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23 Weeks Pregnant – Symptoms, Baby Development, Tips

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23 Weeks Pregnant

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You are almost halfway through your pregnancy on the 23rd week and your body is getting prepped up for lactation at the same time your baby has started developing their lungs. Your baby is 11.4 inches long and weighs 1.1 pounds on the 23rd week of pregnancy.

Want to know about 23 weeks pregnant belly? Well, At 23 weeks pregnant, your belly is likely to be noticeably round and more pronounced. The size of your belly can vary based on your body type, the position of the baby, and whether it’s your first pregnancy or not. On average, at 23 weeks, your uterus is about 1.5 to 2 inches above your belly button.

Although, it is important to note that every pregnancy is unique, so the size and shape of your belly can differ from others. If you have concerns about the size of your belly or your overall pregnancy progress, it’s best to consult with your healthcare provider. They can assess your individual situation and provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs.

So what else is happening to the baby in the 23 weeks of pregnancy?

Your baby is still translucent at 23 weeks—but that’s beginning to transform as soon as it starts to build muscle. 

Here’s what is happening to a mother’s body in the 23rd week of pregnancy-

1. Breathing practice

Blood vessels in the lungs of the baby are forming to assist them to breathe. (While they are in the uterus, they are breathing amniotic fluids.)

2. Vital development

Your baby will develop extremely quickly in the next month, doubling its weight in just four weeks by receiving approximately six ounces each week.

3. Strong heartbeat

When you’re 23 weeks pregnant, your child’s heartbeat is so strong that you can hear it via a stethoscope.

What happens to a mother’s body in the 23rd week of pregnancy?

From dripping breasts to trembling to a continuous necessity to urinate, you might have a ton going on at the moment! Here’s the rundown of some of what you might experience when you’re pregnant for 23 weeks.

1. Leaky boobs

As your boobs shift from beauty to lactation, you can note a little colostrum or pre-milk leakage. (A few nursing pads might be extremely useful.)

2. Darker nipples

Your nipples can also begin to darken and pop out slightly. It’s perfectly natural. They’re going to revert to their lighter color once you start breastfeeding.

3. Swollen feet and ankles

Pregnant women prefer to hold water, which induces slight swelling. To cope with that too, pick your legs up when you sit down, switch positions frequently, and exercise daily. Even though it appears counter-intuitive, drink lots of fluids to reduce the chance of dehydration. Extreme or unexpected swelling is a reason for concern, as it can be a symptom of preeclampsia. Inform your healthcare professional if you are worried about this.

4. Strange cravings

Pregnant women are famed for their eating habits, but what if you’ve got a weird need for something that isn’t edible? Say that to your gynecologist! Non-food cravings may often be an indication of a disorder called pica. If you want something weird, like clay, mud, or cornstarch, it could be a signal of insufficient iron or other nutrient deficiencies. Your medical professional will examine you and support you so that you can go back to the cravings for hot chocolate.

5. Frequent bathroom breaks

Your child is developing rapidly to start placing weight on your bladder. It’s very normal to have to pee a lot or even leak a little.

6. Vaginal Discharge Is Normal

Don’t want to make it awkward, but often you need someone else to tell you what’s happening in your underpants. It is common to have a spike in vaginal discharge during pregnancy. (This is called leukorrhea.) 

But there are a few things to watch out for: 

  • Fishy-smelling post-sex discharge: This is a symptom of bacterial vaginosis, a prevalent vaginal infection. 
  • Yellow-green, brown, green, pink-tinted, or yellow discharge: This could mean that you have an STD. 
  • Constant clear fluid: This may be the rupture of your amniotic sac. Uncertain if it’s a little bladder leaking or an amniotic fluid leakage? Generally, the amniotic fluid is odorless and occurs either in a squirt or a flow that doesn’t end. If you believe that this is an amnio, seek medical care instantly. 
  • Itchiness: It may be linked to bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, or STD. Get it tested out. 

All these problems can be dealt with, so call your doctor if you feel anything is going to happen.

What would your belly look like in the 23rd week of pregnancy?

Weight gain is supposed to stay constant at around a pound per week now and before you give birth. 

Your baby will possibly give you small movements and kicks at 23 weeks. You might also see your whole belly shifting when they twirl over. That could be truly spectacular.

In Conclusion

Not decided on your baby shower guest list till now? 

Well, it’s high time that you start planning on such things, for instance, your baby’s bag with all the essentials like wipes, clothes and spare cotton pads, and much more would need once they arrive.

23 Weeks Pregnant FAQs:

1. At what point you should talk about the artificial induction of labor?

Labor induction is used when medically suggested that the child is better on the outside than on the inside. Sadly, social induction or labor induction for no medical purpose has become common. While there are a lot of hypotheses about why; be certain to speak to your doctor about using induction carefully to secure you and your child.

2. What is Fundal height?

Fundal height—the gap between your pubic bone and the top of the uterus—is normally between 21 and 25 centimeters at 23 weeks.

3. Could you get your backaches if you are pregnant for 23 weeks?

Backaches are particularly prevalent among women who are 23 weeks pregnant. Discomfort, on the other side, maybe a matter of concern, so inform your doctor if it hurts a lot.

4. How big is my baby at 23 weeks pregnant?

At 23 weeks, your baby is approximately the size of a large mango, measuring around 11-12 inches long and weighing about 1 pound.

5. What are the common symptoms I might experience at 23 weeks pregnant?

Common symptoms at this stage include backaches, leg cramps, swelling in ankles and feet, and increased vaginal discharge. Many women also feel the baby's movements more distinctly.

6. Is it normal to experience Braxton Hicks contractions at 23 weeks?

Yes, experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, which are sporadic and mild contractions that prepare your body for labor, is common during the second trimester. If they become regular or painful, consult your healthcare provider.

7. How should I deal with the back pain I'm experiencing?

To alleviate back pain, maintain proper posture, wear supportive shoes, and consider prenatal yoga or gentle exercises. Applying heat or cold packs and getting regular prenatal massages can also provide relief.

8. What tests or screenings should I expect during the 23rd week of pregnancy?

Around 24-28 weeks, you'll have a glucose screening test for gestational diabetes. Your healthcare provider may also recommend an Rh factor blood test if you are Rh-negative.

9. Can I still exercise at 23 weeks pregnant?

Yes, most pregnant women can continue exercising at this stage. Opt for low-impact activities like walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting or continuing any exercise routine.

10. How can I prepare for the baby's arrival at 23 weeks pregnant?

Use this time to research baby gear, plan the nursery, and consider childbirth education classes. It's also a good time to discuss birth preferences and create a birth plan with your healthcare provider and birthing team.

On behalf of the editorial team at Parenthoodbliss, we follow strict reporting guidelines and only use credible sources, along with peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and highly respected health organizations. To learn about how we maintain content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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