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Does Spotting During Ovulation Mean Pregnancy?

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Does Spotting During Ovulation Mean Pregnancy

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Does spotting during ovulation mean pregnancy? As per our all-time savior, Google, one might have come to terms that this form of spotting is rather referred to a mid-cycle bleeding, ovulation spotting, and/or intermenstrual bleeding. 

But what is it? What does the spotting mean? Is it normal to spot during ovulation?

Well, first things first, ovulation bleeding is rather common and is generally nothing to fear from and most of the time it only means that the menstrual cycle is working as it should.

But why is there bleeding between periods? Let’s unravel and answer all these questions with the help of the article below and know about everything and more regarding the bleeding during ovulation!

Ovulation Or Mid Cycle Bleeding - What Does It Mean, Medically Reviewed!

One can experience this vaginal bleeding that occurs during ovulation shortly after the middle of your cycle, that is, in about 10 – 16 days after periods. This ovulation spotting is caused due to a rapid surge of the hormone ‘estrogen’ at ovulation that is followed by a swift plunge in estrogen. 

Other Causes Of The Ovulation Bleeding

First things first, ovulation, which lasts a few minutes or hours, is naturally triggered by a cascade of hormonal responses in the body, the hormone ‘estrogen’ being one of the most critical hormones in ovulation. 

In the beginning, estrogen is low-around the time you have your period which only rises through the first part of the menstrual cycle, eventually reaching its maximum, signaling the release of the luteinizing hormone (where the ovary releases an egg). As soon as the luteinizing hormone matches the level of estrogen, there is a swift drop in estrogen that destabilizes the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, and also causes a little shed off the lining. 

Note – The entire shedding of the endometrium marks the beginning of the menstrual cycle, while, on the other hand, a bit of shedding leads to ovulation bleeding.

Is Spotting During Ovulation A Good Sign?

According to the research by the American Journal of Epidemiology, it has been observed that higher levels of estrogen, luteal progesterone, and luteinizing hormone (LH) during ovulation are seen regularly in menstruating women who experience mid-cycle ovulation spotting. 

Therefore, ovulation bleeding is a good/normal sign indicating that your hormones are working as they should.

What Are The Signs Of Ovulation Bleeding?

There are no definite signs that indicate the occurrence of spots due to ovulation, however, one could always look at certain clues to determine and understand what’s happening. 

Listed below are a few signs of ovulation:

  • Mittelschmerz
  • An increased heart rate that leads to ovulation
  • A rise in the basal body temperature post ovulation
  • Vaginal discharge resembling egg whites prior to ovulation
  • Swollen inguinal lymph nodes 
  • Nipple or breast tenderness
  • Higher sex drive
  • Changes in the position of your cervix


Note – In case you are experiencing either or some of these signs, ruling out other causes of mid-cycle spotting could help you confirm if the spots are due to ovulation. However, if you fail to notice either of the signs, then this bleeding between periods could be due to:

  • Hormonal contraception 
  • Pregnancy
  • Uterine growths (polyps, fibroids)
  • Infection
  • Sexually transmitted disease
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Blood-thinning medications
  • Cancerous changes

How Long Does An Ovulation Bleeding Last And What Is Its color?

If you have a normal period cycle, that is, if it lasts for about 3-4 days, then the ovulation lasts only 12 – 72 hours at most. However, if your flow tends to last up to a week, then the ovulation could last up to 4-5 days and is considered normal. 

As far as the color of the vaginal bleeding during ovulation is concerned, it varies from period bleeding. That means it’s small amounts of clinically evident bleeding (reddish, brown, or light pink in color) or blood-stained discharge as per the doctor’s manual – “UpToDate.”  

What Is The Difference Between Ovulation Spotting And The Monthly Periods?

Ovulation Spotting

Monthly Periods

  • Lighter flow
  • A little measurable blood loss
  • Is fleeting
  • Lasts for a few days at the most
  • Heavy flow
  • Has a blood loss of about 2-3 tablespoons
  • Is not fleeting
  • Lasts up to 4-5 days

When Does Ovulation Bleeding Take Place - Before Or After You Ovulate?

Ovulation spotting usually occurs shortly after ovulation as it is triggered by the sharp drop in the estrogen hormone after releasing an egg. There are signs such as a rise in BBT and fertile cervical fluid that would help you to indicate in addition to bleeding or spotting.

Could The Ovulation Bleeding Be Heavy In Terms Of The Flow?

No. Ovulation spotting, as the name suggests is just spotting and cannot be heavy, as compared to periods. This spotting could be so light that one would hardly notice it, up until they wipe while using the bathroom as it’s a trickle that requires wearing a menstrual product.

As per the investigators, ovulation bleeding is a light flow that requires a sanitary pad.

Ovulation Bleeding - Is It A Good Sign When You're Trying To Conceive?

Yes, it is!

As per a study done in 2012, from mid-cycle bleeding to ovulation, most women with mid-cycle bleeding were not anovulatory ( did not ovulate). This is someone you must avoid if you’re trying to get pregnant.

Note – Irrespective if you’re not TTC, ovulatory cycles are an important part of women’s health if you are not on hormonal birth control.

To Conclude: Does spotting during ovulation mean pregnancy?

As we have come to a conclusion after studying the article above, ovulation spotting is not a sign of pregnancy. The reason being, ovulation occurs earlier in the menstrual cycle, while implantation only happens 8 – 10 days post ovulation.

Sure, one must have heard much about implantation bleeding as a phenomenon that occurs as and when the blastocyst attaches to the uterine lining, nonetheless, it isn’t a symptom of implantation. 

Also, the luteal phase, a stage of the cycle after ovulation, occurs frequently in cycles when a woman is not pregnant which could also be a sign of the luteal phase defect that makes it harder to conceive. In most cases, the bleeding is considered to be unrelated to implantation, instead caused due to declining levels of progesterone (hormone maintaining the uterine lining). 

Do not forget to look into the guide to get pregnant!

FAQs on Does Spotting During Ovulation Indicate Pregnancy?

1) Can One Spot During Ovulation And Not Release It?

Yes, at times it can be virtually undetectable also known as the “occult ovulation bleeding,” or, "hidden from the eye." As per records, up to 90% of menstruating women could experience occult ovulation bleeding and the best way to identify this is by analyzing a vaginal swab in a lab.

2) What are the symptoms of pregnancy during ovulation?

There are no definite symptoms, but one can surely identify the hints as follows:
  • Breast tenderness
  • Bloating
  • Food craving
  • Sensitive nipples
  • Headache
  • Muscle ache
  • 3) What kind of spotting is a sign of pregnancy?

    Not all women experience implantation bleeding, however, for those who do, it's generally considered to be the first symptoms of pregnancy. The implantation bleeding is light pink to dark brown and differs from the usual menstrual period.

    4) Can sperm survive ovulation bleeding?

    Yes! Sperm can survive in a woman's reproductive system for up to 5 days irrespective of whether the woman is menstruating or not.

    On behalf of the editorial team at Parenthoodbliss, we follow strict reporting guidelines and only use credible sources, along with peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and highly respected health organizations. To learn about how we maintain content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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