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A baby, in their 35 Weeks Pregnant after implantation, develops the sense of hearing, the mother, on the other hand, experiences signs of labor with just a few weeks away from the due date.
The baby, this week, will measure 18.2 inches and weigh 5.3 ounces. To put things in perspective, this would be about the size of a ‘George foreman grill. Isn’t this exciting!
So what else is happening to the baby in the 35 weeks pregnant?
1. Kidneys and liver
The baby starts to develop the kidneys and liver in the 35th week of pregnancy. The baby is now able to function their kidneys and livers as required.
2. Slower growth
With the weeks getting closer, the baby develops at a slower rate, alongside packing ounces getting chubbier. By the time you reach the due date, they will grow about just a few more inches.
3. Listening in
The ears of the baby, in the 35 weeks pregnant, have undergone a lot of development. The baby can now hear your voice and recognize them too, you may find them reacting to high-pitched or loud noises.
What is happening to a mother’s body in the 35 weeks Pregnant?
As the weeks get closer, the baby makes certain developments, the mother, on the other hand, might feel heavier and ready for the childbirth. Let’s take a look at 35 weeks pregnant symptoms not to ignore!
1. Braxton Hicks contractions
The braxton contractions are the sensation of cramps that the mother feels across her stomach. This is also a sign of the mother preparing herself for the birth, however, these cramps are not as severe as the regular delivery cramps.
2. Fatigue
As a mother carries around 25-35 extra pounds, it is understandable for her to feel exhausted. Fatigue can also be a result of the lack of sleep due to the discomfort caused. Therefore, you need to permit yourself to take a nap whenever possible.
3. Shortness of breath
The shortness of breath is caused by the baby taking more space as they grow, crowding the lungs. It can be more evident while taking the stairs or rushing to a place. In this 35th week, try to ease down a bit as it could risk you faint.
4. Sore hips
With the 35th week of pregnant baby kicking in, the joints and ligaments began to get softer as the body prepares for childbirth. This causes instability or soreness through the hip region.
5. Frequent urination
By the 35th week of pregnancy, you may notice yourself paying visits to the washroom more frequently compared to the normal trips.
Things to avoid at 35 weeks Pregnant!
At 35 weeks pregnant, it’s essential to be mindful of your well-being and take precautions to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Here are some things to avoid:
- Heavy Lifting:
– Avoid lifting heavy objects, as it can strain your back and abdominal muscles. This is especially important as you approach your due date.
- Strenuous Physical Activities:
– Steer clear of high-impact or strenuous exercises that may pose a risk to you and your baby. Opt for gentle prenatal exercises recommended by your healthcare provider.
- Certain Foods:
– Be cautious about foods that may carry a risk of foodborne illnesses, such as raw seafood, undercooked eggs, and unpasteurized dairy products.
- Dehydration:
– Stay well-hydrated to avoid dehydration, which can contribute to complications. Aim for an adequate intake of water throughout the day.
- Overexertion:
– Avoid overexertion and listen to your body. Take breaks when needed and prioritize rest to conserve your energy.
- Stress:
– Minimize stress as much as possible. Practice relaxation techniques, get plenty of sleep, and consider activities that promote calmness.
- Excessive Caffeine:
– Limit your caffeine intake as excessive caffeine consumption can affect your baby’s heart rate. Check with your healthcare provider for specific guidelines.
- Smoking and Secondhand Smoke:
– If you smoke, it’s crucial to quit. Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke, as it can harm both you and your baby.
- Alcohol and Recreational Drugs:
– Completely avoid alcohol and recreational drugs during pregnancy, as they can harm the developing fetus.
- Non-Essential Travel:
– Consider avoiding non-essential travel, especially to areas with a higher risk of infectious diseases or if it involves long journeys.
- Skipping Prenatal Appointments:
– Regular prenatal check-ups are crucial at this stage. Avoid skipping appointments and keep your healthcare provider informed about any changes or concerns.
- Ignoring Signs of Labor:
– Pay attention to any signs of preterm labor, such as persistent contractions, vaginal bleeding, or a decrease in fetal movements. Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you notice any concerning symptoms.
Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice based on your specific health and pregnancy circumstances. Every pregnancy is unique, and your healthcare provider can provide guidance tailored to your needs.
What would your belly look like in the 35th week of pregnancy?
The baby in the 35th week visibly grows and shows changes, resulting in the uterus seeming to move up your abdomen to the rib cage. Sounds crazy? The baby finds less space to move to cause them to push downwards creating more space. You might perhaps experience fewer sharp kicks, wiggles, and squirms. The mother needs to keep a count on the number of kicks, and if they decrease to less than 10, you must contact your doctor immediately!
For some brownie points, 35th week of pregnancy:
1. Attend an infant CPR class before the baby arrives. It will help you know and practice for the safety of the baby in case of an emergency.
2. Have you thought of a name yet? This is the best time to plan that out. Write a list of names and narrow it down to the one beautiful name that will be associated with the baby.
3. Purchase nursing tanks to make breastfeeding easier.
4. Plan to write all you need from your family and close friends before, during, and after delivery. It could be anything, from who you want to be with at the time of delivery, how many visitors, someone to help at home. This helps clarify expectations and boundaries with one less thing to think about.
To Conclude:
Here is a list for you to refer to as you are in the 35th week of pregnancy:
1. Contact the health insurance provider and add the new member to it.
2. Have a Group B Strep test anytime between the 35-37th week of pregnancy.
3. Install a car seat so all of you can have a jolly filled ride.
4. Wash the crib sheets and baby clothes (newborn to 0-3 months) to keep them ready for the much-awaited arrival.