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Interesting Facts about March month babies

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Interesting Facts about March month babies

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There is plenty to rejoice about if you were born in March. 

What’s the sign of March, you ask? 

While you undoubtedly already know that Pisces or Aries is your zodiac sign, you might not be aware of the rest of the fascinating information we are providing.

It is not surprising that newborns born in March tend to see the sunny side of things as this month marks the start of spring. After a long winter, this time of year produces a lot of enthusiasm and cheeriness with the weather growing warmer for birthday parties and the beginning of Daylight Savings.

Moreover, March newborns not only have their birthdays but also a number of significant festivals this month. There are numerous significant days to anticipate in March, including International Women’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and Easter (depending on the year).

In addition to being a month of festivities, several studies also link babies born in March to later health, careers, sleep, and other factors! 

Did you know that 12.5% of CEOs were born in March, for instance? If you’re keen to discover more about people who were born in March, we’ve compiled a list of fascinating things you’ve probably never heard of!

Two birthstones are used for March newborns.

The cold aquamarine is the traditional birthstone for March, and legend has it that it helped keep sailors safe at sea. But if the blue-green sparkler isn’t appropriate for your March baby, they offer other options: The bloodstone, which has crimson and deep green flecks. Legend has it that the Ancient Egyptians thought the bloodstone gave them an edge over their adversaries in combat.

Daffodils are the birth flower for babies born in March.

Nothing more embodies the arrival of spring than colorful daffodil blossoms poking through the hard, frost-bitten earth. The daffodil, which is the birth flower for March babies, is a symbol of happiness, friendliness, and brightness. Simply a floral form of a mood enhancer!

Your March child could be a happy person.

According to European research, spring and summer are the months when individuals are more likely to be born than any other time of year. According to the primary researcher, a person’s birth season may have an impact on specific neurotransmitters that influence mood. Of course, spring doesn’t really begin until the end of March, but happily, the same study also found that newborns born in the winter are often less irritable than babies born at other times of the year!

Your March child may end up in the corner office.

Are you bringing up a boss’ child? Perhaps, based on one research! Babies born in March and April had a higher likelihood of becoming CEOs than newborns born in other months, according to research in the journal Economic Letters. This likely reflects what’s termed the “relative age effect,” which highlights the advantage that comparatively older students have over their younger counterparts (kids born at the end of the school year, in June or July).

Your March child might achieve great things.

Even if your child isn’t moving up the corporate ladder, their career as a pilot may be physically ascending! A modest UK research indicated that March was a frequent birth month among pilots.

Whatever gift your March child possesses, they will be among accomplished individuals.

March is a prominent star—possibly because of its wet weather? Celebrity births, according to one study, tended to congregate during ‘wet’ months (think: December through March). 

They see the silver lining.

People born in March have bright dispositions, which is appropriate for someone who was born in the spring. They have a high rating on the hyperthymia scale, which indicates that they have a general optimism that enables them to see past the negative. Sadly, if things don’t turn out as planned, it makes individuals more susceptible to sadness.

For newborns born in March, the health outlook is favorable.

Enjoy a few years of good health! Research by Columbia University discovered that some birth months were associated with elevated risks for specific illnesses. The study found that March newborns were not only not at an elevated risk of respiratory, reproductive, cardiovascular, or neurological diseases, but also linked to a lower risk of disease. March infants, enjoy this news in good health!

March Month Babies - FAQs:

1. Which facts apply to those born in March?

March babies are known to be affectionate and attractive, and they are said to have a very sympathetic nature and a love of caring for others. March-born infants are always helpful to others and are able to tell when someone else needs assistance.

2. What are the names of March babies?

Your March child will be born under the signs of Pisces or Aries. Infants born on or after March 21 will be Aries, a sign characterized by passion, motivation, and vigor.

3. Which color suits a March baby?

Birthstone for March: aquamarine. Pale blue is the birthstone for March.

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