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Glowing at 15 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect and How to Thrive!

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15 Weeks Pregnant

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When you’re 15 weeks pregnant, your fetus would measure about 4 inches in length and weigh around 2.47 ounces. To put things in a better perspective, this will be about the size of a small pear or a small apple. But wait, how many months is 15 weeks pregnant? You’re currently in the fourth month of your journey, and there are five more months to look forward to. The countdown is still on, and you’ve got 25 weeks remaining!

So What Else Is Happening To The Baby When You’re 15 Weeks Pregnant?

1. The baby starts to see light

It is in the 15th week when the baby finally begins to sense lights. Their eyes will still be shut but if there’s a beam of a torchlight out on your belly, the baby will sense the light in the 15th weeks pregnant and perhaps will try to move away from it.

2. The baby’s skin develops

A baby’s skin, in the 15th week, begins to look translucent. After this point, the baby will soon begin to put on fat which will make the skin opaque.

3. The baby can move their joints

In the 15th week, the baby can also positively move their joints, beginning to move around more freely than before.

4. The Baby Is Learning Survival Skills

Your baby is getting ready for life outside the womb. Wondering what your little one does all day? Well, they’re basically in training, working hard to prepare for their grand entrance into the world.

During this time, babies are honing essential skills like breathing, sucking, and swallowing. These abilities will be crucial for their survival and comfort once they transition from the cozy confines of your womb to the cozy surroundings of your home.

In addition to these vital exercises, your fetus is also hosting daily aerobics sessions inside your belly. They’re kicking, wiggling their tiny toes, and moving their little arms and legs. However, because they’re still just a few ounces in weight, you might not feel these gymnastic movements happening in your tummy.

15 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms: What Happens To You When You’re 15 Weeks Pregnant?

Here are some of the most common symptoms experienced by most women in the 15th week of pregnancy

1. Increased libido

Experiencing random urges for intimacy is very common around the 15th week into the pregnancy. It is so because, in the 15th weeks pregnant, you will begin to regain the energy you lost in the initial weeks of pregnancy.

2. Nosebleeds

Your body, during pregnancy, makes a lot more blood than before, which could cause bleeding of the nose. It is normal to experience this and should not be worried too much about it. Just remember to mention it to your doctor in your next call regardless.

3. Swollen gums

All the extra blood production will not only potentially cause nosebleed but also swollen gums in the 15th week of pregnancy. Using a soft toothbrush could be of help.

4. Gas, indigestion, and/or heartburn

Mothers, in most cases, would be edging to getting rid of morning sickness when you’re 15 weeks pregnant, however, other tummy troubles in the form of indigestion, heartburn, and gas can still come around. Avoid caffeine, tomatoes and waiting rice at night.

5. The return of the appetite

All the appetite that you lost in the earlier days of pregnancy should now be making a return in the 15th week of pregnant! However, while your appetite is back, it is advised to not indulge in anything that comes your way because, after all, you are eating for two. Foodborne illness is also very common and should be avoided as much as possible. 

6.Weight Gain

Whether you struggled to put on any weight in the first trimester due to morning sickness or found yourself gaining more ounces and pounds than expected, it’s time to focus on your weight gain.

Once you reach the second trimester, your baby is growing rapidly, and it’s essential for you to keep pace. Your mantra should be gradual and steady progress, with a target of adding around 1 pound to your weight every week.

Remember, this is just an average guideline, so it’s perfectly okay if you gain half a pound one week and one and a half pounds the next, as long as you’re hitting roughly 4 pounds each month. Always follow your healthcare provider’s advice when it comes to managing your weight gain.

If you’re monitoring your weight at home, checking once a week or every other week is sufficient. Just ensure you do it consistently, at the same time and under similar conditions, like when you’re undressed and right after waking up. Alternatively, you can leave the weight checks to your healthcare provider during your monthly check-ups.

15 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

You might not be aware of it just yet, but if you were to have a 15-week pregnancy ultrasound, you’d see that your little one is getting pretty active in there. At this stage, they can move all their tiny arms and legs, and you might even notice them having hiccups inside your 15-week pregnant belly.

During the ultrasound, the doctors can often identify the baby’s gender in just a few minutes. However, their thoroughness doesn’t end there. They continue scanning and examine the gender from various angles to ensure they get it right.

What Pregnancy Tests Will I Need To Take At The 15th Week Of Pregnancy?

Here are a few of the most common tests you are most likely be suggested to take around when you’re 15 weeks pregnant

1. Quad Screen Test

This test is run in order to screen hormones and proteins in your blood. By doing so, a baby’s vulnerability to having a neural tube defect, Down syndrome, and other genetic disorders can be identified.

2. Amniocentesis

The Amniocentesis test is advised so as to detect the aforesaid neural tube defects with 99 percent accuracy. This is a more invasive form of a test and requires the withdrawal of your amniotic fluid.

What Does Your 15 Weeks Pregnant Belly?

When you’re 15 weeks pregnant, you would feel the top of your uterus about four to five inches below your belly button. You might also be able to identify a baby bump this week! Besides, an average woman would have gained at least 5 pounds by now, when calculated from the beginning of the pregnancy. Do not worry about the weight of your 19-week pregnant belly since your doctor will anyway be keeping track and a healthy weight gain is a necessary element of a healthy pregnancy. In some cases, mothers may also be able to feel the baby fluttering and trying to move around in the belly!

Final Takeaway:

As some final words of wisdom, let us talk about the infamous pelvic pain. Most mothers happen to experience this sharp, swift pain in the pelvic region called Round Ligament pain. This pain can be expected when you’re 15 weeks pregnant and is a rather common second-trimester ailment caused by your expanding belly. While it is common, it is also advised to keep your doctor in the loop about it. Iron-rich foods are also advised for consumption in the 15th week as they support the extra blood that is being produced by the body.

15 Weeks Pregnant FAQs:

1. Is it normal to not feel a baby move at 15 weeks ?

All mothers have a different body and hence, it is okay if you do not feel your baby move in the 15h week while your pregnant-support-group friend does. Some women might not feel the baby move even up until the 18th - 22nd week of pregnancy. It is usually for women who have been pregnant in the past and are carrying again that an early 15th-week movement is felt. At any point, however, if you feel something unusual or are in double minds, do not hesitate to consult your doctor or your midwife.

2. What does an ultrasound look like at 15 weeks ?

The 15th-week ultrasound might show your baby sucking on their thumb and moving around their arms and legs. The skin of the baby would appear very thin, almost paper-like, and the blood vessels running through it might even be visible.

3. How accurate is the gender scan at 15 weeks ?

A gender reveal test, usually, can accurtaely determine the sex of the baby as early as in the 14th week of pregnancy.

4. How many months is 15 week of pregnancy?

15 weeks pregnanat means you are four months pregnant. Just 5 more months to go!

5. What to expect at 15 weeks pregnant with twins?

You will not be able to feel your baby’s movement yet but a 15 weeks pregnant ultrasound will reveal a squirming baby inside your belly. They will be able to move their joints an dlimbs and might even hiccup.

6. Why does my uterus cramp at 15 weeks pregnant?

Minor craming of the uterus at 15 weeks pregnant is normal as they might be caused by gas, constipation, and/or sex. You could try these follwoing tips to relieve the pain:
  • Press a towel-wrapped hot water bottle to your lower belly.
  • Change your body’s position.
  • Try relaxation exercises. Go for a warm bath.
  • Sources:

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