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Diastasis Recti Exercises

7 Simple Diastasis Recti Exercises

Table of Contents The separation of the right and left abdominal muscles in the midline of the abdomen is known as a diastasis recti. You get this condition if your abs are separated more than 2 cm.  Diastasis recti are also frequently called the “mom pooch” or the “lower belly pooch.” Up to 66% of pregnant women will suffer diastasis recti by the third trimester.… Read More »7 Simple Diastasis Recti Exercises

What is Diastasis Recti

What is Diastasis Recti or Abdominal Separation?

Table of Contents An irregular gap between the two rectus muscles of the abdominal wall is referred to as a diastasis recti (officially, diastasis rectus abdominis, or DRA). An estimated 65% to 100% of pregnant and postpartum women experience this syndrome, which is highly frequent afterward. A persistent gap between the “six-pack” muscles of 1.5 to 2 cm or more is often considered unusual and… Read More »What is Diastasis Recti or Abdominal Separation?

When Can Babies Start Drinking Water

When Can Babies Drink Water? Learn The Science Behind Water Intoxication in Babies

Table of Contents When can you give a baby water? The question itself seems unnatural, right? But there is legitimate evidence why babies should not be given water until a few months old. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), breastfed babies do not need additional water as human milk itself is composed of 80% water. Then, what about formula-fed babies? Baby formula is synthesized… Read More »When Can Babies Drink Water? Learn The Science Behind Water Intoxication in Babies

do abortions affect fertility

Does Abortion Affect Fertility?

Table of Contents Medically, abortion can mean a planned surgical termination of a pregnancy. But when most people refer to the term, it means an induced abortion or an unwanted pregnancy. An induced abortion may be worrisome concerning its effect on future pregnancies or fertility. Usually having an abortion will not affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant later on. However, a very rare case… Read More »Does Abortion Affect Fertility?

iron supplements

Iron Supplements During Pregnancy: Are They Necessary or Not?

Table of Contents Iron delivers oxygen through our blood to all the body cells that help our organs to function properly. And its importance increases infinite times in the case of a pregnant body. It is easy to go anemic when your body has to sustain two bodies with just a single set of organs. This is where iron supplements come to the rescue. Contrary… Read More »Iron Supplements During Pregnancy: Are They Necessary or Not?

are ultrasounds safe

Do Ultrasounds Hurt The Baby?

Table of Contents Pregnant women have to get ultrasound scans twice during their 9-month journey. The first scan is done to confirm the pregnancy and the due date, i.e., at the beginning of the first trimester. The second one is scheduled at 18 to 22 weeks to confirm the baby’s sex and its normal anatomy. There is no cause for concern about ultrasounds degrading your… Read More »Do Ultrasounds Hurt The Baby?

pregnancy myths and facts

Pregnancy Facts and Myths: Learn About Pregnancy With Parenthoodbliss!

Table of Contents Pregnancy is a journey full of mysterious transformations of the body and even though we know why these happen, pregnant bodies always seem to shock us with their amazing symptoms. Here are a few pregnancy facts and myths from around the world which will blow your mind. 10 Pregnancy Facts You Didn’t Know! A 1945 entry in Time magazine reports a woman,… Read More »Pregnancy Facts and Myths: Learn About Pregnancy With Parenthoodbliss!

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