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Pregnant Belly Rub: Can My Baby Feel It? And Much More

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pregnant belly rub

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There’s one thing that most pregnant women (and frankly, certain strangers too!) have in common, rubbing a Pregnant Baby Bump. So have you been rubbing your pregnant belly? And did you wonder if your little one could feel it? The answer is yes, your tiny one can feel your belly rubs and even tend to respond to it.

For some mums-to-be touching, holding, patting, and rubbing their pregnant bellies constantly can be soothing. For other mums, it is a way to feel closer to their babies. No matter the reason, rubbing your pregnant belly is simply a feel-good moment. Want to keep having those feel-good vibes? Read on to know about the science behind pregnant belly rubs and if your baby can feel your touch when you rub your belly. And also all other sweet ways to connect and bond with your little one during your pregnancy!

Pregnant Belly Rubs: Can My Baby Feel It?

The first sense that your baby develops in your womb is touch even before hearing or sight. Science says twin babies regularly touch and interact with each other in the second trimester. The ability to detect changes in light or noises comes later on.

As you rub pregnant belly, you will find your baby’s body parts like its tush (round and soft), its head (round and hard), and its limbs that stick out in every direction. Once you start feeling all its flips and kicks, which is usually around 18 to 22 weeks, your baby too will feel you.

How Will Your Baby React to Pregnant Belly Rubs?

Your little one is going to react positively to pregnant belly rubs. Sonograms have shown that babies show some movement inside their mother’s womb when they touch their bellies during the second and third trimesters. They also tend to show movements when their mother speaks or lay completely still.

The babies move their mouths, heads, and arms when their mother touches their bellies than when they speak. They also respond to the maternal touch during gestation between 21 to 25 weeks of pregnancy.

Bonding With Your Baby During Pregnancy

Rubbing your pregnant belly is the most interactive way to communicate with the little human inside you. In addition to that, there are some other ways you can forge a strong bond with your baby in utero. Here are some such ideas.

1.     Play a Tune

Put on your favorite music so that your little one can too hear them. Halfway through your pregnancy, he or she will be able to hear muffled sounds. Music has been shown to soothe the mind and soul and it is a great way for both of you to be in a feel-good space. These vibes release hormones that relax your muscles and make you feel at peace which is very important for your baby as well as he or she can sense your tense mind.

2.     Chat With Your Baby

If your baby can hear music then he can hear whatever you are speaking. It may not understand but sounds always catch their attention. So describe to him the weather or what you are working on or simply narrate all the chores you did or are doing. These are small yet significant ways to create an attachment with your baby from the beginning. This way after birth your baby will immediately recognize and respond to the sound of your voice.

3.     Read to Your Baby

Yes, might sound bizarre to you but nope it’s not. You are never too early to instill a love for language. You must have been collecting baby books for your tiny tot’s arrival so open a few of them and start reading.

4.     Keep a Journal

Write down your thoughts in a diary or keep a book for your baby. You can personalize it by adding your baby’s sonogram pictures or any pictures that make your day feel beautiful. Also, you may include pictures of yourself and your big belly, all the names you are considering, any medical reports, and other fun things that must have occurred during each trimester.

Pregnant Belly Rubs Final Words:

Pregnant belly rubs are the most intimate and gentle way to bond with your little one and show your love. Rub pregnant belly whenever you feel like bonding, or whenever you need a lift of mood. It is always the best way to communicate your feelings towards your baby. You could also sing a special song, read a story you like to create that maternal attachment with your little one.

Pregnant Belly Rub: Can My Baby Feel It? And Much More FAQs

1. Is it good to rub your belly while pregnant?

You may massage your own baby bump or ask your partner to do so. There is no evident harm that might occur when you rub a pregnant belly unless you use brute force. Just to be on the safe side, you may hold the pregnant belly rubs for the first three months.

2. Can I rub my pregnant belly?

Four months into your pregnancy you can start rubbing your pregnant belly. During this time your baby will also feel the gentle touch when you stroke the skin of your tummy. You can rub your hand against your belly, stroke it, or gently push. You will notice that your baby is responding with gentle kicks or by curling up.

3. What are the benefits of rubbing a pregnant belly?

The love hormone, Oxytocin, is released when you massage or rub your pregnant belly. The rubbing stimulates the release of oxytocin in small doses and makes you feel loved. It is typically released during acts of emotional connection, massage, touch, and appreciation.

4. Why do pregnant women rub their bellies?

Pregnant belly rubs are a way of communicating with your little one to increase attachment and create an intimate bond. Often pregnant women rub their bellies due to skin irritation. When the baby bump increases in size, the stretching of the skin causes it to be tighter. Rubbing a pregnant belly will ease these woes.

5. Can my baby feel my emotions?

The sensitivity of the infants varies from individual to individual but babies do sense and accordingly react to their mother’s emotional other words, they pick up whatever you give off.

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