester, you will be gaining about a pound per week. Take the help of a doctor to help personalize the weight gain recommendations.

A Quick Checklist To Help You Sail Through Your 10th Weeks Of Pregnancy

Yes, you cannot skip this time, but what it’s worth, you are at least aware and are within your control. These measures could be as simple as wearing comfy bras, to even announcing the news to your loved ones.

1. Top tip: This is the best time to take pictures of your belly even if it isn’t showing yet. Letter Boards could be another fun and clever way to pin cute letters, but they certainly are not necessary. Taking pictures to help you document as well as understand the growth physically that turns out to be quite fascinating!

2. Telling work: With being near the end of the first trimester, you may now finally want to break the news at your workplace.

3. Gear to consider: Start to invest in a good maternity or nursing bra.. These extra supports are helpful as you enter the second trimester as it starts to grow along your belly.

4. Recipes to try: Try new recipes that are healthy and have baby-building protein.

An Endnote: 10 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

At the 10-week ultrasound, you reach a significant point if you’re considering first-trimester genetic testing. It’s important to note that genetic testing is entirely optional, and the choice of which tests to undergo is ultimately up to you. A genetic counselor can provide valuable guidance, taking into account your family history and individual risk factors.

Around weeks 10 to 14, you may have the nuchal translucency screening, also known as the NT Scan. This test assesses the risk of Down syndrome and various other chromosomal abnormalities in your developing fetus. It’s a painless ultrasound where the back of your baby’s neck is measured for any signs of abnormalities. Typically, the NTS is part of the “First Trimester Screen,” which combines the ultrasound results with a blood test to evaluate your risk.

Another option is the cell-free fetal DNA test, or non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT), which involves a blood draw at or after week 10. This test examines your blood for indications of risk related to conditions like Down syndrome, Edward Syndrome, Patau Syndrome, and other chromosomal abnormalities. In cases where you have a higher risk of a chromosomal abnormality, based on family history, risk factors, or the results of NTS or NIPT, more invasive tests such as CVS and amniocentesis can be considered.

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS), performed between weeks 10 and 13, entails using an ultrasound to determine the location of the placenta. Then, guided by ultrasound, a doctor inserts a needle either through your abdomen or your vagina during a speculum exam to collect cells from the placenta for genetic testing.

If you decide on amniocentesis, this is typically scheduled between weeks 15 and 20. If all these tests seem overwhelming, rest assured that once they are completed, you can focus on more enjoyable aspects of your pregnancy.

10 Weeks Pregnant FAQs :

1. Do I get a baby bump at 10-weeks ?

Yes! Baby bumps are first noticeable at 10-weeks. This is due to the growth of the uterus, muscles, and ligaments to accommodate the growing baby.

2. What size is a 10-week old fetus ?

The baby is still growing quickly! At 10 weeks, the fetus is about the size of a strawberry measured approximately an inch.

3. What should a baby be doing at 10-weeks ?

The baby will be filling out more, and their legs and arms are getting chubbier than expected which is perfectly normal. They will soon realize that they can use them and also that they can look and touch things at the same time.

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