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32 Weeks Pregnant – What To Expect? Symptoms, Baby Development, and Tips!

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32 weeks pregnant

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At 32 weeks pregnant, a baby begins to practice breathing, while the mother, on the other hand, experiences the urge to nest. The baby, this week, will measure 16.7 inches and weigh 3.8 ounces. To put things in perspective, this would be about a Care Bear size. Isn’t this exciting!

32 Weeks Pregnant In Months

Well, if you’re at the 32-week mark, you’re officially in your eighth month of pregnancy. Just one more month to go! If you still have questions or want to understand how pregnancy weeks, months, and trimesters are counted, here’s some additional information for you: Your Pregnancy Week by Week | Symptoms and How To Takecare Of Yourself.

32 Weeks Pregnant: What Is Happening To The Baby In The 32nd Week Of Pregnancy?

1. Sucking and swallowing

The baby practices sucking and swallowing. This helps prepare the digestive system when they drink milk.

2. Breathing

The baby starts to practice breathing by inhaling the amniotic fluid.

3. Strong kicks

With the 32nd week, the baby starts to kick stronger. It is important for you to keep a count on the number of kicks and how much time it takes for the baby to get to 10 movements. However, if you notice a change, contact your doctor immediately.

4. Change in position

Most babies change their position from head-down called the cephalic position, to the ideal position for a vaginal birth. If the baby is head-up, there are still a few more weeks to go until the arrival.

5. Sleep Cycles

Speaking of the upcoming big day, we hope you’re getting some good rest because your little one definitely is. Your baby is preparing for that special day when they get to meet you, and they’re enjoying peaceful sleep with regular patterns of waking and sleeping, just like a contented baby.

6. 32 Weeks Pregnant Cramping

Many pregnant women frequently go through cramps during the last few months of their pregnancy, typically in the form of what are known as Braxton Hicks contractions. These contractions, often called “practice” contractions, don’t lead to actual labor but serve as a way for your body to get ready for childbirth.

32 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms Not To Ignore

What is happening to a mother’s body in the 32nd week of pregnancy? You will start to feel a bit uncomfortable by carrying around the extra weight and blood volume. So, take a break whenever possible, you need to take care of yourself. Here’s what is happening to a mother’s body when 32 weeks pregnant:

1. Shortness of breath

Your uterus grows about five inches above the belly button that results in the lungs getting crowded causing a shortage of breath. Although you must be assured that your baby is getting plenty of oxygen, you’ll need frequent breaks, and do not push yourself harder.

2. Heartburn

It is notorious for experiencing heartburn. Therefore, notice the foods that cause you to flare up, it could be a result of consuming before bed or noshing spicy foods. Consult your doctor before you take the over-the-counter antacid.

3. Urge to nest

The nesting urges might take the form of working on your baby registry, picking nursery colors, or even choosing the softest swaddles.

4. Weird dreams

You may experience wacky dreams as a result of the Pregnancy hormones, trouble sleeping, stress, and anticipation. Consider maintaining a dream journal to look back and read of the wild nighttime visions or can even share it with your future child as you get older.

5. Signs of labor

If you experience any preterm labor signs at week 32 like consistent contractions, bleeding or a change in the vaginal discharge contact your doctor or head to Labor and Delivery right away.

6. Braxton Hicks Contractions

This week, your body might be getting ready for the big day by flexing its muscles, quite literally. If you notice your uterus occasionally tightening or becoming firm, these are what we call Braxton Hicks contractions. They’re like practice contractions, irregular and first appearing around the middle of your pregnancy. As time goes on, they become more frequent and stronger.

Think of these pre-labor contractions as a warm-up before the real deal. Women who’ve been pregnant before tend to feel them earlier and more intensely, while first-time moms might not notice them as much. What do they feel like? It’s like a tightening sensation that starts at the top of your uterus and then spreads downward. These contractions typically last from 15 to 30 seconds, although occasionally they can persist for up to two minutes.

Note: How to differentiate between a Braxton hicks and a regular contraction? By definition, they aren’t painful or as regular, this cramping and tightening sensation only lasts for about a minute or less. You may experience them when dehydrated, after sex, or when you pee. On the other hand, true contractions happen repeatedly are more intense, and take place more often. If the cramping doesn’t go away, and/or gets intense, contact the doctor immediately as it could be a sign of preterm labor.

What Does a 32 Weeks Pregnant Belly Look Like?

You will probably be gaining around a pound per week with half going straight to the growing baby who is perhaps, 17 inches by now! The blood volume, on the other hand, increases by 40-50% from the beginning of your pregnancy. You will be carrying the baby high in the midsection, who will soon drop toward your pelvis called “lightning”. For some, this happens a month before, while for others, it takes place before they deliver or during labor. 

For Some Brownie Points, Here Is A Quick Checklist To Get You Sailing Through The 32nd Week Of Pregnancy:

-Top tip: This is time for leisure and steamy showers! 

-Recipes to try: Dates are now you’re nature’s candy that helps make labor and delivery easier and you are dilated upon admission to the hospital for delivery as compared to the ones who do not consume dates. It is also linked to reduced use of Pitocin. Try recipes with dates in them, like vegan chocolate date smoothies, date energy balls, or savory stuffed dates.

-Helpful hint: If getting a breast pump, check the fit first. Most slip over your nipples and rest against your boobs sized based on the diameter of your nipples. On the other hand, others are like shields, too big or too small leading to discomfort and diminished output. 

-In position: You now know that the ideal birth position for your baby is head down. This doesn’t mean you start to panic if the baby is otherwise. The doctor will track the movement as the weeks pass by, so, there is plenty of time.

To Conclude

Here is a small checklist for a 32 weeks pregnant person:

– Visit your 32-week prenatal visit.

– If you plan to breastfeed, read a book about the same to get ready. If not, make sure the pump attachments fit properly and are ready.

– Visit the hospital’s labor and delivery ward to know what to expect.

– Enjoy the baby shower, if you have one! 

32 Weeks Pregnant FAQs

1. How many months is 32-weeks pregnant ?

You could be 7 or 8 months pregnant. This depends on how you group the weeks of pregnancy into months.

2. What is the position of the baby at 32-weeks ?

At 32 weeks pregnant, your baby is likely getting ready for birth by positioning itself with its head down and feet up in your pelvis. This is a common and ideal position as it helps the baby's head fit nicely in your lower abdomen, creating a pear-shaped uterus.

3. What do the doctors check at a 32-week appointment ?

At your prenatal visit, the doctors will check your weight, urine for protein and sugar, fetal growth, blood pressure, the position of the baby, and fetal heart rate.

4. Why do I experience shortness of breath when 32 weeks pregnant?

Your uterus grows about five inches above the belly button that resulting in the lungs getting crowded causing a shortage of breath. Although you must be assured that your baby is getting plenty of oxygen, you’ll need frequent breaks, and do not push yourself harder.


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