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In vitro fertilization (IVF) was pioneered by Patrick Steptoe and Sir Robert Edwards in 1978 and since then has made a mark in the lives of couples who have trouble conceiving. Even though it has helped a ton of people to have a baby, it comes with a set of disadvantages and advantages. Here are some of them:
5 Advantages of IVF Babies
1. IVF Babies are a Boon to People Who Cannot Conceive.
IVF is the ultimate option for couples who are infertile to have a healthy baby. People with the following conditions generally opt for an in vitro fertilization procedure:
- Blocked Tubes
Some women might have damaged or blocked fallopian tubes making it difficult for the eggs to travel down to the uterus. IVF provides the best chance for such women to conceive using their eggs.
- Older Patients
People who are older or have low ovarian reserve can go for an IVF treatment to maximize their chances of having a healthy baby.
- Male Infertility
Male infertility is a cause of undescended testicles, infections, health conditions like diabetes, or genetic defects. Doctors will involve ICSI to increase the chances of having a baby for such men. They also sometimes consult a urologist to deal with male fertility issues.
- Unexplained Fertility
One is six couples deal with issues related to fertility and some of these issues remain undiagnosed even after an investigation. IVF is their ultimate choice for having a baby.
PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a common health condition that leads to a hormonal imbalance and irregular menstruation cycles. Ovulation induction will fail for such people and that is where IVF comes into play.
- Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a disorder where some tissue that is similar to the uterus lining starts growing outside the uterus. This leads to the formation of cysts because this lining has no exit point from your body. IVF is the perfect solution for women with this condition.
- Premature Ovarian Failure
Women having menopause or premature ovarian failure ahs their best chances of conceiving a healthy baby through IVF using donor eggs.
2. IVF Has a Safe Track Record Over The Years.
Lousie Brown, born in 1978, is the first-ever IVF baby, or in other words, a test-tube baby. With the advancements in IVF technologies since then, the treatment has turned out very successful with a major drop in its side effects.
3. IVF is more successful than IUI and other forms of ART.
The success rates of IVF have shot up ever since its conception even though IUI and other forms of ART have been in the picture. For same-sex couples and single women, IUI with donor sperms can be a viable first option.
4. IVF can be a way to conceive for same-sex couples and single women.
IVF is also a feasible option for same-sex couples and single women who wish to have a child. When IUI is deemed unsuccessful for these couples and women, IVF with donor sperm can be a great choice to fulfill their dreams of conceiving a child.
5. IVF diagnoses issues related to fertility.
Unexplained fertility can be a disappointing step as your diagnosis is discovered only when the fertilization is being attempted at the laboratory. However, IVF treatments involve ICSI which will help people with such diagnoses to conceive a child.
6 Disadvantages of IVF Babies
1. An IVF Cycle Need Not Always Be Successful.
IVF procedures might fail and you will have to undergo several of them before you get a chase to conceive a child. The number of IVF cycles required varies from woman to woman. More details on this can be found by a certified fertility specialist.
2. IVF Comes With Certain Risks and Side Effects.
IVF is a process that comes with its own set of side effects and risks as it is a medical treatment. The most severe side effect of IVF is (OHSS) ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome. In mild and natural UVF procedures, doctors use no or few drugs to decrease the chances of contracting the risk of OHSS.
3. An IVF Procedure Can Result in Multiple Pregnancies.
Often more than one embryo is implanted in the uterus during an IVF cycle. This leads to multiple pregnancies and health risks for both the mother and the baby. Multiple pregnancies stand a chance of having infant health issues, miscarriage, stillbirth, need for a cesarean, and premature labor.
4. An IVF Can Result in an Ectopic Pregnancy.
When an egg implants and grows outside the uterus’ main cavity, it leads to ectopic pregnancy. Mostly, this type of pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tube (tubal pregnancy) and won’t develop into a fetus but will cause you a ton of side effects such as vomiting with pain, belly ache, vaginal bleeding, and a missed period. With IVF, the risk of an ectopic pregnancy increases.
5. IVF Requires Exposure to High Estrogen Levels
High exposure to estrogen levels could increase the risk of low birth weight and prematurity in the baby. The baby will have to face long-term health conditions because of high estrogen levels which affect the intrauterine system. With low-drug and drug-free approaches unlike high stimulation IVF, babies are born at full term with high birth weight.
6. IVF Can Take a Psychological and Emotional Toll.
IVF can cause emotional as well as psychological stress as it drains a lot of physical energy when you are constantly in a hospital giving blood tests and whatnot. It can be difficult even for the partner to see you go through distress. Make sure you give your psyche the care that it needs and try to stay positive throughout the procedure by pampering yourself after your hospital visit.
The Bottom Line: Advantages and Disadvantages of IVF Babies
IVF is a procedure that can have a huge impact on the patient’s psyche and emotions so prioritize your psychological health and go for short, low-drug protocols. It can also be an expensive process as it involves a lot of bloodwork, ultrasounds, and other such tests. Some might have an ethical issue with IVF as selecting a particular embryo to grow into a fetus might not be agreeable to some as it defies natural selection. But of course, you know what the best is for you, so when you choose to do an IVF, hope for the best.