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It’s totally normal to have a tilted uterus pregnancy (also known as an inverted uterus, retroverted uterus, or tilted cervix). It simply implies that the uterus is tilted backward, rather than forwards, toward your spine. The ability to conceive is unaffected by a retroverted uterus. It also has very little influence on pregnancy, labor, or birth.
In most cases, the inverted uterus can correct itself because it expands in the second trimester. It can or cannot return to the retroverted position after delivery. In either case, it’s unlikely to cause any issues in the near future.
Retroverted Uterus: What It Is?
A retroverted uterus tilts backward (towards the spine) rather than forward (toward the navel). A tilted uterus is also known as a tipped uterus, an inverted uterus, or a tilted cervix.
A tilted uterus is totally normal; nevertheless, it is not as frequent as a forward-tilted uterus. A tilted uterus affects about 1 in every 5 women.
Retroverted Uterus: What Are The Causes?
Some women have a tilted uterus from birth. Others may have a tipped uterus because of several reasons like:
- Scarring: Scar tissue caused by infection, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or even pelvic surgery might force the uterus backward or hold it back (including a previous cesarean delivery).
- A uterus that has swelled due to a tumor, fibroids, or a prior pregnancy may tilt backward.
- Pelvic muscles that are weak: Because of the ligaments (that support the uterus), the uterus can tilt backward after childbirth or menopause.
Tilted Uterus Symptoms: How To Know If You Have A Retroverted Uterus?
When any caregiver performs a pelvic exam, you will find out if you have got a retroverted uterus or not. An MRI or ultrasound can also confirm the precise location.
There are some ladies who have a retroverted uterus who have no symptoms. That implies you could be completely oblivious of the problem. If you do have symptoms, these can include the following:
- pain in the vagina or lower back during sexual intercourse
- excessive menstrual pain
- difficulty in inserting tampons
- a higher frequency of urination or a sense of strain in the bladder
- mild incontinence
- urinary tract infection
- protrusion in your lower abdomen
Sex And Retroverted Uterus
A tilted uterus pregnancy normally has little effect on sexual feeling or enjoyment.
However, in other cases, it might cause painful sexual intercourse. If you’re in specific positions, the pain will be much more apparent. Shifting sexual positions could help to alleviate the discomfort.
The uterus, like the ovaries, is situated lower within the pelvis. The top of the penis might thrust against the vaginal walls, pushing into the uterus or ovaries at the time of vigorous intercourse or sex involving deep thrusting.
This can result in bruises, rips, or pain. If you’re having trouble becoming comfortable during sex, consider shifting your posture to see if it helps. Consult your doctor if every sex position, both with and without bleeding, gives you discomfort.
Tilted Uterus Pregnancy: Is It Possible To Conceive With A Tilted Uterus?
With a retroverted uterus, it is possible to become pregnant. In reality, having a retroverted uterus has no impact on the ability to get pregnant.
However, if the retroverted uterus is caused by a disorder like fibroids, PID, or even endometriosis, either of these could damage fertility.
How Does Having A Tilted Uterus Impact Your Pregnancy?
A tilted uterus hardly has any impact on your pregnancy, there are very few cases where it causes severe impacts on fertility.
However, there are a few possibilities that retroverted uterus may cause:
- Backache: If your uterus presses against your spine, it’s understandable that you’d experience back pain. However, several pregnant women experience back pain regardless of uterine position, but there is no scientific proof that a tilted uterus makes back discomfort worse.
- Difficulty in finding the baby during the ultrasound: Finding the baby at the time of ultrasound could be tough as the baby is a little further away in the retroverted uterine scan. If this is the situation, a transvaginal ultrasound (which is conducted through your vaginal canal with a wand that is specially designed) will provide a clearer picture of the baby.
As the uterus expands into the stomach and straightens itself, these possible difficulties are likely to subside after your first trimester.
A uterus trapped in your pelvis instead of rising out occurs very rarely. An incarcerated uterus is a condition that raises the chance of miscarriage. The caregiver may attempt to un-wedge the uterus based on when this issue is diagnosed. Only 1 in every 3,000 or 10,000 pregnancies results in the condition of the incarcerated uterus.
Tilted Uterus And Its Impact On Labor And Delivery
A tilted uterus will very certainly have no impact on your labor and delivery. While it’s possible that having a tilted uterus increases your chances of back labor, there is no scientific evidence to back up that claim.
The uterus can return to the tilted position or rest in some other position after the baby is delivered. It varies as to how much weight you have gained and how much the ligaments have expanded during pregnancy. It’s unlikely to create any issues afterward or in future pregnancies, regardless of where it ends up.
While a tipped uterus is not something that you will notice on your own at the time of pregnancy (or at some other time! ), you will observe other physical changes that may occur.
Tilted Uterus Pregnancy Final Conclusion:
During a normal or routine pelvic exam, the doctor can detect a tipped uterus. Consult the doctor if you have any concerns about any symptoms.
When you’re pregnant, you can be identified with a tilted uterus for the first time. This is because an MRI or ultrasound could also be used to diagnose it.
If you are asymptomatic, you might not need any therapy. If you experience any symptoms and if you are worried about the illness, consult a doctor about various treatment options. In many circumstances, treatment is unnecessary.