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Becoming parents is the most life-changing experiences. Explore the best parenting advice and thought provoking articles here.

Teaching Kids Patience

5 Best Ways To Teaching Kids Patience

As a parent, teaching kids patience is one of their duties. If you want to teach your kids patience then we have 5 tips in our comprehensive guide.

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5 Best Home School Programs In The US

Explore a wide range of best home school programs. Find the ideal educational solution to your child’s needs, ensuring a quality learning experience.

How To Deal With Toxic Siblings

How to Deal With Toxic Siblings

Table of Contents Relationships are crucial in life and they are beautiful with anybody. It does not have to be a love and romantic relationship

How To Raise Kids?

  • Build A Healthy Relationship

The secret to a happy and successful life is a relationship. Having a childhood in which the kid feels nurtured and accepted is one of the best reasons for well-being, adult success, and life satisfaction. Therefore, one of the best ways to raise successful children is to become responsive, warm, and accepting parents, and create a close parent-child relationship.

  •  Master And Teach Emotional Regulation

The ability to regulate one’s emotions is important in achieving happiness and success in the world​.

We are not born with emotional regulation skills. It is essential for you to teach your children how to control their emotions. However, emotion regulation is not about simply giving children exercises or games to play. Kids primarily learn to self-regulate from watching their parents and seeing how they regulate themselves​.

  • Let Them Practice Decision Making

As parents, you would want to protect your children, but helicopter parenting or controlling can hinder them rather than enhancing a child’s development. Making good decisions needs practice, which will only come from experiences.

  • Challenge Them Just Enough

Children can be motivated to strive towards the goals that they can achieve. It will take effort to sustain motivation, but success should be possible. 

A task will eventually become uninteresting to the child if it is too easy, but also when the task is too challenging to accomplish.

  • Stop Using Reward And Punishment. Motivate Them Through Values

Every motivation is not created equally. Rewards and punishment only lead to extrinsic motivation, which is not a great long-term solution.

You may be able to force your kids to do school work when they are young using rewards and punishment. But if they do not like school or learning, they will eventually quit, or do poorly in it.

  • Kind, Firm, And Respectful Discipline

Being firm and kind is the characteristic of authoritative parenting, and this has been consistently found linked to a child’s success. Kids who have authoritative parents are more resilient, have better-coping skills, tend to do better in school, and are less likely to drop out of school​​.

  • Listen To Science And Avoid Parenting Myths

Tough love or making them do chores are some popular pieces of parenting advice that you can find on the Internet. However, science shows that these myths have not only failed in raising healthy children, but some of these are even detrimental to kids.

Parenting is an art in some ways. Everyone can have their own way and can do it differently because every child is different. But there are also some universal truths, no matter how different your child is, and do consider these while raising your child. Do not fall for any myths but always work on the parental instinct.


1. What is the most important crucial thing in parenting?

The secret to a happy and successful life is a relationship. Having a childhood in which the kid feels nurtured and accepted is one of the best reasons for well-being, adult success, and life satisfaction. Therefore, one of the best ways to raise successful children is to become responsive, warm, and accepting parents, and create a close parent-child relationship.

2. Is being an authoritative parent good for a child?

Being firm and kind is the characteristic of authoritative parenting, and this has been consistently found linked to a child’s success. Kids who have authoritative parents are more resilient, have better-coping skills, tend to do better in school, and are less likely to drop out of school​​.

3. Should we use punishment and rewards for kids?

Every motivation is not created equally. Rewards and punishment only lead to extrinsic motivation, which is not a great long-term solution. You may be able to force your kids to do school work when they are young using rewards and punishment. But if they do not like school or learning, they will eventually quit, or do poorly in it.
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