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6 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development, and Tips!

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6 Weeks Pregnant

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6 weeks pregnant – A baby, in their 6th week after implantation, begins to develop legs and arms, while the mother, on the other hand, experiences fatigue.
The baby, this week, will measure 0.15 inches and weigh 0.04 ounces. To put things in perspective, this would be about the size of a ‘tiny chiclet gum’. Isn’t this exciting!

What Happens in The 6th Week of Pregnancy?

During the 6th week of pregnancy, significant developments occur as the embryo continues to grow and form. Here are some key aspects of this stage:

1. Embryo Development:

The embryo is now about the size of a lentil or pea. The neural tube, which eventually forms the brain and spinal cord, begins to close. The heart is also starting to beat, and the basic structures for the eyes, ears, and other essential organs are forming.

2. Placenta Formation:

The placenta, a vital organ that provides nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus, is in the early stages of formation. Blood vessels connect the embryo to the placenta, establishing the foundation for the exchange of nutrients and waste.

3. Limb Buds:

Limb buds, the early formations of arms and legs, begin to emerge. At this point, they look like small protrusions from the body. Over the coming weeks, these buds will develop into more defined structures.

4. Organ Development:

While major organs are in the early stages of development, the heart is beating and circulating blood. The brain is forming, and basic structures for the digestive and respiratory systems are taking shape.

5. Hormonal Changes:

Hormonal changes continue, with the placenta and ovaries working together to support the pregnancy. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), the hormone detected in pregnancy tests, is steadily increasing.

6. Symptoms for the Mother:

During the 6th week, pregnant individuals may experience a range of symptoms such as morning sickness (nausea), increased fatigue, breast tenderness, and changes in appetite. Hormonal shifts can also contribute to mood swings.

7. First Prenatal Visit:

Many women schedule their first prenatal visit during the 6th to 8th weeks of pregnancy. During this visit, the healthcare provider may confirm the pregnancy, estimate the due date, and discuss important prenatal care.

It’s crucial for individuals who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy to seek regular prenatal care and follow the guidance of their healthcare provider. Every pregnancy is unique, and the information provided here offers a general overview of what commonly occurs during the 6th week Pregnant.

So what else is happening to the baby in the 6th week of pregnancy?

1. Scrunched up:

The tadpole-like baby has a tail. Yes! Don’t worry, it’ll go away and sit scrunched up. This is the reason why the baby is measured by the doctors from their head-to-rump for now.

2. Circulation:

By this time, the blood starts to circulate and a faint heartbeat can be felt in the ultrasound. It beats about 150 times in a minute.

3. Starting on arms and legs:

The baby starts to grow their arms and legs.

4. Safe-haven:

Your body is not only making a baby but is also making the placenta, amniotic sac, and umbilical cord. These are the key organs that the baby needs to grow to be healthy and are maturing too.

6 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms! What is happening to a mother’s body in the 6th week of Pregnancy?

You might want to book an appointment for your first prenatal at the 6th week. The doctor will then book and schedule it for 8 or 9 weeks.

Here’s what is happening to a mother’s body in the 6th week of pregnancy:

1. Morning sickness:

There are pregnancy hormones that start to flood in your system around weeks 6 to 8 and subside in weeks 12 to 16. This results in nausea and vomiting for more than half of the women which subdues in the 6 to ten weeks. It is better to understand what could help you feel better like eating small meals throughout the day, ginger candy, lollipops, lemon sparkling water, or salty chips. However, if you do not feel better, you must talk to your doctor.

2. Food aversions:

Don’t be surprised if you don’t like pizza anymore! The hormones that cause nausea can heighten up the sense of smell resulting in strong food aversions.

3. Food cravings:

On the other hand, you might find yourself longing for food combinations that you wouldn’t normally pick. Apple juice and fried chicken? Yes, please! It is of course known as a cliche in pregnant women to love pickles and ice cream but there are strange cravings that might seem to exist but are real. So, indulge in your cravings without getting overboard.

4. Fatigue:

As your body works to create a human in you, you might also get used to the pregnancy hormones. Do not refrain from some extra rest, trust us, you need that energy in your second trimester.

5. Weird dreams:

 It is normal you get weird dreams that might be wackier, scarier, or vivid dreams. Some doctors suggest this is due to the rise in progesterone resulting in these dreams causing insomnia that messes up your usual REM cycles.

6. Your boobs and pregnancy

The increased blood flow along with the beginning of the milk gland tends to develop which makes your breasts super sore or tender. It is recommended to use supportive bras, tanks top, and trade your underwires with soft cups to make them feel better.

7. Spotting

A little spotting during pregnancy doesn’t always mean there’s a problem. It is a fact that almost 20 percent of pregnant women experience spotting in their first trimester. So, don’t worry! Until and unless it’s not a lot, in that case, contact the doctor immediately. During spotting the blood could be red, pink, or brown.

8. No symptoms

There are a lot of pregnant women who start feeling the symptoms at around 6-weeks of pregnancy whereas the others don’t. So, do not worry if you do not face either of the symptoms in the duration of your first trimester.

Brownie points: Quick Checklist for 6 weeks pregnant

It is always a good option to call a friend! Although, you may not be ready to share your news with the world yet if you feel comfortable breaking the news to your close friend. They help provide essential support in the early weeks. Emotional support is necessary. You may also consider sharing it with another parent or a parent-to-be.

-Bloat is real! It results due to the extra progesterone pumping through the system and works even before your belly shows. Get your comfortable pants on and go for a walk, it helps. 

-Get your to-do list upgraded as after week 6 most women start to experience the symptoms of the first trimester. Your to-do list could be anything from cleaning out your closet to finishing up the small home-improvement project before the energy wanes.

-Books are your pals during the first trimester. Try picking up a copy of your favorite series like Outlander, Game of Thrones, or the ever classic Harry Potter that will for sure keep you hooked for weeks. Done with the book? Try binge TV and movie versions of the same.

Finishing thoughts

6 Weeks Pregnancy might seem like nothing physically but only a mother knows the number of changes she goes through even at this early stage. For your help, here is a checklist for you to go through

-Inform the people around you. They might be a close friend or a family member. It works wonders to have a confidant to share and commiserate at this time.

-Prepare yourself for the symptoms that might follow and stock up to prevent morning sickness essentials like ginger or lemon drops, saltine crackers, mints, ginger ale, and Gatorade. It is also good to keep a stash of the same besides the bed and one in your purse too.

-Start with your prenatal vitamins, and if you find it too nauseated to swallow one, try out gummies or some chewable.

-Add the contact of your pediatrician on your cell phone.

-If you have a lot of questions regarding pregnancy, maybe write them down on a sheet of paper and ask the doctor.

-Get a lot of extra rest as fatigue and nausea ramps up in the first trimester of pregnancy

FAQs : 6 Weeks Pregnant - What To Expect? Symptoms, Baby Development, and Tips!

1. How does your stomach feel at 6-weeks pregnant?

Don't be surprised if you can see your pregnant belly at only 6-weeks. Although the embryo is only down your pelvis there are women with a pregnant history who show much slower.

2. What a baby looks like at 6-weeks?

Your baby is now taking the C shape and small buds that will be their arms and legs. They will also show some facial features like the eyes, nose, ears, chin, and cheeks.

3. How many months are 6-weeks pregnant?

6 weeks is the 2nd month of your pregnancy. You have only seven more months left to go!

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