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8 Weeks Pregnant – Symptoms, Baby Development, and Tips!

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8 Weeks Pregnant

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Isn’t it fascinating how things are shaping up in there? By the 8th week after implantation, your little one is hitting some major milestones. First off, at 8 weeks pregnant your baby is starting to develop a tiny heartbeat – that rhythmic thumping that’s going to become so special to you. Meanwhile, you, the parent-to-be, might have noticed that you’re making more trips to the bathroom than usual, thanks to the changes happening in your body.

Now, let’s talk size. At this point, your precious baby measures about 0.63 inches (or around the size of a bike spoke bead) and weighs a mere 0.04 ounces. It’s incredible how something so small is already becoming a unique little person inside you. Exciting times lie ahead!

At 8 Weeks Pregnant Your Baby…

1. Has a Heartbeat of…

150 to 170 times per minute. That is double the rate of your heartbeat 😱 You may be able to hear or see it on an ultrasound in the right week doctor’s appointment.

2. Has a Distinct Face…

With features like the lips, nose, and eyelids. Your baby is starting to look less reptilian and a lot more like a human baby. Look closely, and you’ll notice the upper lip forming, the tip of that adorable button nose starting to protrude, and the eyelids, though very thin, are now in place.

3. Has Teeny Tiny Fingers and Toes

That make them seem like a web. At 8 weeks pregnant your baby’s fingers and toes are just beginning to take on their unique shapes, and that tail we all start with is almost completely gone.

4. Has a Gender Assigned at Birth…

It is perhaps a little early to tell the sex of the baby as the organs haven’t been developed enough yet.

5. Is Moving…

But don’t expect big kicks just yet. These early movements are more like little twitches and stretches, kind of like your baby’s early morning stretches when they wake up. They actually start happening around 7 to 8 weeks into your pregnancy, and you can see them if you get an ultrasound.

But here’s the thing, you won’t feel these movements yourself until later on, usually between weeks 16 and 22. That’s because, at 8 weeks pregnant your baby’s moves are pretty gentle and not strong enough for you to notice. So, hang in there, those adorable kicks and rolls are on the way!

6. Is Breathing…

At 8 weeks pregnant your baby’s lungs are starting to take shape: tiny breathing tubes are growing from your baby’s throat all the way into their little lungs. It’s a crucial step in their respiratory system development.

7. Has Nerves…

A web of tiny nerves is forming inside your baby’s body. These nerves are busy connecting with each other, as well as with muscles, tissues, and important organs like the eyes and ears. It’s nature’s way of setting up the wiring for your baby’s future abilities and senses.

Symptoms in an 8 Weeks Pregnant Mother

Here’s what’s going on in a mother’s body during the 8 weeks pregnant:

If you’ve noticed some light cramping or spotting, don’t panic. These symptoms are often a result of the increased hormones that are helping to support a healthy pregnancy. However, if you’re experiencing heavier bleeding or feeling anxious about it, it’s a good idea to reach out to your doctor for guidance and reassurance. They can provide you with the best advice and make sure everything is progressing as it should.

1. Morning Sickness

During pregnancy, it’s pretty common for women to feel queasy or even throw up from time to time. In fact, about half of expecting moms deal with morning sickness like this. But for about 3 percent of pregnant women, there’s a much more severe form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum (HG).

HG can be really tough to handle because you might end up getting dehydrated, losing weight, and facing other health problems. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to reach out to your healthcare provider:

  • Can’t keep anything down, not even fluids
  • Vomiting blood.
  • Losing more than 5 pounds in weight
  • Feeling weak, lightheaded, or dizzy
  • Having a fever or experiencing abdominal pain
  • Your urine looks dark and has a strong smell

2. Sense of Smell

You might notice that your sense of smell has gone into overdrive. But here’s the not-so-great news: a lot of what you’re smelling might not sit well with you, and it could even trigger the urge to vomit. This super-sensitive nose is often a sidekick to food aversions during pregnancy. Both of these experiences are connected to the surge in pregnancy hormones, and the good news is that they typically ease up by the time you reach the second trimester.

Also read: A Guide on What to Eat in The First Trimester of Pregnancy

3. Cramping

As your uterus grows during pregnancy, you might feel some mild cramps. Don’t worry, this is usually because your muscles and ligaments are stretching to accommodate your growing baby. However, sometimes gas and constipation can also make you feel crampy. If you’re experiencing this discomfort, here are some things you can try to feel better:

  1. Change your position – sometimes just shifting how you’re sitting or lying down can provide relief.
  2. Take a warm bath – a relaxing soak can ease muscle tension and make you feel more comfortable.
  3. Drink plenty of water – staying hydrated can help with digestion and alleviate constipation.

It’s important to know that not all cramps are harmless during pregnancy. If you ever experience severe or painful cramps that concern you, don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor right away. They can provide guidance and make sure everything is okay with you and your baby.

4. Acne Breakouts

Aches can cause pregnancy hormones and your skin may start to produce extra sebum that clogs pores. However, applying any cream or ache medication is off-limits so it’s better to consult a doctor before you consume/apply them.

5. Mucus Plug

During this time the mucus on your cervix starts to form a cervical plug to protect the uterus from bacteria. And, as the body gets ready for labor the cervix starts to dilate and come out. This is a sign of you being ready for your childbirth.

6. Spotting

Spotting is quite a common pregnancy symptom that is either caused by the implantation or just by the irritated cervix. It is however very important to understand the difference between spotting and bleeding at week 8 of your pregnancy. If you think you are bleeding, consult a doctor soon.

7. Pregnancy Dreams

Dreams during pregnancy can be a wild ride! One night, you might dream of giving birth to your partner, and the next, you’re making a speedy escape in a school bus only to be swallowed up by a massive tidal wave. It’s like a rollercoaster for your subconscious.

These dreams can be a reflection of all the mixed emotions you’re experiencing. On one hand, there’s the excitement of becoming a parent, and on the other, there are those understandable fears and worries. So, don’t be surprised if your dreams take you on a wild journey – it’s just your mind processing the adventure of impending parenthood!

8. Constipation

Constipation may hang around in most of your pregnancy as the hormone relaxin relaxes all the muscles, it slows down the intestines too. To avoid it, consume more amounts of fiber, drink lots of water, and stay active.

9. White Discharge

During the early stages of pregnancy, you might notice an increase in a white, creamy discharge. This happens because your body is producing more estrogen. Don’t worry, though – this kind of vaginal discharge, known as leucorrhea, is perfectly normal. It can vary in color from clear to milky white, and it can be thin or thick. Most importantly, it usually doesn’t have any strong or unpleasant odor.

However, if you happen to notice a vaginal discharge that is green, has a bad smell, causes discomfort or itching, or just seems different from what you’re used to, it could be a sign of an infection or some other issue. In such cases, it’s a good idea to reach out to your healthcare provider for advice and guidance.

10. Headaches

Pregnancy often brings along headaches, and there are a few reasons why. Your body’s blood pressure is high, and you’re likely feeling more tired than usual. But here’s the tricky part: if you’re used to having caffeine and suddenly cut back during pregnancy, that can also trigger a headache.

Check out: Is Too Much Caffeine During Pregnancy?

Now, if you do get a headache, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider before reaching for any pain relief. Generally, they’ll say it’s okay to take acetaminophen as long as you follow the recommended dose. But here’s the thing – stay away from aspirin, ibuprofen, and most prescription migraine meds during pregnancy. They’re not safe for your baby.

There are some natural remedies you can try too like

  • Getting a soothing massage
  • Using a cold or warm compress on your forehead
  • Practicing relaxation techniques
  • Doing some gentle exercise
  • Taking a nice, relaxing shower

Your health and your baby’s health are top priorities, so always check with your healthcare provider if you’re not sure what’s safe during pregnancy.

11. Growing Breasts

As your body prepares to make breast milk, it’s normal for your hormones to increase, and this can lead to changes in your breasts. Don’t be surprised if you notice your breast size going up by a cup or two, especially if it’s your first pregnancy. These hormonal changes can also bring about other breast transformations, such as more visible veins on your breasts, darker nipples, and more noticeable bumps on the area around your nipples, which is called the areola. These changes are a natural part of the process as your body gets ready for the important job of breastfeeding.

Check out: Breastfeeding Tips For New Moms And Newborns

8 Weeks Pregnant Belly

There may be chances of you not showing your pregnancy just yet but then you know your pants fit more snugly now as they used to be. Even if at this early stage you think you are showing, it is probably due to bloating or w8 gain which is a good thing right now!

Quick Checklist

To Get Your Sailing Through the 8th Weeks pregnant:

  • Top Tip

Embrace every emotion. You might be nervous in one minute and excited in the other, you might also tear up. This is as the hormones are raging all the mood swings so it’s important to allow yourself to feel how you feel. Take comfort, this too shall pass!

  • Self-care To-do

A little extra care can soothe the hormones. So stock up the face masks, and under-eye treatments, along with your favorite moisturizer, it’s ‘me time’. Go catch the best mini spa session from the comfort of your couch if you need to. You deserve every bit of it!

  • Early Bedtime

It is completely normal to get exhausted and if you can’t take a nap in the afternoons, get to bed earlier. This helps you sneak in extra sleep. Grab a mug of chamomile tea to help relax.

  • 📸Your Baby Bump!

Begin capturing the journey of your growing baby bump! You can create a delightful time-lapse video of your pregnancy by snapping pictures of your expanding belly every week or so. At 8 weeks pregnant your baby may not be too noticeable just yet, so it’s a great idea to start taking photos now. These early snapshots will serve as your starting point for comparison as your pregnancy progresses.

  • Mental Health Check!

Taking care of your mental health is important, especially during pregnancy. It’s completely normal to experience mood swings during this time. However, if you find yourself feeling down or these emotions stick around for more than two weeks, it’s a good idea to have a chat with your healthcare provider. Your well-being matters, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you need it.

  • Use Sunscreen

Using sunscreen is especially important during pregnancy because it can help you steer clear of a skin condition called melasma or chloasma. These are those darker patches of skin that can pop up on your face or body, and they often happen because of hormonal changes that come with pregnancy. 

Now, it’s not just a concern for moms with darker skin – it can affect anyone who’s expecting. They even call it the “mask of pregnancy” sometimes because these splotches tend to appear around your upper lip, nose, cheekbones, and forehead, making it look a bit like you’re wearing a mask.

Here’s the good news: These darker spots will usually fade away after you’ve had your baby. But in the meantime, your best bet is to avoid too much sun exposure and make friends with good sunscreen. Look for one that says “broad spectrum” on the label and has an SPF of 30 or higher. And remember, this sunscreen habit is important even on cloudy days because those UV rays can sneak through. So, slather it on daily to help prevent melasma and keep your skin healthy.

  • Learn About Your Weight Gain

Curious about how much weight gain you can have during pregnancy? Well, it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer. It really depends on your body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy and whether you’re carrying more than one little bundle of joy.

If you started off at a healthy weight, here’s a general guideline: try to put on 1 to 5 pounds during the first trimester, and then aim for about 1 pound per week after that. It’s a gradual process.

Check out: Low Weight Gain During Pregnancy: Causes & Remedies

  • Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!

If you haven’t broken the news yet, you need a lot more excuses to pile up if you have no harm in the white lie. However, if you’re comfortable maybe share the news with your friend or a parent. Trust us, any help or support at this time is all you need and a great getaway to share your load.

Also read:  Understanding How Your Body Changes During Pregnancy

A Note for Our Readers: 8 weeks Pregnant

To help you get through the 8th week, here is a pregnancy checklist for your reference

  1. If you feel the odors of the soap make you hurl, swap it out and get an unscented soap.
  2. Have smaller snacks throughout the day rather than large meals to calm the morning sickness.
  3. Take good naps and/or go to bed early
  4. Go for your first prenatal appointment
  5. If you plan to have a genetic test, consider the Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) that requires only a blood draw after 9 weeks. But in case you take the Chorionic Villus Sampling in weeks 10-13 or the Nuchal translucency scan in weeks 10-15, schedule in advance.

For a lot of soon-to-be parents, it might still be too early in their pregnancy to have that classic baby bump. But, you’re probably starting to notice some changes in your body that are getting harder to keep under wraps. If you’re not quite ready to share your pregnancy news, you might have to get a little creative with your wardrobe. Try out some loose-fitting clothes that can hide your chest and belly. Think about things like an oversized cardigan, a button-down shirt, or a comfy sweatshirt paired with leggings. These can help you maintain your privacy for now.

Now, let’s talk about the first trimester. It’s not usually known as the time when you’re feeling your most beautiful. Fatigue and nausea might be giving you dark circles under your eyes, and you might even notice your skin looking a bit pale or having a greenish tint. (Early pregnancy can sometimes make you feel a bit queasy, after all.)

But don’t worry, this phase won’t last forever. Soon enough, you’ll start showing that adorable baby bump, your hair might get thicker, and your skin might even start to glow. Remember, pregnancy affects everyone differently, but many parents-to-be start feeling and looking fantastic during the second trimester. So, hang in there – better days are coming!

Meanwhile, here’s a bonus read: 10 Fun Facts About Your Baby Bump

FAQs 8 weeks pregnant

1. Can you show me at 8 weeks pregnant?

Yes, but it is like a slight bump that is equal to not showing at all. If you do more, it is probably due to bloating.

2. Why do doctors visit for 8 weeks?

It is by the 8th week the doctor takes the blood to test the blood type, for anemia and other medical and genetic conditions to understand your condition better. Although, at 8 weeks pregnant your baby’s heartbeat may not be that audible so wait until the next week’s visit.

3. Is the 8-week ultrasound internal or external?

As external ultrasound does not pick images that are clear enough, the doctor opts for an internal ultrasound.

4. Can you have high blood pressure at 8 weeks pregnant?

In chronic hypertension, high blood pressure occurs either prior to pregnancy or within the first 20 weeks, often without noticeable symptoms, making its onset challenging to pinpoint.

On behalf of the editorial team at Parenthoodbliss, we follow strict reporting guidelines and only use credible sources, along with peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and highly respected health organizations. To learn about how we maintain content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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