How to go into labor
The due date is considered to be an educated guess by the doctor as to when can you expect your baby. This is the right time to prepare your baby registry, the delivery gown, and head to the hospital. However, it is completely normal for the mother to deliver the baby 2 weeks prior to or post the due date.
But wait, you don’t feel it kicking in just yet? Well, it is recommended for the to-be-mothers to at least wait until 39 weeks for delivery. However, the best things that you can do until then try natural ways on how to induce labor.
According to a study in 2011, 201 women were reported to deliver healthy babies post-inducing labor at home. Amongst the total number, about 50 percent had tried the natural methods on how to go into labor naturally.
You don’t know how to induce labor? Are you looking for natural ways to induce labor too? If yes, then this is the perfect article as we have accumulated 8 natural ways on how to go into labor. Let’s quickly decode what those ways are:
8 Natural Ways on How to Induce Labor
Listed below are the eight natural ways on how to go into labor that all pregnant women who are trying to kick start the uterine contractions must practice:
1) Exercise
Now exercise doesn’t necessarily mean a whole-blown out routine, but, this could be anything that builds the heart rate up including a long walk. However, in case the method doesn’t work for you, a long walk or a normal pregnant-friendly routine can help relieve stress and help keep your body strong for labor.
2) Sex Or Sexual Intercourse
A sexual activity, or specifically having an orgasm helps the pregnant women release oxytocin that helps jumpstart the uterine contractions. Also, the other reason could be the prostaglandin hormones in the semen (when had sex when a male) helps soften the cervix.
You need not worry, as it is completely natural for the expecting parents to have sex during the last few weeks of pregnancy. However, avoid sex after the water has broken or you may risk infection.
3) Nipple stimulation
Nipple stimulation is another way to go into labor as it causes the uterus to contract and induce labor. This is because the massage stimulates oxytocin production, which is a hormone responsible for the uterus to contract and for the breast to eject milk.
Pro Tip – If you choose to breastfeed the baby right after birth, the stimulation can also help the uterus shrink to get to its original size.
4) Acupuncture
Acupuncture is one natural way that has been used for thousands of years. As per the Chinese, it is believed that acupuncture balances the vital energy within the body and also stimulates the hormones.
However, keep in mind that acupuncture should only be done by a licensed acupuncturist.
As per research, it is observed that acupuncture doesn’t decrease the need for induction, but the sweeping membranes do.
5) Acupressure
It is medically reviewed that acupressure can in fact start labor. However, if acupressure doesn’t work to induce labor in your case, the pressure could still be an excellent way to alleviate pain and discomfort during labor.
6) Castor oil
The prostaglandins can be stimulated by the patient drinking a little bit of castor oil, this could be only 1–2 ounces (29.57–59.14 mL). It helps ripen the cervix and get labor started.
7) Consumption Of Dates
Medical reports have shown that having dates in the final weeks of pregnancy can increase cervical ripening and cervical dilation. It also decreases the need for Pitocin.
8) Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
The midwives have often recommended the pregnant women drink red raspberry leaf tea as the due date gets closer. This is because the tea tones and strengthens the uterus that is preparing for labor.
What If You Choose To Wait For Labor To Start On Its Own?
As per the medical recommendation, there are many pregnant women who choose to wait until 40 weeks to get ready for delivery and hold them in their arms for the first time!
Adding on, if you choose to wait for the body to induce labor on its own, it’s completely natural and also has some perks to it, including recovery.
Listed below are the perks of waiting for the labor to start on its own:
- Women who wait for labor to start naturally recover quickly during the postpartum period
- Both the mother and the baby get to go home from the hospital sooner
- The babies get more time to build their muscle and strength
- The babies have a reduced risk of low blood sugar, infection, and jaundice
- Babies do not have any breathing problems
- Have better feeding
- Good brain development
To Conclude
If you choose to induce labor naturally there is no harm and it is completely natural. However, it is recommended for you to make sure and consult your health care provider on how to induce labor. This is important in order to prevent any risks or possible complications.
Also note, these methods are popular folklore among most pregnant women with little scientific evidence that supports their efficacy. Therefore, in most cases, it’s considered best to allow the body to work naturally.
FAQs: How To Go Into Labor
1) How to get into spontaneous labor right away?
2) What triggers labor?
3) What foods cause labor induction?
4) How do you know the baby is getting ready to be born?
Reviewed By:

Esha Chainani - Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr. Esha Chainani is an Obstetrician, Gynaecologist, and laparoscopic surgeon who aims to break the stigma around women’s health by advocating an inclusive and open practice of obstetrics and gynecology and an author of several internationally published research papers and health articles in the media like the Swaddle.
She also founded Premaa, a non-profit to reduce maternal morbidity and eventual maternal mortality by providing lower-income pregnant women living in urban areas with cell phone access through an app that can feature an entire section about contraception as well for a whole gamut of reproductive health.
A panel for multiple health sessions including with the UN, USAID, BMC, gender at work, and multiple non-profit organisations, and is on the advisory panel of the South Indian medical students association.