Baby Care

We at Parenthoodbliss have rounded up the best baby care you’ll ever need, from the experts who’ve figured out the smartest tricks, shortcuts, and solutions.

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Why is my toddler snoring Loud?

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What To Do For a Baby With a Cough?

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How To Take Care Of Your Baby?

1. If You Choose To Breastfeed, Start ASAP

Even if your baby does not actually latch on, you may squeeze the yellowish colostrum, which is the precursor into real breast milk that is filled with immune-boosting nutrients directly into the baby’s mouth.

2. Stall The Visitors

Your friends and family will want to visit the baby as soon as possible, but you might want to keep them at bay for a little while so that your partner and you could spend quality time with your baby. Because the newborn is often receptive and alert immediately after birth, so this is the perfect time to bond with your baby. Hence look them in the eyes and talk to them. The baby knows your voice from the time he/she is in your body and also finds it soothing.

3. Dress Your Baby Right

Getting a cute home-going outfit is irresistible, but also remember that your baby cannot regulate the body temperature until he/she is about 6 months old. You need to carefully dress your newborn. Usually, the baby must wear the same amount of clothing as you, outdoors or indoors. Do not ever over bundle the baby, as sweating might cause him/her to become chilled. Layers can be a good way to go.

Breastfeeding Basics

Nursing can be natural, but it may be difficult for some women. These strategies may help you;

1. Do Not Delay

Breastfeeding may seem to go more smoothly for those women who nurse within one hour of delivery. No need to be afraid to request help as most hospitals have lactation consultants on staff.

2. Nurse On Demand

During the initial six weeks, it is important to let the baby nurse whenever he/she wants. If you try to establish a feeding schedule too soon it can backfire by interfering with the milk supply. Do not worry about having enough milk—you will produce as much as your baby eats.

3. Learn To Latch

The baby needs to have a deep latch to get enough milk and even prevent your nipples from becoming sore and damaged. Before you put the baby to your breast, position them on their side so that the belly is right up to yours. Then tickle the mouth with your nipple to encourage the baby to open wide, and make sure they take the entire nipple and also a good portion of the areola in its mouth.

4. Create A “Nursing Nest”

Though it is not essential, a rocker, glider, or cushy chair with a footstool or ottoman is helpful. Wherever you are nursing, have enough of the pillows (for utmost back support that’ll help you position the baby comfortably at your breast), snacks, a good book, water, and the TV remote.

5. Feed Your Milk Supply

Make sure to drink at least eight glasses of liquid a day. It depends on your metabolism, age, and activity level, the daily calorie needs are likely to be 2,200 to 2,400. The good news is that breastfeeding mothers tend to lose 1 to 4 pounds a month with the added calories.


1. How to breastfeed a newborn?

Even if your baby does not actually latch on, you may squeeze the yellowish colostrum, which is the precursor into real breast milk that is filled with immune-boosting nutrients directly into the baby's mouth.

2. How to latch the baby perfectly?

Put the baby to your breast, position them on their side so that the belly is right up to yours. Then tickle the mouth with your nipple to encourage the baby to open wide, and make sure they take the entire nipple and also a good portion of the areola in its mouth.

3. What should be your daily intake while you are breastfeeding?

Make sure to drink at least eight glasses of liquid a day. It depends on your metabolism, age, and activity level, the daily calorie needs are likely to be 2,200 to 2,400. The good news is that breastfeeding mothers tend to lose 1 to 4 pounds a month with the added calories.
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