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18 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development, and Tips!

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18 Weeks Pregnant

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The experience of starting parenting is a very distinct and special journey, now that you are 18 weeks pregnant, you will have gained a lot of knowledge about childbirth and babies. During the 18th week, you’re putting on about 1 pound per week and may experience some balance problems. This week your baby has started to hear too!

18 Weeks Pregnant is How Many Months?

18 weeks pregnant in months is approximately 4.5 months into your pregnancy. Pregnancy is typically calculated as around 40 weeks, and each month is considered to be roughly 4.33 weeks long on average. Therefore, at 18 weeks, you are in the middle of the fourth month of pregnancy.

So what else is happening to the baby in the 18 weeks pregnant?

Major developments are going on with your baby’s growth this week from hearing to the nervous system. Check out a little more about what’s going on in 18 weeks.

1. Hearing:

Baby can hear everything! Your pounding heart is the loudest thing your baby can hear. They will respond to specific sounds by week 25.

2. Gender:

If you already have an ultrasound (usually between 16 weeks and 20 weeks), the technician will tell you if you have a boy or a girl. The precision of this depends on the child’s position, so perhaps thinking about the child’s name and deciding it can be an update. If it’s a female, their fallopian tubes and their uterus are where they tend to be. If it’s a baby boy, the small parts of them are (usually noticeable on the ultrasound.

3. Nervous system:

Your child’s nerves are beginning to build myelin, a fatty material that isolates them. This fancy mechanism is called “myelination.” It’s a big load, but the essence is that it safeguards nerve cells and accelerates contact between them. This is extremely important to the growing brain of an infant. Research suggests that nutrients can help grow a healthy brain—specifically, iron, choline, and folate. So continue chewing on leafy greens, eggs, beans, and other nutrient-rich foods, and grab your prenatal vitamins to help improve the baby’s brain strength.

4. Yawning:

Time for the highlight of the week: Your baby has now mastered the art of yawning, and along with it, the skill of hiccupping, which you may soon start to feel!

In fact, during your ultrasound this month, you may get to witness that adorable yawn and various other movements your baby is making.

What happens to a mother’s body in the 18th week of pregnancy?

Although you may become more full of energy in the second trimester, you may find yourself grappling with new problems as you and your baby grow larger. Think about Braxton Hick’s contractions, round ligament pain, and feeling off-balanced (practically). Here’s what’s going on this week.

1. Weight:

At this point, most women acquire about a pound per week. .Because a child weighs between seven and eight pounds at birth.  Two pounds is the placenta, and four pounds is blood. This is the amount of extra mass you carry.

2. Balance:

With all this extra mass, the center of gravity is going to shift. You may find yourself stumbling more than normal, as your equilibrium is catching up, so try to reduce speed. This can lead to pain, too so holding your feet up helps calm down.

3. Dry eyes:

Pregnancy will dry your eyes, which is particularly annoying if you have contact. Try several preservative-free organic teardrops that don’t have cyclosporine (this helps to treat the dry eye, but there’s not enough evidence on whether or not it’s secure.

4. Aches and pains:

They’re natural throughout pregnancy, but you might notice some unpleasant sensations in your lower abdomen during week 18. Round ligament pain may have to be blamed. These irritating pains are triggered by all that your baby is rising, stretching the round ligaments and pulling some extremely sensitive nerves in the groin. It isn’t much you can do about it besides stretching, changing positions, and taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) if your doctor gives you approval. Of course, cramps and discomfort in the belly can also be due to other causes, so let your gynecologist know if you are worried or if you do have other signs, such as bleeding, fever, chills, or painful urination, or if the discomfort is serious.

5. Blood pressure:

Do you think if your health care professional tests your blood pressure at every checkup? Low blood pressure causes fainting and drowsiness, as though you were standing up too fast. Typically this is quite natural and will go down after your baby is delivered. But on the other hand, high blood pressure can lead to complications, like preterm birth and placenta problems, and also preeclampsia, which can be risky for mother and baby. See if you have high blood pressure, you and your baby will be carefully looked after.

6. Back Aches

You might be experiencing back pain due to your growing uterus shifting your center of gravity and the effects of the pregnancy hormone relaxin on ligaments and joints. To alleviate the discomfort, use a footrest when sitting, place one foot on a low stool when standing, and consider a warm bath. If the back pain persists, consult with your healthcare practitioner.

7. Bleeding Gums

The hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to swollen mucous membranes, including those in the mouth, resulting in inflamed, irritated, and bleeding gums. Despite the discomfort, it’s crucial to maintain regular flossing and brushing to prevent periodontal disease. However, it’s advisable to be gentle in your approach to avoid further irritation of sensitive gums.

18 Weeks Pregnant Belly

18 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound Parenthoodbliss

The estimated weight gain is around 1 pound a week in the second quarter. At your first prenatal visit, your healthcare professional could have offered you a weight gain limit to try to remain inside, depending on your BMI (body mass index). It can be hard to keep on target. It’s kind of no cool being on a scale too often—but gynecologists suggest slow but steady weight gain is essential to your and your child’s development.

At 18 weeks, some pregnant belly appears, like, fully pregnant, and other people have just started to come up to you and ask if you are a would be mother or not! Thus it’s is slightly noticeable.

Finishing thoughts : 18 weeks Pregnant

You may experience baby’s motions daily, or you may only begin to feel a tingle or two. Fairly soon the movements are going to be distinctive. So be prepped up for welcoming your little one. Start crafting the nursery as these things might look simple but they do take a lot of time once you start executing it.

FAQs :18 Weeks Pregnant

1. Can you feel the baby moving around at 18 weeks ?

You don't have to panic if you sit for a long time without having a baby wiggle within you. 18 weeks of pregnant motions are irregular. The motions of the infant would be more frequent from the start of the third trimester. Your gynecologist will warn you to be mindful of any symptoms of diminished activity.

2. What is your baby’s weight and how big your baby is in week 18 of your pregnancy ?

When you’re 18 weeks pregnant, your baby is around the size of about 5 and a half inches long from head to toe and weighs around 7 ounces.

3. Is it normal to feel kicks and fluttering at 18 weeks pregnant ?

Women who are pregnant anxiously await the first moves of their infant. But since expectations of fetal movement may differ greatly, you would be worried that the motion you experience at 18 weeks suggests that something is incorrect. You experience a lot of movement or not at all. So there is no need to get decked up, be calm, and patient for the first movements. And if you are still feeling anxious then try discussing it with your doctor.

On behalf of the editorial team at Parenthoodbliss, we follow strict reporting guidelines and only use credible sources, along with peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and highly respected health organizations. To learn about how we maintain content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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