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A baby, in the 4th week of pregnancy after implantation, begins to develop from a blastocyst to an embryo, while the mother, on the other hand, experiences kicks from the baby in her belly.
The baby, this week, will measure less than 0.05 inches. To put things in perspective, this would be about the size of a poppy seed. Isn’t this fascinating?
Let’s find out more about what happens when you are 4-weeks pregnant.
4 Weeks Pregnancy: What Is Happening To The Baby At 4 Weeks Pregnant ?
1. The egg grows
The egg that has been implanted, begins to fertilize into the uterus and grows quickly.
2. Splitting in two
In this week the blastocyst is just a collection of cells that is splitting that eventually turns into a placenta that is a whole new organ and an embryo.
3. Prepping for development
Even though it’s as tiny as a dot that can barely be seen in an ultrasound, the gestational sac carries blueprints for the baby’s nose, and toes, and is hidden in their chromosomes.
Confirming You Are Pregnant at 4 Weeks
Congratulations on your pregnancy discovery! You might have realized this happy news after a missed period, leading you to wonder if a pregnancy test at 4 weeks could yield a positive result.
At the 4-week mark, a home pregnancy test may show a positive outcome if your hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) levels of the pregnancy hormone are sufficiently elevated. Typically, hCG becomes detectable in urine about 10 days after conception. However, if your hCG levels haven’t reached the necessary threshold for detection, a test taken at this stage could produce a false negative result.
To ensure the most accurate results, it’s recommended to wait until after your missed period to take a pregnancy test. This is when your hCG levels are more likely to be elevated. For a definitive confirmation of your pregnancy, consult your healthcare provider.
If you’re curious about your due date at 4 weeks pregnant, your healthcare provider can provide that exciting information. In the meantime, you can use our Due Date Calculator to get an estimate.
4 Weeks Pregnancy Symptoms: What Happens To The Mother’s Body When 4 Weeks Pregnant?
- In the 4th week, if you were to look at a baby in ultrasound at 4 weeks you wouldn’t find it. But, there’s perhaps a lot going on to the body of the mother at this stage.
Here’s what are the signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks of pregnancy:
1. PMS vs. pregnancy symptoms
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2. Missed Period
In this early stage, you might not even feel like you’re pregnant. Missing periods may result in a pregnancy which can only be confirmed through a pregnancy test.
3. Positive Pregnancy Test
Some home pregnancy tests show accuracy and might take a few days or even a week before you face enough hCG or a pregnancy hormone in the urine for the test. In place, if the test comes out negative, schedule a blood test at your doctor’s office or lab, or take another pee stick. And if the at-home came out to be positive, you’re pregnant!
4. Sore breasts
Sore breasts are the first signs of pregnancy along with nausea, vomiting, and extreme fatigue. This is because your body prepares for feeding a baby at this early stage too.
5. Fatigue
Fatigue: The pregnancy hormones surge as your body starts to produce blood to nourish the baby. You might feel a little tired and downright exhausted.
6. Spotting
Spotting: Almost 30% of women experience light bleeding as the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. You might have some light spotting and it is of a different color compared to a period (light pink or dark brown
7. Light Cramps
These mild aches are Implanted cramps that stick around for a day or two.
8. Nausea and Vomiting
Most pregnant women experience morning sickness that ironically isn’t a ‘morning’ sickness and usually crops around week 6 and eases around week 12.
9. Food Aversions
Don’t be surprised when you gross out over the food you love and might see yourself changing your eating habits.
10. Frequent Urge to Pee
By around weeks 6 to 8, the hormone changes and there is extra flow in the blood due to the kidneys that produce more urine compared to the usual which increases the number of bathroom visits.
11. Constipation
Your intestine might tend to slow down and the presence of iron in the prenatal vitamins could stop too. Start consuming more fiber and water and stay physically active. Start walking frequently!
12. Mood swings
Your metabolism rate changes and you may get a bit stressed. The hormones on the other hand get wacky and are all around the place.
As you navigate the early stages of pregnancy, remarkable changes are occurring inside your uterus at 4 weeks:
Baby’s Development at 4 Weeks
At 4 weeks of pregnancy, several remarkable developments are underway. First, the fertilized egg securely attaches itself to the uterine wall. Then, a rapid process of cell division commences, forming distinct layers that will eventually give rise to your baby’s nervous system, skeleton, muscles, organs, and skin.
As these crucial transformations unfold, the placenta begins its formation, creating a vital link between your body and your developing baby. It firmly attaches to the uterine wall at the site where the egg is initially implanted.
Furthermore, the umbilical cord is on the verge of extending from the placenta, while the amniotic fluid, responsible for shielding your baby during pregnancy, takes shape within a protective membrane or yolk sac.
In the weeks to come, your baby will also initiate the formation of the neural tube, a fundamental step for the development of the brain and spinal cord. These early developments at 4 weeks lay the essential foundation for your baby’s growth and progress.
Signs Of Pregnancy At 4 Weeks: A Quick Checklist To Get You Sailing When 4 Weeks Pregnant:
- It’s important to take time for yourself as well as for your partner! This time help you get through this major milestone. Spend time reflecting on emotions. Try writing your feelings down in a journal or try writing a letter to your future self. You also wish to share it with your partner or a friend over long walks or on a quiet dinner.
- Always entertain yourself by speaking out your feelings and try imagining how things will be once the baby arrives. However, it’s still early, so if you find yourself getting ahead of yourself you could slow down and binge-watch a baby-free series.
- Start to prepare for the future and check some school books that have a modern approach towards pregnancy and motherhood. Some of the books you could read are Expecting Better and Bringing up Bebe to start with.
- According to the American Pregnancy Association, 50 percent of women experience morning sickness in their pregnancy. It doesn’t usually start ramping up for a few weeks. So in the meantime take advantage and have dinner at your favorite restaurants and celebrate your appetite.
4 Weeks Pregnancy Final Conclusion
- Take at least five more pregnancy tests. Just kidding! One test is enough.
- Call your gynecologist to make an appointment for the first prenatal visit in the 8th week of your pregnancy.
- This pregnancy might be a surprise to you or could be planned. But that’s okay, it’s a new journey and that’s the point. Happy Pregnancy to both of you!
4 Weeks pregnancy FAQs :
1. Can you tell of your pregnancy at 4 weeks ?
2. What should I expect to feel in 4 weeks pregnant ?
3. What week is month 4 of pregnancy ?
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