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Can You Take a Bath While Pregnant?

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Can you take a bath while pregnant

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You’ve probably heard that can you take a bath while pregnant? is a bad idea. The good news is that this is simply not the case. Baths are absolutely safe during pregnancy provided a few basic principles are followed:

  • Baths should be avoided after your water has broken.
  • Maintain a warm, not hot, bathwater temperature. The temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal and feels terrific.

If you meet these requirements, you can bathe every day until you give birth. If you’re experiencing pregnancy symptoms like backache, you might even take showers many times a day.

Maintain a warm, not hot, bath water temperature

Water that is hotter than your body temperature, whether in a hot tub or a bath, has the potential to harm your baby, especially during the first trimester. This is due to the fact that submerging oneself in hot water may raise your body temperature, which may restrict blood supply to the baby and induce stress.

Since the average body temperature is at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, keep your baths at or below 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Some moms even utilize water to relax and relieve discomfort during birth. The temperature is likewise controlled here to maintain it around 100 degrees for the safety of both the baby and you.

This popular method of birthing is not as successful at lowering pain as an epidural anesthetic, but many women who use it find the relaxing component of being in the water quite beneficial.

Try using a child’s bathtub thermometer to monitor water temperature (it will be helpful when you bathe your baby later, too). Allow it to float, then check the temperature of the water and adjust as required.

Also, keep in mind that heat may be dehydrating, so drink lots of water before and after bathing. If your skin feels too dry afterward, apply lotion to seal in moisture (preferably when the skin is still damp). If you become hot when bathing, it is imperative to quickly take a cold shower and drink enough cool fluids.

How do you take a bath safely while pregnant?

Maintain a core body temperature of less than 101°F (38.3°C).

A healthy pregnant woman’s internal body temperature is roughly 99°F (37.2°C), which is 0.4 to 0.8 Fahrenheit degrees higher than a healthy non-pregnant woman.

Ideally, you’ll take a bath in warm water that’s safe to bathe in, about 98.6 to 100°F. If you want to know the precise temperature of the water, buy a thermometer to keep in the water – you’ll still need it when the baby arrives.

If you start to feel hot, take a chilly shower — preferably one that’s no hotter than 100°F (37.8°C) — to cool down. Overheating symptoms include feeling hot, sweating, and having red skin. Dizziness, nausea, falling down, or fainting is more dangerous symptoms of hyperthermia.

Avoid Infection

While warm, soapy water is OK, there are several simple steps you may take to limit the (very tiny) risk of infection from a routine bath.

  • Keep your time in the water to a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes.
  • As much as possible, keep your bathtub clean.
  • Most bath oils and bath bombs contain substances that may irritate your vagina or skin. Baths with Epsom salts and oats are typically safe.
  • Consult your doctor to determine which types of bath products are safe for you to use.
  • Avoid taking a bath after your water has burst since bacteria from the bathwater may enter the uterus and harm the baby.

Take Careful Steps

It’s crucial to avoid slips and falls when getting in and out of the tub, especially later in pregnancy when your balance may be off.

Use non-slip bath mats both in and out of the tub, and/or enlist the assistance of a loved one if you believe an additional hand is required.


Baths are popular among pregnant women for a variety of reasons, including pain treatment and relaxation. Your hurting joints may ease when the buoyancy of the water lifts the baby’s weight. It might also be your break to mentally relax and absorb.

Fortunately, you can continue this exercise without the risk. Just keep an eye on the temperature—and have fun.

Baths are commonly used by pregnant women to ease stress and discomfort. It’s easy to see why: a few lighted candles, calm music in the background, relaxing Epsom salts, and a glass of cold water in the tub may be just what you need to take a deep breath and psychologically prepare for the birth of your child.

Just be sure you take all essential precautions to keep you and your kid safe and healthy.

Can You Take a Bath While Pregnant FAQs

1) Is it OK to take a hot bath during pregnancy?

Hot baths are not recommended during pregnancy. The primary issue with having a hot bath when pregnant is that it raises your body temperature. More than 10 minutes in a hot tub or bath can elevate your body temperature above 101 degrees Fahrenheit.

2) How long can I take a bath while pregnant?

Keep your time in the water to a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes. As much as possible, keep your bathtub clean. Most bath oils and bath bombs contain ingredients that may irritate your vagina or skin. Baths with Epsom salts and oats are typically safe.

3) Can you lie on your back in the bath when pregnant?

Sleeping on your back, constricts your breathing and reduces circulation to your lower half. Sleeping on your side is the most comfortable posture during pregnancy. Although sleeping on either side is OK, doctors feel that sleeping on the left side is better for blood circulation.

4) Is it bad to shower late at night while pregnant?

Many pregnant women also worry if it is safe to take a shower at night. It makes little difference whether you shower at night or earlier in the day — the most important thing is to listen to your body's signs and identify when you are overheated.

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