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8 Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

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During Pregnancy it is almost vital for you to consume food that is beneficial for both, the mother as well as for the baby growing within you. Therefore, you must make sure you consume the right food. But then what foods to avoid during pregnancy?

Why Some foods need to Avoid during Pregnancy?

We all know that in these times, foods that have extra calories are vital, so is the consumption of prenatal vitamins like folic acid and iron, as well as a well-balanced diet.

However, the immune system is perhaps quite weakened during pregnancy that makes you more susceptible to bacteria, viruses, and other foods that cause foodborne illness (E.coli, salmonella, and toxoplasmosis). 

These could end up making you sick or could result in preterm labor or miscarriage in some cases. It could be anything from mercury in fish to caffeine in coffee. Therefore, it is very important to understand to be aware of foods that are to be avoided.

Listeria and Pregnancy?

Along with the many we will discuss later in the article, listeria tops our list and is quite important to be noticed. This is a food-borne illness that risks pregnancy resulting in complications. Irrespective of it being rare, some incidents are reported every year. However, to avoid such a circumstance, you must take extra food safety measures like:

1. Remember to always wash your food as well as your hand quite often before you consume it

2. Always keep your kitchen and fridge clean, even if its a daily work

3. Do not leave any food underdone, or raw. Make sure to only consume fully cooked food.

Here is a list of foods you must avoid during your Pregnancy

1. Caffeine
All the coffee lovers, don’t panic just yet! Coffee isn’t a total no, but make sure you’re consuming a maximum of 300 milligrams of caffeine per day, equivalent to three cups of coffee or six mugs of black tea. So stir in your cappuccino and kick in the extra calcium.

Advice – Consult your doctor if the herbs used in your drink are safe for the baby.

2. Raw fish

It is commonly recommended by pediatricians to avoid the consumption of raw fish in foods like an oyster, sushi, etcetera. This is because they contain parasites and certain bacteria that might make you sick. However, if your staple includes sushi and that doesn’t make you sick, you should consult your doctor if you plan to continue.

Also, don’t shy away from fish that is fully cooked, it could work wonders for you while you’re pregnant with the help of the omega 3 fatty acids. It helps develop the baby’s brain and visual development.

3. Fish with a high content of Mercury
The high content of mercury could be quite dangerous as it is a heavy metal. However, not all fish is high on mercury, so you could consume some while letting go of the others.

For instance, avoid fish like tuna, shark, and swordfish. Meanwhile, it is ok to consume fishes like cooked salmon, shrimp, and domestic crab as they do not have high rates of mercury.

4. Raw or Deli Meats
Yes, consuming deli or even raw meats during pregnancy is a no-no! This is because they carry harmful things such as toxoplasmosis and salmonella that could risk listeria.

These foods include:

  • Cold deli meats
  • Hot dogs
  • Salami
  • Smoked fish

Nonetheless, if you wish to have them you need to be extra safe by cooking the meat well or heating them thoroughly.

5. Unpasteurized cheese, milk, and juice
Avoiding juice and cheese like brie, gorgonzola, and camembert is important as it is made from using unpasteurized milk, and these can carry listeria. This perhaps is harmful to pregnant women as it could risk their pregnancy.

6. Raw Eggs
Salmonella can be carried by consuming raw or unpasteurized eggs. Therefore, it is always better to cook your eggs before you consume them to be on the safer side of your pregnancy.

7. Unwashed fruits and vegetables
This is known but is perhaps important to point out. Always wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption as they may carry bacteria that could be harmful to the pregnancy.

8. Alcohol

Consuming alcohol while pregnant can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, therefore, we’re sure your pediatrician will not recommend any consumption.

To Conclude

Pregnancy is perhaps quite a fragile and delicate stage for any woman. Haven said that it doesn’t mean that the woman is to be stopped from a lot of things she can do, also, keeping that in mind we must make quite sure of everything we consume and what is not to be consumed. 

In either case, we recommend that you consult your doctor/pediatrician before you consume anything new or are unsure of the consumption. After all, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Other than that, we wish you a safe and happy trimester! 

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy FAQs

1. What fruits a pregnant woman must avoid?

  • Papaya - As it contains latex that might trigger marked uterine contractions, resulting in early labor
  • Pineapple - Pineapples contain certain enzymes that alter the cervix, inducing premature contractions
  • Grapes - They contain resveratrol ( a toxic compound), that poisons or causes certain complications during pregnancy.

  • 2. Can a pregnant woman have yogurt?

    Absolutely! Dairy products are a great choice for pregnant women. They help increase proteins and calcium in the body and have legumes that have folate, fiber, and other nutrients too.

    3. What are the drinks that are consumable while pregnant?

  • Water- A pregnant woman needs more water as compared to an average person as it helps form amniotic fluid. This helps in the production of extra blood for both you and the baby, build new tissue, carry nutrients, digestion, and extract all the extra toxins and wastes from the body.
  • Orange Juice- Orange juice contains a good amount of vitamin C, potassium, and folate that is good for your trimester.
  • Coffee- Coffee boosts the energy levels during your pregnancy, improves focus, and relieves you from the onset of headaches. However, too much caffeine could be harmful which is why it is recommended that about 300 milligrams max per day is the maximum one can consume, as it may risk the chances of miscarriage.
  • Tea- While you are restricted with the amount of coffee, tea makes a good substitute. It contains polyphenols and antioxidants. It helps protect the heart, lowers the risk of cancer, and enhances the immune system.
  • Reviewed By-

    Brandi Nicole, Lactation Consultant

    Brandi Nicole, Lactation Consultant

    Brandi Nicole is a pediatric nurse, a postpartum doula, and an international board-certified lactation consultant. She is a proud member of the International Lactation Consultant Association, the United States Lactation Consultant Association, and the Bay Area Lactation Associates.

    On behalf of the editorial team at Parenthoodbliss, we follow strict reporting guidelines and only use credible sources, along with peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and highly respected health organizations. To learn about how we maintain content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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