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In the later stages of pregnancy, sitting comfortably can sometimes seem nearly impossible. Kicking back in your favorite chair may not be relaxing as your belly grows, causing you pain and anxiety about getting out. In addition, slouching on a couch may make your muscles tighter, making it harder for your baby to get into the ideal birth position.
The exercise known as tailor sitting can help you improve your posture while also providing you with some much-needed relief from sitting. But is tailor sitting the same as ring sitting? The most important difference is where the feet are. When sitting tailor, your feet are crossed over one another. When you are in a ring sitting, your feet are folded in a ring from one sole to the other sole. In addition, if you are a yogi, you might notice that ring sitting is similar to the well-known Baddha Konasana or Bound Angle Pose.
The advantages of tailor sitting and ring sitting are comparable. You continue to stretch and strengthen the same parts of your body. It’s more a matter of personal preference where you put your feet.
More details about how to get into this position, the advantages, and some alterations to try for comfort are provided here.
Step-by-step Instructions for Tailor Sitting
You may be more familiar with sitting cross-legged than tailor sitting. All of these positions are the same. Your buttocks are on the floor as you sit. Your feet and ankles are crossed in front of you with your knees bent to the sides. Here’s how to do a tailor sitting position the right way:
- Start with your feet in front of you and your buttocks on a yoga mat or even the floor.
- Concentrate on straightening your tailbone.
- Sit atop a thick mat or a folded blanket, you might even find this position more accommodating for some people.
- Extend your right knee to the side of your body, and bring your right foot close to your left sit bone.
- Then, cross your shins and touch your left foot on your right sit bone.
- Once more, your knees should be extended out to the sides of your body.
- Relax your shoulders as you sit tall.
- To lengthen your neck in both directions, raise the crown of your head toward the ceiling.
- If you think you need more support for your back, you might want to move your location so that you can put your back straight up against a wall.
- Focus on allowing your knees to relax toward the floor as you sit.
- You can support your knees by placing rolled blankets or towels or even yoga blocks underneath them if you feel your hips are being stretched too much.
- Breathe and spend just 30 seconds sitting in this position.
- Start by relaxing into the position for several minutes before progressing to longer intervals.
You could even try a tailor press once you’re used to sitting this way:
- Get into the same basic sitting position as before.
- After that, put your hands on your knees.
- As you gently press down with your knees and up with your hands to produce counterpressure, take a deep breath in.
- Before releasing, press for five seconds.
- Repeat as many times as you like.
Why is Tailor Sitting Important During Pregnancy?
This position is included as one of the five essential exercises for the Bradley Method of natural childbirth. Here are some of its advantages:
- Good posture can help alleviate back pain and improve circulation along the middle of your body.
- The uterus can also be moved forward with good posture. Now, why is this important? Well, giving your baby more room to move around could help him or her get into a better position for the birth.
- Past that, sitting in this manner can assist you with acquiring strength in your thigh, pelvic, and hip muscles. Working on regaining strength in your pelvic floor through tailor sitting can be beneficial even after the birth of your child.
- You can stretch your inner thighs and groin while you are doing all that strengthening, giving you more flexibility in these areas that are important for birth.
- Even after your baby is born, pelvic floor work, such as tailor sitting, may assist in preventing uterine prolapse and urinary incontinence.
- Bradley Method instructors explain that doing the Kegel exercises in a tailor sitting position is also a good practice during pregnancy.
When to Do Tailor Sitting During Your Pregnancy?
You can safely enter a tailor sit at any time. As your baby and your belly get bigger, you will find that the tailor sitting position is more comfortable than any other sitting position. You decide how long you want to sit in this position. You might want to start by sitting in a tailor’s chair for about 30 seconds. Increase the amount of time you spend in the position to 10 minutes up to two or three times (or more) per day as you become more at ease.
Precautions to Take While Tailor Sitting
This position of sitting is probably safe for the majority of people. The best prenatal yoga videos However, you should talk to your doctor about making adjustments if you have had any previous injuries to your knees or groin. Rolling blankets, towels, or yoga blocks, for instance, can support your knees and thighs.
Sitting tailoring shouldn’t hurt. If it does, dial your power down a score or two, or stop and ask your primary care physician for counsel on different positions or activities that might be more agreeable.
Remember that back aggravation and pelvic torment/strain can be indications of right-on-time or untimely work. If you experience pain or any other signs of labor, such as the following:
- Regular and predictable contractions
- Abdominal cramping
- Fluid coming from the vagina
- Spotting or bleeding
- A sudden change in your vaginal discharge
The Takeaway?
Sit in a tailor position for just a few minutes each day to improve your posture, strengthen, and stretch your sore muscles. If you’re especially stressed, tailor sitting also gives you some alone time to really focus on yourself and your growing child. Because it lets your baby get into a better position to give birth, it might even help you get through labor.
Consider giving tailor sitting position a shot in any case. Simply make certain to raise any back aggravation, pressure, or other preterm work worries to your medical care supplier.