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How To Get Rid Of Newborn Hiccups?

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How To Get Rid Of Newborn Hiccups

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As cute and adorable it may seem, baby hiccups could be a cause of concern and irritation. The hiccups in babies are mostly caused by a contraction in the diaphragm with the quick closing of the vocal cords. And it is this rapid closing of the vocal cords that end up creating the sound of hiccups.

Just like adults getting bothered with the hiccups, it is only natural for the babies to get irritated about the same. Nevertheless, in most babies, the little ones are not affected by them. In fact, most babies are also capable of sleeping through a series of hiccups, that too, without being disturbed, rarely interfering and affecting the breathing of the little ones. 

How To Stop Newborn Hiccups: What Should Be Done?

As for studies in 2019, it was indicated that the could be important as it’s an indication of the munchkin developing their brain and breathing pattern. 

As for the facts, hiccups is one of the earliest development in infants that are developed in the mambear’s womb. Nevertheless, these could be uncomfortable for babies, and here’s what you must do:

How To Get Rid Of Newborn Hiccups?

Here are a few deeper analyses that can help you get rid of these baby hiccups:

1. Take A Break From The Feed, Try To Burp

When there are a lot of hiccups, it’s best to take a break from the feeding session and try to burp. This will help get rid of the hiccups as burping can help throw the excess gas causing the hiccups.

Not only that but burping must be tried in an accurate position, that is when placing the baby in an upright position. According to The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), they suggest burping the baby not only post the feed but periodically during the feedings too. If the infant is only breastfed, it’s best to burp them even while switching the breasts.

Pro tip – When in the upright position, try to gently pat or rub the baby’s back. Keep a check not avoiding slapping or being too rough while patting. 

2. Use A Pacifier

As per the misconception, hiccups in infants don’t always begin from a feeding. The next way to help get rid of the baby hiccups is by handing them over a pacifier to suck onto. Pacifiers help relax the baby’s diaphragm and also stop the bout of hiccups.

3. Gripe Water

Gripe water is another way to help your baby get rid of the discomfort caused by the hiccups. This is a combination of water and herbs that are known to help with intestinal discomforts like colic, providing relief in the baby. However, there is no evidence found to support the argument.

The type of herbs used in the gripe water can vary, ranging from ginger, chamomile, fennel, to cinnamon. It has also not been clinically shown or proved to help aid the babies with hiccups and is considered as a supplement instead. This is why gripe water isn’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Having said that, we would still recommend you consult your doctor before your give gripe water to the baby.

Pro Tip – You must get into the habit to check the ingredient list on the gripe water, in fact for any product before your purchase the same, especially in the case of a baby. You must at all costs, avoid products that have vegetable carbon, sucrose, and alcohol as these might end up causing adverse effects

4. Leave Them To Nature

Babies under the age of 1 generally have hiccups, therefore, at times, it is only best to let them be and aid with the hiccups on their own. This is only good to be in case they are not bothering your little one. 

In case you’ve waited for long and the hiccups of the baby don’t seem to end, it is best to consult your doctor, although rare, it could be a sign of a serious medical issue.

Newborn Baby Hiccups: Prevention

Although baby hiccups are a little too difficult to prevent since there is no clear cause, we have listed a few ways to prevent the baby hiccups. 

Try these methods and help prevent your baby from hiccups and also for a better gut:

  • A calm baby – It is always good to feed a baby who is calm before being fed. This also means keeping a close eye on the baby’s hunger track and not waiting for them to get hungry. I waited it could mean a crying and hungry baby, equivalent to a fussy baby before meals. 
  • Avoid heavy activity post-fed – Post-feed, heavy activities would include high energy play or bounce up and down.
  • Upright burping – Once the baby is fed, make sure to keep the baby in an upright position for about 20 to 30 minutes after each means to burp.

Newborn Hiccups After Feeding: When To Call The Doctor?

In most cases, baby hiccups are a normal experience that also occurs when the baby is in the mama’s womb. Nevertheless, if the baby gets way too many hiccups, especially if they are agitated, it’s a good idea and practice to consult a doctor as it could be a sign of a medical issue.

It is also best to talk to a doctor in case the hiccups of the baby are disturbing their sleep or if it continues even after the baby’s 1st birthday.

How To Get Rid Of Newborn Hiccups? What Not To Do

While the first thing most parents would do is to research the cause on the internet. No doubt, you will find an ample number of solutions to help aid baby hiccups. However, as per doctors, it is recommended to avoid many of the stereotypical cures for hiccups. For instance, you might be asked to startle your baby or even pull their tongue – crazy!

These methods do not work in infants and might do more harm than good to the baby. In case the baby seems to be content, it’s best of all to intervene.

How To Get Rid Of Newborn Hiccups Final Conclusion

The idea is not always to know the cause of the baby’s hiccups, in fact, it is also necessary to note that there are benefits that are yet to be known too.

As long as the one-year-old is not vomiting with the hiccups, it is completed ok and is a normal part of development.

Regular hiccups are expected to go away by the time the baby reaches 1 year old. However, if the episode is longer and causes discomfort in the baby, consult your doctor to help rule the cause out.

How To Get Rid Of Newborn Hiccups FAQs

1) How to get rid of newborn hiccups?

Listed below are a few ways to help when the baby is uncomfortable due to the hiccups:
  • Try to burp the baby
  • Consider trying gripe water
  • Give them a pacifier
  • Let the hiccups run their course
  • 2) How to help newborn with hiccup?

    Try these methods and help prevent your baby from hiccups and also for a better gut:
  • A calm baby - It is always good to feed a baby who is calm before being fed. This also means keeping a close eye on the baby’s hunger track and not waiting for them to get hungry. I waited it could mean a crying and hungry baby, equivalent to a fussy baby before meals.
  • Avoid heavy activity post-fed - Post-feed, heavy activities would include high energy play or bounce up and down.
  • Upright burping - Once the baby is fed, make sure to keep the baby in an upright position for about 20 to 30 minutes after each means to burp.
  • 3) How to burp the baby?

    Burping must be tried in an accurate position, that is when placing the baby in an upright position. According to The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), they suggest burping the baby not only post the feed but periodically during the feedings too. If the infant is only breastfed, it’s best to burp them even while switching the breasts.

    4) Why do newborns get hiccups? What causes it?

    The hiccups in newborns are most frequently caused due to:
  • Overeating
  • A quick feed
  • Swallowing lots of air
  • Either of the above-mentioned could cause a stomach distention that then actually pushes against the diaphragm, causing it to spasm, and then of course — the hiccups!

    5) Is it bad or a space of concern if my newborn hiccups a lot?

    Mosty, no! Most baby hiccups are harmless that will go away as soon as the baby is about a year old. However, if there are frequent hiccups, then you must consult a doctor as it could be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease in the babies.

    6) Do hiccups indicate the baby is full?

    As per experts, it is believed that the hiccups in babies are caused due to the rising levels of acid and food rising from the stomach, that is when the infant is full.
    On the other hand, the baby’s hiccups could also indicate overeating or eating in a hurry.

    On behalf of the editorial team at Parenthoodbliss, we follow strict reporting guidelines and only use credible sources, along with peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and highly respected health organizations. To learn about how we maintain content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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