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Weekly Pregnancy Meal Plan: The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need

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weekly pregnancy meal plan

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If you’re an expecting mother, you’re probably hearing this a lot lately- eating healthy food during pregnancy is very crucial. But what people may not be telling you is that being healthy doesn’t necessarily mean surviving on fruits and supplements throughout the day!

A healthy pregnancy meal plan will not only help you and your little one hit the nutrition goal but also help you maintain a balanced diet without compromising on the taste.

When you have a weekly pregnancy meal plan, you can plan your snacks and munchies in advance and also keep track of whether you are having the right nutrients that you and your baby require.

Pregnancy itself can be stressful at times, but with a healthy pregnancy meal plan, feeling ‘hangry’ won’t be an obstacle in keeping you and your baby healthy.

What is a Pregnancy Meal Plan?

A healthy pregnancy meal planning includes choosing and planning a diet that will be the most helpful for you as well as your little one. It also implies knowing the quantity and timing to eat those foods. There are many ways you can plan your meals to make sure you’re getting the right nutrients, in the right amounts, every day.

Benefits of a Healthy Pregnancy Meal Plan

Among the many benefits of a meal plan, a healthy pregnancy meal plan has the following benefits:

  • The right nutrients depending on which phase in your pregnancy you are in
  • Prevents unnecessary weight gain
  • Keeps you and your baby healthy
  • Helps you plan your snacks and meals in advance

Nutrients Your Body Requires During Pregnancy

Even though you can enjoy your box of pizza or a tub of ice cream, incorporating the right nutrients into your diet will make sure you’re hitting your nutritional goals. As your baby grows, trimester by trimester, the needs of your body change, and with the changing needs, your diet changes.

First Trimester

During the first 12 to 13 weeks of your pregnancy, your body needs a variety of nutrients to keep you and your baby healthy.

  1. Folic acid (legumes, broccoli, green leafy vegetables)
  2. Iron (seafood, raisin, peas)
  3. Vitamin B6 (pork, peanuts, oats)
Folic AcidProtects your baby from neural tube disorders such as spina bifida and other birth disorders like cleft palate.
IronMake healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around your body
Vitamin B6Ease nausea and morning sickness

Second Trimester

During your second trimester, your baby’s bones and brain are growing. Your diet during the second trimester should include plenty of calcium and vitamin D for healthy growing bones and omega-3-rich food for your baby’s brain development. Unlike unhealthy fat, omega 3 is a healthy fat that your baby also needs for his overall development.

  1. Calcium (kale, okra, soya drink, and milk)
  2. Omega 3 (seafood, chia seeds, flaxseeds, plant oil, and fortified food)
  3. Vitamin A (cheese, eggs, and oily fish)
  4. Vitamin D (red meat, liver, egg yolk, and fortified food)
  5. Iron (seafood, raisin, peas)
CalciumHealthy growing bones
Omega 3Baby’s brain development
Vitamin AHealthy blood and skin
Vitamin DHealthy growing bones
IronAvoid anemia

Third Trimester

During your third trimester, the speed of your baby’s growth will increase as they are gaining weight. Do not worry about the few pounds you put on rapidly at this time, because the extra calories you gain will help your baby in building layers of fat. Just like the first and second trimesters, iron continues to be an essential part of your diet. An important addition to your diet will be vitamin K.

  1. Vitamin K (kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, liver, meat, and cereals)
  2. Iron (beans, tofu, spinach, and whole grains)
Vitamin KEssential for blood to clot, which is important after childbirth
IronPrevent anemia and premature labor

Superfoods During Pregnancy

Now that we know the nutrients that our body requires during pregnancy, let’s check out the list of superfoods during pregnancy. You can include these superfoods anytime in your healthy pregnancy meal plan, be it for breakfast, a salad, or even dinner.

A List of The Top 8 Superfoods During Pregnancy

  1. Milk and milk products
  2. Whole grains
  3. Eggs
  4. Broccoli
  5. Berries
  6. Avocado
  7. Dried fruits
  8. Lots of water
SuperfoodWhy Should You Have It?
Milk and milk products
  • Protein, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin B, magnesium, and zinc
  • Strong bones
  • Better digestion
Whole grains
  • Fiber, vitamins B, magnesium, and plant compounds
  • High-quality protein, fat, and many vitamins and minerals.
  • Contains choline (important in baby’s brain development and helps prevent developmental abnormalities of the brain and spine)
  • Fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate, and potassium
  • Reduces risk of low birth weight
  • Water, healthy carbs, vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants
  • Reduces risk of blood sugar because of low glycemic index
  • Fiber, B vitamins (especially folate), vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E, and vitamin C
  • Good source of healthy fats, folate, and potassium
  • Fats help build the skin, brain, and tissues of your baby
  • Folate may help prevent neural tube defects, developmental abnormalities of the brain and spine such as spina bifida
Dried fruits
  • High in calories, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals
  • Channel hydration to your baby

Healthy Pregnancy Meal Plan Ideas

Now that you know the nutrients that your body needs in each trimester and the pregnancy superfoods, you can now add these food items to your weekly pregnancy meal plan as per your choice.

Here’s a weekly pregnancy meal plan to fulfill the needs of your body during pregnancy:



  • Oats or muesli
  • Pasteurized milk or natural yogurt
  • Few slices of freshly cut fruits

Optional Snack

  • A handful of dried fruit or apricot


  • Coleslaw sandwich or chicken sandwich
  • A bowl of salad


  • Few slices of freshly cut fruits
  • Homemade baked muffins


  • Chicken soup
  • A bowl of salad



  • Hard-boiled or poached eggs
  • Av0cado
  • Whole wheat bread

Optional Snack

  • Sesame seed bar (good source of iron)


  • Tortilla wrap with yellow and red bell peppers, tomato, lettuce, carrots, and cabbage.
  • Hummus with a dash of olive oil and cayenne pepper or paprika


  • Crackers with cheese
  • Baked chocolate cookies


  • Chicken fillets stuffed with feta cheese
  • A bowl of salad



  • Scrambled eggs with cheese and tomato
  • Few slices of freshly cut fruits

Optional Snack

  • A glass of pasteurized milk
  • Dry fruit


  • Brown rice with sauteed vegetables or mushroom
  • A bowl of salad


  • Yogurt with bananas and kiwi


  • Homemade pizza with whole wheat crust
  • Topping with pasteurized cheese of your choice
  • Add vegetables and chicken



  • Oats or muesli
  • Pasteurized milk or yogurt
  • Few slices of freshly cut fruits

Optional Snack

  • Homemade fruit juice
  • Oats bar


  • Sardines (good source of omega 3, calcium, and vitamin D) with toast
  • Green leafy salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar


  • Whole wheat bread with peanut butter


  • Chicken risotto
  • A bowl of salad



  • Whole grain bread with peanut butter
  • Hard-boiled or poached eggs

Optional Snack

  • Few slices of freshly cut fruits
  • Sesame seed bar


  • Couscous salad with green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, chickpeas, and bell peppers
  • Yogurt with blueberries, strawberries, and cranberries


  • Baked chocolate cookies


  • Spaghetti with tomato basil sauce
  • Add boiled pieces of chicken and broccoli.



  • Greek yogurt with dry fruits, almonds, and muesli
  • Orange juice

Optional Snack

  • Hard-boiled or poached eggs
  • Sesame seed bar


  • Kedgeree with fish (omega 3 rich), brown rice, and hard-boiled eggs
  • Cheese with baked beans and potato


  • Banana smoothie with chocolate and peanut butter


  • Stir-fried chicken with spinach (good source of iron and omega 3) and mushrooms
  • Green leafy salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar



  • Whole wheat bread with peanut butter
  • Few slices of freshly cut fruits

Optional Snack

  • A cup of pasteurized milk
  • A handful of dried fruits


  • Brown rice with sardines curry (rich in omega 3)
  • Yogurt with chopped apples, apricot, and grapes


  • Oats or granola bar


  • Vegetable, meat, or chicken tacos with green leafy veggies and sprinkled with pasteurized cheese of your choice.

Do I Need To Take Supplements If I Am Eating Healthy ?

Eating healthy is the best way to get all the nutrients you and your baby need. But your doctor must have prescribed you some supplements to be taken at specific times. So, do not discontinue these supplements. A doctor mostly suggests:

TrimesterRecommended Supplements
First TrimesterFolic acid, iron, and vitamin B6
Second TrimesterIron and calcium
Third TrimesterIron and vitamin K
Always take supplements after consulting with your doctor.

Food To Avoid During Pregnancy

There are some food items that must be avoided by expecting mothers. Some food items can be harmful to you, some can be harmful or can act as a toxin for your baby. When you prepare a meal plan make sure you have a list of food items you’re allergic to so that you can opt them out of your plan.

Here's a list of 10 food items that you need to avoid during pregnancy:

  1. Alcohol
  2. Raw fish
  3. Undercooked or processed meat
  4. Unpasteurized cheese
  5. Unpasteurized milk
  6. Raw egg
  7. Caffeine
  8. Unwashed fruits and vegetables
  9. Papaya
  10. Carbonated drinks

Final Takeaway on a Healthy Weekly Meal Plan for Pregnant Women

Your baby is waiting to take in all those nutritious foods from a well-balanced meal plan which includes whole grains, fruits, green leafy vegetables, and healthy fats.

There’s a long list of delicious options that give you and your baby a healthy boost. Keep your doctor informed of your eating choices and let them guide you on a plan with any supplements if required.

Weekly Pregnancy Meal Plan FAQs :

1. What is a good meal plan for a pregnant woman ?

During pregnancy, healthy eating does not only mean having fruits all day. Your diet needs to have all the necessary nutrients that are required for you as well as your baby's development. This includes a healthy balance of protein-rich foods, vitamins, and minerals, as well as healthy fats.

2. What are the benefits of having a meal plan during pregnancy ?

Among the many benefits of a meal plan, a healthy pregnancy meal plan has the following benefits:
  • The right nutrients depending on which phase in your pregnancy you are in
  • Prevents unnecessary weight gain
  • Keeps you and your baby healthy
  • Helps you plan your snacks and meals in advance

  • 3. What should a pregnant woman eat for breakfast lunch and dinner ?

    Your breakfast should be heavier compared to your dinner. You can choose from a wide range of healthy and nutritious breakfasts such as oats or muesli with milk or yogurt. Along with this, you can have a few slices of fruits of your choice. For breakfast, you can opt for spaghetti, risotto, soup, or even tacos.

    4. What food should I have during pregnancy ?

    Even though you can have almost anything that you want during your pregnancy, there are a few superfoods that can help you hit your nutrition goals. These include- milk, whole grains, eggs, broccoli, berries, avocado, dried fruits, and lots of water.

    5. What should an ideal healthy meal plan for pregnancy look like ?

    During your pregnancy, your diet should have a complete balance of vitamins, proteins, healthy fats, and fiber. There is a long list of pregnancy superfoods and essential nutrients that your body requires during pregnancy. You must also take care of the few things that are best avoided during pregnancy.

    Reviewed By:

    Jessica - Nutritionist Dietician

    Jessica - Nutritionist Dietician

    Jessica is the owner and registered dietitian nutritionist at Nutrition That Heals, LLC. She started her dietetics career working in acute care where she gained a great deal of invaluable experience, learning all about different disease states and their appropriate nutrition interventions. She then worked in long term care where she was able to develop her skills and knowledge base dealing with the elderly population. Following long term care, she worked as an outpatient dialysis dietitian, working with patients to help them eat their best for their kidney failure and often other health conditions (diabetes, heart disease, etc.). She then made the jump back to be an inpatient clinical dietitian. There, she was able to work with patients with strokes, cancer, orthopedic issues, as well as the pediatric population. During her most recent time working as an inpatient clinical dietitian, a great opportunity presented itself and it was a great way to move into focusing more on her dream of opening a private practice. She currently works full time as a contract dietitian with Dietitians on Demand conducting 1:1 nutrition counseling sessions while also working with patients here at Nutrition That Heals, LLC. ​She has been grateful enough to know how powerful good nutrition can be, but after being diagnosed with endometriosis in March 2022, she had to fully focus on the importance of anti-inflammatory foods, proper hydration, and self-care. This diagnosis motivated her to put pen to paper and get her business started - she wanted to teach what she had learned to others - food should be nourishing. Jessica wants to show you how you can heal with good nutrition, and feel your absolute best!

    On behalf of the editorial team at Parenthoodbliss, we follow strict reporting guidelines and only use credible sources, along with peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and highly respected health organizations. To learn about how we maintain content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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